#15 - Evil Hole with Killer Cacti

The day is Saturday, September 30th, 2023. Day 15. Can’t wait to be a mob killer! I may need to stop walking around aimlessly though…

Heading in a New Direction

We finally have a chest now, and right away we use it to deposit some stuff we don’t necessarily need to keep with us all the time. Simultaneously we smelt a little bit of sand, and just like that the beach house is back in action once again. A few storage decisions later, it’s daytime again and we head out to look for sheep AKA potential future hole visitors, seeing a lot of them in the near distance.

While walking through the area we spot a deep hole in the middle of the land, which doesn’t lead to anything apparently. And suddenly we see a lot of water with some islands - an area we haven’t explored yet! An island with a door-like entrance looks interesting enough, so does the water that does not flow into the entrance for some reason.

New Cacti and Complete Confusion

We turn back around to explore more at a later point and see another huge entrance in the mountainside - which once again just leads to nothing… sad times. Well, I guess it’s time to return to the Hole of Evil then. The cacti have grown, which means we can break them and place them again now, and we actually have the perfect amount of cacti to place. And now that they’re growing, of course it’s time for sheep whacking, our favorite activity at this point.

And while talking about the darker grass in this version and another region we need to explore soon, we find our way back to the beach house… why exactly? I honestly don’t know. What I do know is that the “TV” looks bad. And that we can store more stuff in the chest. And that we don’t have strings to make a fishing rod. More sad times.

Yay for Productivity!

In an attempt to be a little productive at the beach house, we continue filling in the ceiling with a whole two blocks. After this huge project, we change the path down into the basement from a ladder to a staircase. Doesn’t look too bad, even though it could be much better. Enough work for today, let’s relax in the pool.

Well, maybe not, it could get boring. We could just continue working on the Hole of Evil, but instead we decide to go mining a little bit. Without a pickaxe, that’s not a good plan though. So, with four more of them in our bags (and one less egg), we head out into the dark night.