#12 - An ol' Classic in the Making

The day is Wednesday, September 27th, 2023. Day 12. Another operation is starting… this one is more diabolical, and it will hopefully give me some nice materials…

The Halloween Update

A new recording and a new version - Alpha 1.2 is out now! Well, actually it’s not October 2010 (even though it would be cool). But this new version brings stuff we cannot look at yet like the Nether, and stuff we can technically do soon, like fishing or finding pumpkins. Also, the stair direction bug was fixed, so we can make a bigger couch, which might take up a little too much space actually.

We smelt our very first iron - and it will come into use in a few days time for sure. For now we head outside after enabling mobs, and get some sugar canes while looking out for the evil creatures of the night. Speaking of creatures of the night, once daytime hits we will start building a diabolical yet classic trap for these monsters - in fact, the first one I ever built in Minecraft, the good ol’ cactus trap.

Romantic Sunrise

To the sound of a creepy numbers station we bravely fight spiders and a horde of zombies with our trusty sword of stone until the sun starts rising. However we’re only brave until a creeper gets a bit too close for comfort. Retreating back home, another new feature of Alpha 1.2 (the Halloween update) appears - the beautiful red sunrise that we all know and love today had its debut in this version!

We just keep on watching the sunrise for a while until the sky is blue and boring again - and then we see sheep in the distance! So once again, let’s get their wool for the future mansion on the hill while looking for a place to build the mentioned cactus trap. And while we’re in the building phase for it, we will disable mobs until it’s finished.

A Diabolical Cactus Trap

A good spot for the trap was found, the terrain goes downhill to the middle naturally here, which is lovely for our plans. To simply explain a cactus trap: water go down hole, cactus in middle of hole, mob float down to cactus, mob die. Understood? I hope so.

To make water go down a hole, we obviously need a hole first. So let’s dig out a nice 7x7 hole, with the center being marked by nature. Without a shovel, it’s going to take a while though. And a while. And an even longer while. And it’s done. But we will need to dig deeper. Before that, let’s make space for future waterfalls. A tree is in the way, so chopping it down is the way. But now a problem becomes clear that appeared in the Halloween update - leaves don’t decay automatically if a tree is chopped down. Which means we have to manually remove them. Yay.