Laxön Nyckelharpa and violin Folk Music Course

Hej spelman, om det är snårigt med engelskan får du gärna höra av dig så får du informationen på svenska, ring Leif 0706 38 33 53.På den här kursen kan du vara allt från ren nybörjare till skicklig på fiol och nyckelharpa. Vi är tre yrkeskunniga lärare -riksspelmän + fyra  lärarassistenter, som vänligt och tålmodigt lotsar dig framåt.
If english is not your language, please contact me and I'll help you in other ways.
Please also forward this information to other fiddlers and newsletters.  We only have 25 beds for staff and course members.

Dear friends of folk music near and far: Welcome August 14 - 18 2023 to the 12th Folk music course on Laxön, in the Byss-Calle village Alvkarleby/Älvkarleby near the mouth of Dalalven/Dalälven in northern Uppland - home of the nyckelharpa and with deep traditions in fiddle playing, and the Byss-Calle spelmansstämma Sunday the 20th.
This is a non profit business of mine. I do it for the sake of love of others, of our culture and sharing.  Together is the best we can be and to merge in the same purpose.

August 2017 we welcomed 21 folk musicians from four continents, some of them with accompanying spouses and friends, 2018 from “only” three continents. 2019 was intended to be our 10th and last course, but the response from the students was so overwhelming that Leif decided to continue. 2022 was a big success, mainly because of the nice  mood among everyone involved. A big part of the family feeling is created by Marianne, our kitchen Queen, who is always there with good humor and tasty surprises for us. 

Please see the other pages for more info.

With upstroke and welcome,

Edward, Petrus, Marianne
Jan, Per-Ola, Christer
and Leif, who wrote.

Voices from "the Family" (past students) 

"First, thank you (again!) for the very good week at Laxön. I am so glad I made the trip to attend, and to see relatives and friends. It is truly one of the best things in my life. It helps balance the craziness of the world out there, which is so out of balance. Thank you so much for everything you do to make it happen. I know how much work it is. Again, can I reiterate my thanks for this years course, and for next years already! I know it will be a great success!  Just to clarify, I will definitely be there next year!"

"Right, my honest thoughts of the Laxön course are that I've never felt so welcomed, encouraged, and inspired by a group of strangers before. Everyone that came to the course were brimming with enthusiasm, especially the teachers, and it was very contagious! It felt like a family reunion, even though I'd met lots of you for the first time."

"You live up to the demands of mixing group lessons with whiles of private practising in between." 

"The teachers and the assistant teachers, were teaching differently but live up to the same quality."

"It was good to meet the same topics from different aspects."

"Dancing mornings and evenings add a lot to the quality and feeling."