March means that spring is finally here, and no doubt, many people are finding unique ways to get inspiration, from spring cleaning to spring break ideas. Since many of us have ramped up our cleaning routine at home, from once a week to almost everyday due to the widespread viral infection, I'm sure you are not jumping at the chance to clean your cubicle.

But since this pandemic brought our OCDness into a whole new different level, why should our work life miss out? It is true, your environment affects your mood and overall wellness. Cleaning up your workspace can help you better focus and stay more efficient. Or at least make it smell nicer.

Here are a few simple steps you can revitalize your cube in no time.

  1. Rid of the Junk. Do you keep not one, not two, but 3 coffee cups in your desk? Maybe it's time to take some of those home with you. And this applies to other stuff you have in your desk like overflowing pens and pencils, some are out of ink or lead. Those snacks you have stashed in your bottom drawer? Rid of anything questionable, like stale crackers or expired tea bags. Transfer everything else into a sealed clear container for easy storage and access.

  2. Organize your Drawers. Familiar with the grown-up version of hoarder syndrome: that tendency to hang onto every single paper and file that crosses your desk, thinking that you'll eventually need to reference it again? Well, it's time to get organized. Throw or shred anything that is clearly outdated or unnecessary -- old files and documents. Box them up and place at a nearby storage area. Investing in a filing system with clear labels, alphabetically hanging them in drawer can save you time from searching through them when you need to.

  3. Clear your Workspace. Try to clear your workspace with items you don't generally use everyday. Place them all neatly in your drawers, and leave your most used items like your laptop, stash of pens and post-it notes out in the open.The truth is, a cluttered desk isn't only inefficient, but a constant, in-your-face to do list.

  4. Actually Clean. Although our office is cleaned periodically, but with an entire building to clean, the janitorial staff probably won't get to all the ins and outs of every workspace. Even though the thought of cleaning dreads you the most, remember that once you've cleared out all the clutter (shake out the cracker crumbs from your keyboard, dust your computer screen, etc.) it'l be a breeze. You don't need to scrub every nook and cranny with a toothbrush, of course--but the job won't feel 100% complete until you actually get rid of the dust.

  5. Spruce it Up. Spring cleaning is not just about clearing out clutter. It is also about having a workspace that inspires you. So add a few motivating posters to your cubicle wall, pick out some colorful new desk accessories, or adapt a cute little plant--whatever it takes to bring out the spring time into your windowless cube.

When the clutter is cleared away, breathe in that fresh springtime air, and kick back and relax—er, get back to work.

A Message From Our CEO

Happy New Year Team LBU!

Thank you all for a great year together, in spite of the challenging times we faced! Every single one of you stepped up and kicked ass through this pandemic and how lucky we were to have been able to not just survive, but to THRIVE!! Thank you Team LBU!!

Have a fabulous New Year Team and let’s look forward to a SWEET 2021 together! ;-)

Much Love...



Pricing Now Available on our Website!

Answer the Controversial Question:

Why You Should Publish Pricing Online?

Truth be told, business owners shy away from advertising the single, possibly most important piece of information any buyer or customer is interested in -- PRICING. Many believe that publicly advertising and posting your pricing online can result to buyer's sticker shock. You lose potential buyers, and worse, they may never come back. Some may argue that once a customer sees your price, it triggers a search to other competitor's price. Customers usually end up choosing the lower option leaving you no room to demonstrate why your product is far better than your competitors.

In some cases, these arguments have basis. There are businesses that surely do need to demonstrate their value before they quote a price, or else they risk scaring potential clients. Two major things we can assume about these types of businesses is that, first, they have a weak online presence, which leaves them little to no room to demonstrate their value. In this case, they need real-life interaction to prove they are worth the time. Second, these businesses often seek any customers -- including those who are price shopping.

However, LBU, Inc. have a distinct and compelling brand. As a domestic leading manufacturer of promotional products, with a full in-house capability to customize and curate the most remarkable designs, and provides a quick turn around time, leaves us with authority-building content to make our case extremely captivating.

Let us list a few of the reason why posting our prices is a game changer:

  1. It saves time while helping you own the price conversation.

  2. Brand Integrity. Being upfront about our pricing helps takes some of the guesswork out. Instead, customers can focus on the fun stuff like design, materials, etc.

  3. Avoid the uncomfortable budget question. The truth is, budgets are never set in stone for clients who wants to purchase a service or product that represents their brand.

  4. Know where to focus our time. Focus on the substance - the value that we provide. No matter where pricing comes in, even if competitors steal our price points, it won't matter since we are demonstrating and delivering higher value.

  5. Openly demonstrate our success. As we get better at our process and increase the value of what we deliver, demand for our services goes up!

If we can back our prices up with real value, by the tine the right people get on the phone with our sales team, they practically have already sold themselves to hiring us!

And isn't that what we're all go for here?


Walter and Elisa's Customer Feedback!


COVID-19 Vaccine

Vaccinations are underway across New Jersey.

New Jersey will roll out COVID-19 vaccines in a phased approach to all adults who live, work, or are being educated in the State. Within six months, New Jersey aims to vaccinate 70 percent of the adult population.

Pre-Register for the Vaccine

Who Is Eligible For Vaccination

How To Get Vaccinated If You Are Eligible

Click the image to route you to NJ Covid19 Information Hub