Global Opportunity:


Globalized Unit Plan

Globalized Unit Plan Englert

Connect Globally! International Learning Opportunities in the Globalized Unit Plan

1. Students will participate in Google Hangouts with other classes that participate in our Google Tour Builder/Google Map project to better undertand our commonalities.

2. Students will use photographs taken of the local murals, architecture, and education system to create postcards with captions on the back summarizing how the photos represent our local community. These postcards will be distributed during the international field experience in India.

3. Students will complete a Sliced Bread Breakout EDU game to review characteristics of our town: The first place sliced bread was made and sold, and the town's mural collection. We will then make this game available to others, and will mail classes a Sliced Bread postcard to use when they play the Breakout EDU game.

4. Students will build tours in Google Tour Builder to better understand the art, architecture, and education system in our community. They will view and use the tours built by other classes to compare and contrast art, architecture, and education systems.

5. A day in the life of our school. Students will work with a partner or in small groups to create a photo series or a video in Adobe Spark to show a day in the life of our school. These will be shared with students during the international field experience.

Connect Locally! Local Resources

1. Main Street Chillicothe provided historical information about Chillicothe being known as the "Home of Sliced Bread" and information about the local mural art, and related tourism.

2. The Chillicothe Education Foundation provided grant funds to purchase materials to enhance the globalized unit plan.

3. Kelly Polling is the local artist who painted the murals in town. We will discuss how the murals represent our community. We will discuss how this understanding can help us better understand how art represents other communities.

4. The Grand River Historical Society is a museum located in Chillicothe, Missouri. Currently it has one of the first commercial bread slicing machines on loan from the Smithsonian Institution.