Price and registration

Course fee

The fee is the same as 2022: SEK6800- counted from Monday morning through Friday lunch.
This includes food, fika, lodging, teaching, some evening activities and transportation from and to the Älvkarleby train station.
You can compare this low fee with any all-inclusive holiday. The staff serving you consists of 9 people.


Evening meal, fika and bed Sunday the 13th at 5 PM to Monday before breakfast is SEK 360 extra.
If you do not eat, SEK 250 - 275 extra, depending on kind of room. Prices for 2023 might be a little higher.
Bed linen and towel costs SEK 175 extra for the week. If you come by car you can bring your own.

Cancellation fee

To save fiddlers from other countries unnecessary trouble we do not require a registration fee. 

Most fiddlers are helpful friends. But, because of sad experiences, we inform you that if you sign off after

If you are in doubt, if something serious has happened in your nearest family or if you have have a new  medical certificate (from July - Aug 2023), please contact Leif (see below).  No contact is bad contact.


Please make your registration as soon as possible, or make your preliminary registration, by sending an email to 

When registering, please answer the following questions

The ability of the staff is wide. Please help us to make this a good experience and memory for you by telling us before and during the course what you wish. Thanks for your cooperation and keep swinging.

Before July 15th please pay the fee of SEK 6800  via 


In mid June I will email those who have registered all details for WISE and IBAN.

Terms and conditions

Anything in the text above might be subject to changes depending on the covid situation and what Leif is able to implement.
Leif's responsibility for the course begins in the morning of Monday the 14th.
Leif takes no responsibility for anything concerning the Covid pandemic, your bookings and your travelling.
Before booking a flight, please check the situation with Leif.