Learn Qualitative Methods

Qualitative Methods for Health Professionals

Welcome to qualitative methods!  

Learn the science and art of using qualitative approaches in your research.  This is a companion site to UNI 504: Qualitative Methods for Health Professionals, an interprofessional class at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Oregon.  This site is designed to support current students, class alums, and community members interested in learning more about these awesome methods.  Welcome all!

What are qualitative methods?

These are things you do all the time, only applied to research.

Often considered a research field that is the opposite of numbers (quantitative methods), that couldn't be further from the truth.  The difference is often simply the source of data -- with qualitative sources including text, pictures, and sound.   Technically, those sources can be analyzed quantitatively, too (e.g., word counts, pixels, decibels), but if you're trying to understand meaning, context, barriers, or supports - particularly in health fields -- look to qualitative methods as a go-to for your toolkit.

Essentially, it's summarizing themes to better understand an issue.  It's a great way to make the world a better place.  


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Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash 

Getting Started

Tips when planning your research study.  Best practices to limit bias. Ethical considerations before working with people.  Improve your study's rigor and reproducibility.

Get started in qualitative research


Learn common data collection approaches -- observing, talking, listening, and taking pictures.  Find an approach to match your research question.

Learn about common approaches in qualitative research


Sort and categorize your data.  Understand themes within your data.

Learn about qualitative analysis

Photo by Alex Litvin on Unsplash 

Share your Findings

Summarize themes and share them with others.

Visit our Gallery to see published examples and past projects

Funded by a NIH Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) and an Excellence in DEIA Mentoring award under awards R25GM129840 and R25GM150166 to Lisa Marriott