

The data collection approach you choose should be guided by your research question. It's something we say a lot, but nothing is more true. Explore some of the most frequently used qualitative approaches to see what fits best.

Observational Methods

Observe from a distance. Record your observations.

Learn more about Observational Methods


Talk 1-on-1 or as a small group. Have pre-determined questions or let it flow.

Learn more about Interviews

Focus Groups

Interviews, but with a larger group where encouraging conversation between the group members is the key part. What will you learn by their talking together?

Learn more about Focus Groups


Take pictures around a topic. Describe what those pictures mean in words. Summarize themes for community display.

Learn more about photovoice quickly or more in depth

Group Engagement

Maybe you don't need anything formal. You just want some quick ways to engage a group.

Learn more about Group Engagement