#16 - Minin' 'n' Talkin'

The day is Monday, October 2nd, 2023. Day 16. I almost fell down a huge cave accidentally today, but I explored it and it had quite nice stuff inside.

Dropped Down Near a Huge Hole

The search for a cave to spend a little time in begins. Down at the entry point of the Hole of Evil in the making, we had to close down a cave entrance, but maybe we can head down there for now. Opening up the entrance though, it turns out that it’s just a tiny hole leading nowhere. The search goes on. And we find something - not a cave, but some coal in the mountainside.

We stroll past the cave with the marked entrance to find a different one. While walking through the darkness we fall down a mountain, and almost into a big cave entrance which looks interesting enough to head inside. And it does turn out to look quite big the further down we go. Success!

Predicting the (Past) Future

This cave hides a lot of materials like coal and some iron here and there. A big drop down with a waterfall is a bit too scary to go down at the moment. At this point, I’m talking about the Blind Guardian concert that happened a few days ago by the time this comes out. But by the time it was recorded, it was still a week away, and by the time I’m writing this text it’s about 24 hours away. So I still can’t know how it was, but I’ll predict it was an amazing show and I shed some tears during the Bard’s Song. Which is pretty much inevitable.

(Update: the prediction was correct!)

And more talking and more talking while we head back out of the cave with a few new ores. Extended weekend stuff, yesterday’s videos and stuff, go check out my song “Walk Amongst the Stars” used in some of the episodes, released yesterday on the channel. It’s not the song playing in the background right there though, that’s from Fable.

Back up at the surface, of course we collect some more wool from the sheep and find a little more coal in the mountainsides. And while doing that, you get to hear more and more talking about my music taste and projects and stuff like that.

Clueless Wandering

Yeah, a lot of off-topic commentary happening today. And not much gets done because of that, like for example walking in circles through the beach house while we’re supposed to be smelting the iron we got for buckets. Buckets are what we need for the waterfalls in the Hole of Evil. Also we make an axe for later, and forget that we have a lot of cobblestones in the chest.

Iron is smelted, buckets are in the making, buckets are finished, torches are made, and once again we head out into the daylight, back to the hole.