Stay Healthy - Physically & Mentally

Do your best to stay healthy and take care of yourself

  1. Exercise - I walk and walk and walk, elliptical, water walk, swimming. I move to manage the grief.

  2. Healthy cooking/eating worked for me

  3. Meditate - YouTube has many guided meditations

  4. Practice Mindfulness - YouTube has mindfulness videos- search for Thich Nhat Hanh

  5. Take a long Hot Shower

  6. Get a Massages or use a massage mat or get into a hot tub.

  7. Try anxiety reduction techniques

  8. Deep breathing

  9. Try tapping

  10. Chamomile Tea and other herbal teas

  11. One Word Stress Relief Article

  12. Take virtual field trips to great places like the Holy Land distract your mind. See my Leo & Ed Holy Land tab