Group Engagement

Photo of jellyfish interactions by Sean Kiley on Unsplash

Goal: In the moment understanding of different perspectives

Have a group and want to get a sense of how they're feeling? Google Jamboard can be really fun for supporting that.

  1. Setup: Jamboard (and similar tools like allow participants to post notes and move them around freely. It's interactive and pretty fun.

    • Go over instructions on how to post so they know .

  2. Privacy:

    • Remind potential participants that they can use incognito browsers to ensure anonymity.

    • For your jamboard files to be anonymous, make sure the link sharing permissions "anyone with the link can edit".

  3. At the time - it can be silent crickets. There can also be discomfort around putting yourself out there. Get more responses from your participants using a 3-2-1 countdown that asks all to post at the same time.

  4. Once you have perspectives out there, group them or arrange them on a line.

Interactive audience participation example

Shugerman, S.R., Lenahan, K., Marriott, L.K., Empey, A., Rasmussen-Rehkopf, S., Shannon, J. (2021, May 21). OHSU's Own: Innovative Pathways Initiatives, and Who/What Made a Difference for You? OHSU Educational Excellence Symposium. Portland, Oregon.

About Jamboard

It's simple and free. You can adjust slide backgrounds using instructions online.