
Design Thinking and STEM

At Design Thinking for Educators, teachers can download the design toolkit, view design examples, and share their own stories.

IDEO founder, David Kelley, helped make the switch from design to design thinking. Use this website to find insights for innovation, learn how to take your ideas to the action phase, develop your storytelling for influence skills, and become a creative leader.

The High Hopes Project features blog posts about a Global STEM Learning Project which focuses on characteristics of the earth's atmosphere. Users will also find examples of global collaboration and STEM.

From the at Stanford University, Tools for Taking Action has a collection of design thinking resources, virtual crash courses in design thinking, and design thinking artifacts.

The World Smarts STEM Challenge pairs high school teachers and students from different countries in gender-balanced, collaborative teams to create solutions to global problems. Their work is inspired by the UN Sustainable Development Goals, also known as the SDGs.

Impactful Videos

The danger of a single story - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichi

The World Is As Big Or As Small As You Make

What does it mean to be a citizen of the world? Hugh Evans

Global Ethic vs. National Interest - Gordon Brown

Don't ask where I'm from, ask where I'm a local - Taiye Selasi

Global Competence and its Significance to the American Education System