
Connect with classrooms around the world

Belouga provides the opportunity for students to connect with other classrooms around the world. Students can collaborate on projects and use open messaging and video chat. Teachers can monitor student work and engagement through the platform.

ePals offers collaborative classroom projects through a virtual pen pal exchange. This gives students the chance to build connections and participate in challenges offered on the platform.

Empatico connects students around the world in real time while utilizing standards-based content.

This peer-to-peer learning program designed for students ages 10 to 13, Global Scholars develops cultural understanding and global competency. Curriculum is provided, and professional development is offered for teachers.

Through iEARN, students participate in a global service-learning projects. They collaborate in the general discussion space, connect in the project space, and communicate in the learning circles space.

Nepris provides the unique opportunity for students to connect with industry professionals. Teachers can browse industry chats or session topics, request live virtual sessions, or search the video library to find recorded chats that meet content needs.

Students can participate in Out of Eden's 8-12 week long learning journey to connect the local to the global. Classrooms partner with a group similar in age, diverse in geographic location, and exchange stories and perspectives.

The Wonderment connects your class with other classrooms or clubs to collaborate on projects. Teachers will appreciate that the site is moderated and filtered.