
Schedule and hours

I recommend you to arrive Sunday evening August the 13th.
You can arrive earlier during the Sunday, but I open the house Sunday 5pm and food will be served around 6 - 7PM

The course starts Monday morning the 14th with breakfast 08 - 08.45 and ends with lunch at 15.00 Friday Aug 18th. Before 11AM the house must be cleaned. After lunch we can make a grand finale in the big Hall on the other side of the bridge where we do  salmon watching. We also spend the evenings in The Hall.

Together we may modify the contents and schedule if it benefits the course.

Lesson time is 9 AM to 5 PM (09 - 17) including FIKA (coffee & tea) breaks and a fantastic lunch in a beautiful restaurant.

Every morning we dance together. It is a great way to start the day.

Thursday evening we have a big party in The Hall. Friends and relatives are welcome. After dinner those who wish can perform.. You can always contribute with something, not necessarily folk music or even music. It is always successful.

We strongly encourage you to bring all kinds of recording devices, especially video. Please make sure to bring charger and a lot/hours of battery and recording capacity.

We will provide some short, extra private lessons, as much as time permits. Please remember to ask for it. 

The evenings will be free for singing, playing and dancing or whatever you come up with, not planned by the staff. There is space in- and outdoors so you are welcome with initiatives. Or to just relax.