Laws of The Telestial Kingdom


By Archangel Michael (Adam)

who is Adam of the Old Testament known as Ancient of Days and ONE LIKE the Son of Man

God The Father (Elohim) = Christ's literal Father  (John 14:28 KJV)

Jesus Christ = Son of God, Son of Man  (John 3:16 KJV)

Adam = One LIKE The Son of Man (Daniel 7:13-14 KJV)


(Life after earth life for those not worthy to live with God The Father or Jesus Christ)

"There are 3 degrees of Glory after the Final Judgement" "Celestial, Terrestrial, Telestial" 1 Corinthians 15:40-42
-Adam of the Old Testament

 "66.6 (how the number of the beast came to be) percent of the entire (filthy) world that ever lived on earth will only obtain the Telestial Kingdom (in which I will be in charge of), a sad reality for God The Father, Jesus Christ and myself as it's the lowest degree after earth life" 

-Adam of the Old Testament



"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be

To all these things, I Adam, humbly testify and bear my solemn witness that they are true, here is the wisdom:

People who commit suicide along with sign seekers, murderers, adulterers, sorcerers, pedophiles, whore mongers, apostates, idolaters, atheists, cowards, false prophets. The loathsome character will end up here. The liar who hides and mocks God will end up here. 

These Telestial people selfishly chose against God the Father and Jesus Christ for ego, gain, power and money during their existence on earth.

Every kindred, tongue, people and nation of the human race that ever lived, consciously choosing evil over good as they became this Telestial character, will end up here. Those that willingly chose man's ways over God's will end up here as well as what God originally made them. 

To anyone who made the Master Mahan allegiance, will abide for eternity in this Kingdom as this is the Law. 

These are those who loved to make a lie over truth and this will be their eternal destiny.

Those who consistently broke the 10 commandments will end up here. 

I (Adam) will be responsible (God of the Telestial Kingdom) for these people as you will read below and this is for eternity. 

61:17 And with this Son of man shall they dwell, eat, lie down, and rise up, for ever and ever

-Book of Enoch 61 



Please Read: Book of Enoch Chapter 61

Please Read: Sacred Book of Adam

which will lead you back to Bible and Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants etc.

"Many will deny these writings in the last day. When they realize they are true? It will be too late for most of them"


This sacred text is to testify and fulfill prophecy of Doctrine and Covenants 107:55-57 (written March 28th 1835)

55 And the Lord administered comfort unto Adam, and said unto him: I have set thee to be at the head; a multitude of nations shall come of thee, and thou art a prince over them forever (Telestial Kingdom).

56 And Adam stood up in the midst of the congregation; and, notwithstanding he was bowed down with age, being full of the Holy Ghost, predicted whatsoever should befall his posterity unto the latest generation.

57 These things were all written in the book of Enoch, and are to be testified of in due time.  

I Adam do testify of these things at the 11th hour on the 6th Day of November, for the year 2019 when these sacred writings shall be made public are true. I Adam, do testify in the name of Jesus Christ that these things are true and that God lives. 

45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. 

Daniel 7:13-14

13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.

14 And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom (Telestial Kingdom), that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed.

Revelation 1:12-20

13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man (Adam), clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

I hold the keys of both Heaven and Hell (Revelation 20:1) , the first and last to be born in both generations NOT the Alpha & Omega whom is Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior (Revelation 1:11-13). 

I was the first born and the last to live before the 2nd Coming as spoken in Revelation 1:18 and in for I'm Michael the Archangel who is also Adam.

Like the two Prophets spoken of in Revelation 11:3, I also am here with you now, as well as others from the Old and New Testament, which I reveal shortly to you.

Abraham 3:27-28

27 And the Lord said: Whom shall I bsend? And one answered (Adam) like unto the Son of Man: Here am I, send me. 

And canother answered (Lucifer) and said: Here am I, send me. 

And the Lord said: I will dsend the first.

28 And the asecond (Lucifer) was angry, and kept not his first bestate; and, at that day, many followed after him (When he was cast out and became Satan).

And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know these things are true, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


The Telestial Kingdom an extension of earth life with the veil simply being lifted minus satan and his demons. (Earth life is a probationary state and by your works decides which kingdom you go to). 1 Corinthians 15:40-42, Section 76 Doctrine and Covenants Revelation 20:12-13, James 2:26

Before you move on, know this, I give you a year soon (time of 2nd coming) below: 36  Jesus saith, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father (Elohim) only"-Matthew 24:36 King James Version

They (all people of the Telestial Kingdom) will now always know what they did forever, that GODS live and that there are still consequences for their actions even in this kingdom. (Specifically that Jesus is the Christ and is the literal Son of God. Our Father in Heaven is Elohim and never denied the Holy Ghost). A real test to see how you will live your life and what kingdom in heaven you deserve (Celestial, Terrestrial or Telestial, the lowest degree of glory after death).






This is the Telestial Kingdom known as 0 or TK0. There are 3 greater glories above (within the Telestial Kingdom) and three kingdoms below. For the revelation I give to you now what was made clear to me for the year 2019, when the world will begin to see my writings in the last literal days of earth. For if ye deny this writing(s), ye will find out soon enough they were true insomuch that I'm Christ's Chosen One/Elect One as revelation was given to Isaiah in the 42 chapter of the Old Testament. This is the starting place for the entire world who became Telestial in character and the final judgement by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and they are eternal and shall never pass away. I do solemnly swear these things are true as I know them in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

1 For I am Adam whom is the Chosen one of God who lived for 930 years, the first born of the world. For you will never know the secrets of life intellectually, for the real truth is manifested through to you spiritually which is the Holy Ghost, and by the Power of the Holy Ghost, Ye may know the truth of all things. God created EVERYTHING from existing dark matter. Know that before we were spirits, we were intelligence, with no beginning or end, part of that existing matter. This is one of the great secrets.

The Telestial world will be filled with those blinded by the craftiness of man similar to today's current world. Technically you're living in a telestial time with telestial people on a Telestial earth. This same group of vile individuals will make up the next life called the Telestial Kingdom. And this will be for eternity. This is the Law.

People in this kingdom or any kingdom can always travel anywhere below at anytime. However if you are sentenced to a lower level within this Kingdom, you cannot go above, as this is the Law. It is in this kingdom that all Telestial people will begin after the millennium and final judgement from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


The righteous 3 Nephites and John the Revelator also known as John of Patmos chose these paths on our earth life and are here with you now in these last days as well as Enoch.  I Adam, with Celestial bride Eve, live as "mortals" are back on the earth but will not face death again. Technically we are immortal but feel the same aches and pains as you do. 

Both of these Prophets, Enoch and John the Revelator will die in the streets of Israel in the years ahead as prophesied by John the Revelator in Revelation 11. Both of these prophets never saw death in their 2nd estate until these last days on earth. 

My son Cain who receiveth the "mark" (Mark of Cain) for denying Christ and the Holy Ghost along with killing my other son Abel is also on the earth, and others which I have not yet been made aware of are here. (Read 2 Nephi 5:21 to understand what the "mark" is, that was given to Cain). (Ham, Son of Noah, was also given the mark as in 2 Nephi 5:21, however He is not on the earth in the last days). 

Cain currently walks even today, the earth as a vagabond:

12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth. -Genesis 4:12 KJV

He will eventually rule over satan as a son of perdition in outer darkness. (Outer Darkness or Perdition is not a degree of glory and will be punished for eternity known as perdition). 1/3 of the hosts of heaven that are demons now with satan will be sent here along with people who denied the Holy Ghost. And this is for eternity. 

Cain's punishment will come after the 1000 year Millennium due to what he did to his brother Abel, more importantly denying the Holy Ghost, while creating the first ever secret combination oath called the Master Mahan pact with the serpent himself. 

Anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ or tried a death bed repentance or claim salvation comes by the grace of God only, knowing fully aware of this lie for gain and to bring in the anti-christ, (God saves for eternal life NOT for which kingdom you deserve, 1 Corinthians 15:40) as Faith without Works is dead. (James 2) (Revelation 20:12-13). 

2 Every Telestial soul, after the final judgement of Jesus Christ on earth, will be brought to this Kingdom of glory, They can move up or down depending on their actions and choices in this eternal life as immortals within the Telestial Kingdom. This is called Telestial 0 or TK0. A chart below will show (for now) what kingdoms have been established. After earth life and in the 3 degrees of glory, no one will ever age again. This is one of the great benefits of eternal life, regardless of what degree of glory you have been given. Every person will be supplied with materials to build a home by hand on their land. Details are listed below.

3 There will be free agency but with consequences just like earth. There will be no children born or brought into this world. Every resurrected body here will be the one in Man's perfect state according to God the Father (Elohim) and Jesus Christ. 

As a reminder to their disobedience, people of the Telestial Kingdom will see the Terrestrial and Celestial Kingdoms above them (similar to looking at the moon and sun above you now) which will be visible day and night. Every soul that ever took the Mark of the Beast will be here. And ironically will effect how you can travel within the Kingdoms of Telestial. Read this now (verse 11) to understand how this Law works, and its eternal consequences.  


4 In the beginning there will be no drugs, alcohol or substance. However people have free agency and companies will again (be built) try to manipulate the minds of the people, and they will through nanotechnology tattoo, drugs. The resurrected body will contain no blood. It will be a perfected body that is eternal but can and will feel both the spirit and the wrath of God for eternity depending on one's actions and choices even in this world. 


5 Food will be craved even with a resurrected body, however no death will come to anyone which is an eternal law. Both food and water will not be needed to survive ever again. If ye become closer to the Lord, ye will lose temptations and cravings of the body. This is the Law.

Individual farming will be huge and will grow bigger and faster than earth life. Toilets are not needed. Even with full knowledge of consequences they will continue to sin but there will always be consequences of both good and evil. But the devil shall have no power over them as he is now and forever in outer darkness. Cars will still be driven. Highways will be built to go as fast as they wish in particular areas of this world. Even Celestial and Terrestrial Beings will come for these adventures.


6 God’s army will police the world (Transformer type characters that I will cover below) who were actually the Nephilim from the Old Testament. Their spirits are given a new body, that I can only describe in our last day time as "Transformer" type. 

Men and women can become police. Hospitals are not needed. This truth will surpass all understanding when it is witnessed by Man in this kingdom. There will be other temptations that the earthly mind cannot comprehend and will be discussed at a later time.


7 Companies will be built again with same benefits and problems as before. People will vote on what they want for minimum wage in Kingdom Minus 1 and 2. Man must build again by hand. Telestial 0 world will be about hard work by everyone. People who never worked with their hands will now appreciate those who did before the 2nd Coming. There will be a greater appreciation for blue collar work. People from the Celestial and Terrestrial Kingdoms will be brought here to teach and help in every aspect of life. 

During the 1000 year millennium (After Christ's 2nd Coming) the saints who went during the morning of the 1st resurrection (Celestial) and afternoon of the 2nd resurrection (Terrestrial) will be here to help build a partial world while the Telestial people are with satan and his demons during the 1000 year millennium. The remaining work will be an eternal project after the Telestial "saints" after their arrival. The Sacred Book of Adam will explain that torment that the Telestial people will endure over the 1000 years. 


8 Thunder and Lightning will be more severe and they will feel and know when I’m angry/happy.


9 All music will be allowed and pleasures in life that exist on earth. In the higher laws of the Highest degree of the Telestial Kingdom one can eventually be married (But not recognized Celestially) . He or She must prove their forgiveness and forsake their past. This could be eons and eons of time depending on your choices for this ordinance for those whom desire it. The Laws of Sex have not been made clear to me at this time. Any human who purposely pushed the gay agenda to remove God will be sent here.


10 Someone’s color of skin will be taught the truth about how they came to be including The Mark of Cain and the Curse of Ham as taught in 2 Nephi 5:21. That being said, One's skin color should not be held accountable from what He or She did in the Pre-Existence. Earth life is a second chance. Prove yourself worthy. Don't be of the Telestial Kingdom. Be of the Celestial. Judgement comes from our Lord and Savior and by me. This is the Law.

Everyone will know the truth of how they became. People will judge and remember what their neighbor or government official did to them while they lived on earth and either forget or continue in their ways. Free agency is again the Law of this world and this is eternal.


11 Schools of all kinds will be available. No one will ever stop learning.


12 I will establish a First Presidency, 12 Apostles churches and temples. There will be freedom of religion but everyone will know the truth and never forget. Man in this kingdom will look for ways out. There is none. This is not possible and death cometh to no one. Free agency will continue to reign. Those who wish to attend Church can do so by members of the Church of Jesus Christ who hold the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood who will come and serve those in this Kingdom. 

This life will far surpass earth life. Although a degree of glory, this is of the stars and is not a Celestial or even a Terrestrial life. Those who become part of this world will have to deal with the angels of Christ during the 1000 year millennium. A pain which one cannot bareth but have no choice. Do NOT seek this kingdom as it's of the filthy on earth from the beginning of man to the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.

These were adulterers on earth, sorcerers, sign seekers, liars, etc, people who denied Christ. It would be wise if ye readeth the Sacred Book of Adam to understand how your choices will effect which kingdom you become part of.


13 There will be money and financial gain. The currency will say “IN GOD WE KNOW” (As they now know God Lives and are beyond “trust”). I have not received full revelation on this part of the currency chip. 


14 There will still be liars to say everything was a dream and aliens are coming. The vicious cycle just like earth will begin from where it left off. People will actually try to convince others that earth life was one big dream and not real. Deception will again arise. Free agency will be just that. But people will never forget the truth. Covid 19 will be nothing more than a coronavirus (cold/flu). Do not be afraid as God is in control. There are many lies told by man including, dinosaurs. They are a fabrication perpetrated by man in the last days, as they never existed on earth. 

Anyone knowingly involved of the consequences with Operation Warp Speed which uses Luciferase Gene Load Technology which is implanted into the finger, or by inoculation will be sent to the Telestial Kingdom. Governments would rather push a lie than to tell the truth. It would have been better they not been born than to push this filthy agenda to the human race. AND there WILL be consequences with me after the Millennium for each individual. 

A fake alien invasion will come before the 2nd Coming of Christ. Sometime before the year 2040. Do not believe it. It will be of the devil and of NASA, led by German Klaus Schwab and specifically the "Guardians" by the United States Air force as well as all forms of media. Voice to skull technology will be used by governments around the world to scare many. Don't fall for this satanic trickery. 

Be aware of anyone who pushes this propaganda onto you for it is a lie. It's what's known in these last days as a "military psyop" as all armed forces are behind it. The antichrist will "save" humanity from the "aliens" which will lead to the accepting and push for the Mark of the Beast. You cannot buy or sell without this. Do NOT get this forced agenda as it will cause you to be part of the Telestial Kingdom for all eternity. Turn your life over to God the Father and Jesus Christ. This is the ONLY way. (Read Revelation 20:4 KJV now)

Look for the "True Religion" on earth. It's here and lead by a living Prophet and Apostles. For it is mocked greatly within the world wide web. This is your clue to know that it's true.

Isaiah 2:2 KJV is the how you separate Christ's Church and Temple (Matthew 16:18-19 KJV) from all others, as it's nearly in every kindred, tongue, people and nation in the world. The one and only true gospel of Jesus Christ with the same authority as the Original Church of Jesus Christ and ordained 12 Apostles that are alive and on earth now.

The Apostles and Prophets hold the original Priesthood power on earth. No other church in the world does.

I will help guide you to them now. It's through their last day revelation(s) that will guide you out of the endless woe and misery. It's urgent that you seek their council. The Sacred Book of Adam gets specific about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Space travel is not possible and what you're seeing is CGI after mile 262 which all governments of the world have been in the Master Mahan pact. 

It will lead people to believe that the antichrist is Christ. He is NOT. There will be holograms in the sky that look real. Area 51 is nothing more than a staging ground for weird aircraft. Some are real others are not. Warn your neighbor. Even though it's difficult in the times, love thy neighbor unconditionally and start fresh daily regardless of what happened yesterday. You must endure to the end despite of what comes at you including Deep Fake Technology/AI which you will not be able to discern what is real.


15 All scriptures from earth will be supplied to every home in the Telestial Kingdom. They will never forget. New scriptures will be written. There will be apostles of this earth that will get to use their power along with me and never forget that Elohim will always be in charge along with his beloved Son Jesus Christ. 

My goal will be to find 12 Apostles to develop the new church on this earth but with same ordinances and principals found on earth life of Jesus Christ, but in the meantime will bring 12 from the Celestial Kingdom whom I choose to lead the people in righteousness. (Those 12 are listed below). 

One can again, like earth, one can receive the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods which is how God creates. These are needed for males to enter the Temples around the world in the Telestial Kingdom. You must be worthy to enter. Females cannot hold the Priesthoods of God but can be found worthy just like earth life to enter. This is the Law.


16 There will be entire entertainment, ESPN (if that’s what they choose) to Oscars to movie stars etc. This world will be whatever their hearts desire. The world as you know now will have the same laws that have governed them minus satan and his demons. If one cannot handle this kingdom and wants out, they will be cast out to a degree of the Telestial Kingdom to live in that "torment." Your choices will again become you. To be clear, the Telestial Kingdom far surpasses earth life and one cannot comprehend what they will witness. But this should not be your goal as this is the filthy who denied the Savior of the world. 


17 You will never pray to me for I am not Elohim or Jesus Christ. I'm Adam who became Michael the Archangel who some of you will witness in the year 2038-2044. This is not the 2nd coming but it is the last moments on earth. Revelation has not been made of these details and never will. Only God the Father knows of the time, not even Christ himself of the hour. -Matthew 24:36 KJV

My God is God the Father and Jesus Christ just like you. I will receive council from them as they see fit obviously which is daily, hourly, minute by minute. My eternal life is dedicated to God the Father and Jesus Christ. Do not deny Christ for He is the Messiah and Savior of our world. He has given you countless chances to prove yourself worthy, and many of you mock him daily. And for this you will live in this Telestial Kingdom for all eternity. Turn your life around now as you can become a Celestial Being and remove yourself from the darkness you're living in. Stop being a coward.


18 There will be a second coming on this earth too. No people will not die but they will feel still the wrath of God (me) as Jesus Christ will not even visit, nor will Elohim (God the Father) this world that I must be with for all eternity. Only the Holy Ghost will be with you along with me Adam and my bride Eve.


19 People will be free to choose and do as they will with consequences. There will be prisons but not of bars. It will be Minus 3 or Death Valley. To get out, they must make amends and pay for their serious crimes by a Celestial court who I will determine with the help of my First Council, 12 Apostles and Special Council. There will be a government chosen by the people. You will remember how filthy government became with the people you chose. You get to again make those you choose become the leaders of this world. I warn you now, do not make the same mistakes and learn from the people who blinded you in the first place. Choose God over Man.

This is the only way for true peace. You can become better than you ever thought but you must work at it daily.


20 NFL, NBA, MLB etc will be brought back. Rules will again be made. Again all voted by the people not me. This world is yours to do what you want with it much like earth. Here a shift will be made where many Celestial beings will dominate the NFL, MLB and NBA because of their increase in abilities. This will frustrate many of the athletes who were stars on earth and now being dominated by those who were not stars on earth. 


21 News will be available again and all free agency will return. Telestial is earth life without satan.


22 Telestial people will again choose against Gods and go to dark side trying to still believe they can overcome Elohim, Jesus Christ, The Holy Ghost and Me, Adam. By their works they will be punished and can be subject to lower levels of the Telestial Kingdom. However they can progress to higher kingdoms within the Telestial Kingdom through their righteousness.


23 I will place many things from their old life on earth made available to them immediately including vehicles to motorcycles to familiar stores and homes. But man will need to rebuild most of what they want and how they want it to be. 


24 No one will pay for their home to start with. Each will be given the tools, equipment and materials to begin building a home on their liking and size. Some lots will be bigger than others depending on their righteousness levels during Judgement of The Savior and myself. 

They can obtain bigger and other homes by working for them. Cars will also be provided but limited. Everything must again be built from scratch. Many people from the Celestial and Terrestrial Kingdom will be helping each day to build Telestial 0 or TL0. 

The poor on earth will become the rich and vise versa depending on your true self and how you treated others and the Savior. Like a hard-drive or cloud in the sky that knows all, God knows more as do I too. Justice will be done. And you will be grateful depending on your choices now and then. However this is not a video game and you are very real, not an idea and every decision you make counts. The sciences and people in them who have pushed this will be sent here that knowingly mislead for gain. They are filthy and will pay for eternity. For example, the flat earth push was partly correct. Water always finds its level. We live on the inside of the sphere not the outside of it. It's stationary. There are worlds without numbers that are all made the same. Remember the dome/tent/firmament above you is also below. -Isaiah 40:22

If you can imagine a clear ball or snow globe. This is your earth. Those corporations and governments that pushed the lie for gain and power will be sent here. Directed energy weapons are real and they're being used in the last days by governments so that they may trick you. 

All space agencies are filthy and worship the sun god Apollo. -Revelation 9:11 KJV. It's why most moon missions were named after him. Apollo is on the earth now. I'm forbidden to give you his name. The entertainment industry uses the satanic symbols to promote Apollo usually over one eye giving the A-OK symbol. It represents his one eye that will have been hurt found in Revelation 11. Read this chapter many times as blessing will pour out for your understanding. The Bible is the word of God as far as it's been translated correctly as the King James Version is the most correct English version. All others are an add or subtract with the wrath of God coming for them. Revelation 22:18-19 KJV also found in Deuteronomy 4:2 KJV

The Book of Mormon is the most correct book as it has been translated by Joseph Smith who many have called a false Prophet. This could not be further from the truth as I'm here now and fulfilled his prophecy as stated above.  

To prove this, Joseph Smith testified in the Doctrine and Covenants section 107 above said that "These things will be written in the Book of Enoch in due time." The Book of Enoch did not exist in 1835. The section of Doctrine Covenants this was written on March 28, 1835. The Book of Enoch wasn't discovered until 1948. I'm testifying of all of this now as you now know it's true. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things. I'm a Seer and Revelator of God and do testify that Jesus is the Christ. I, Adam, bare witness to this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 

Brigham Young was not wrong about Adam/God theory. His revelation is in the details. I Adam is/are the God of the Telestial Kingdom, people from this earth life as Brigham was told. I'm not God the Father (Elohim) or Jesus Christ but I WILL BE in charge of all of the people who lived on this earth in the Telestial Kingdom after the Millennium for eternity. I'm the Father of all mankind on this earth and your literal ancestor.

25 Athletic ability, spirituality, mental abilities will be brought from Earth life. Whatever on earth you obtained will be brought here but with the ability to progress physically mentally and spiritually can happen quickly depending on your hearts desire and faithfulness. It’s conceivable for a righteous white/black man (or Woman) in this kingdom that never had the skills on earth, to obtain better skills than say a Lebron James or Michael Jordan. This is the Law. 

As the double edge sword of the law God created goes, so if one denies the Christ again, and they continue to decline, he or she will lose the abilities they obtained in this kingdom and vice versa. 


26 People can still try to kill. However “Kill” needs to be defined in this kingdom. The pain of death will feel the same as earth spiritually and physically.  A spiritual death far outweighs a physical death. Discover this now or you will face that time which no man can bareth.

There will be serious punishment for anyone who “kills” anyone else for gain and sent to prison. Although killing is impossible from one to another, there are laws that allow for a short resting period of the soul. For what goes up in a kingdom can go down. This is God’s law. Everyone is given an equal chance in this Telestial Kingdom known as 0 or Law 0 but there are below just as above. This is the great catch 22 or the double edge sword which I carry. This is the LAW.  


27 Everyone will be reminded of what they did on earth and how bad they were. This will never end in their progression and they will always realize they blew it on earth. Their actions could keep them humble as they always strive to prove themselves (hopefully). They will can still be envious and jealous. Feelings from earth will never be forgotten but can be overcome. They must be diligent and start over or return to their normal selves and will be punished as such. Everything is up to you as it always has been. This again is God's Law.


28 Fruit will grow on trees everywhere. Vegetables will also be everywhere and farming can/will be very big. It will surpass all understanding how good it tastes and how good it smells. Nothing on earth can compete. A banana in the Telestial Kingdom far surpasses the banana on earth life that you witness now. In this kingdom and above. Not below. Anything grown in a lesser kingdom will grow at the same rates as earth life and will have the same tastes. There will be less water and less land to grow. For this is the great catch 22 and double edged sword.

Everyone will learn the trade and livestock will be a very popular way to eat and live. Water will be abundant in the beginning but could become less depending on people’s actions. This kingdom will be more quickly upon individuals meaning if you’re living the gospel your trees will prosper, if not, yours will not and everyone will see your filthy ways.


29 There will be snow, rain as well as an abundance of sunshine with mountains and deserts. There will still be 24 hours in a day.  Your prayers will be answered faster in this Telestial life depending on your actions as you live within the community. Be faithful and you will prosper. The man whom is low on the totem pole in earth life will not be in the Telestial Kingdom. For everything will be based on your trust in God. This is the Law. If you mock God or are doing everything just for gain and not for a real spirituality, you will gain nothing like the current sign seekers on earth life now which are FILTHY.


30 There will be transportation supplied by the Government Of God that is based on God’s teachings through what is learned about God the Father and Jesus Christ and governs this world and the kingdoms above. Below this kingdom will be anarchy in the beginning until man forms their own forms of government similar to your current legislation's are chosen by the people. 

Vehicles of all kinds will run without gas including motorcycles using the power of the electromagnetic kingdom that surpasses all understanding. There will be a World Monorail System that travels at speeds of 1000-3000 MPH to get you from one end of the world to the other very quickly. There will also be an underground World Subway System that drops you off at your doorstep world wide. And there will be no accidents in this kingdom but other kingdoms below there will be just as earth life. There will be large cities that go beyond all comprehension in every part of the Telestial 0 world. One will never want to leave these magnificent places throughout. There will be immediate laws as to noise pollution this country will be safe, peaceful and clean. If one cannot abide by it they will be removed to a lesser kingdom. Respect of God will be more than anytime on earth. There will be no pollution or graffiti as far as I understand it. The only thing somewhat comparable at this time in 2019 as a visual maybe the movie Tomorrowland. The world will be 0 emissions. 

Your obedience to the laws of God will allow you either more or less energy when a refuel is needed. Accidents will happen but without injury in your own vehicle. Planes will be available but not needed and used less. The air space will be for people. 


31 There will be a government that is founded on God the Father and Jesus Christ’s central teachings including what I personally add with the help of my First Presidency, Apostles and Special Council as listed below. There will also be a devil amongst you. I know him now. He will be punished like the torment you faced during the Millennium and will deal with me for eternity. For it would have been better he never been born.

32 There will be animals everywhere that can communicate with each person telepathically in this kingdom and above not below. There will be dinosaurs as well even though they never existed on this earth and were made up by man for financial gain. They were part of another world before earth that still exists today where I governed before coming to earth as Adam. There will be sea dinosaurs that will govern many areas of the ocean including The Adam Palace along with the waters of every kingdom. They will become more violent in the lower levels and will be scared to the immortals who try to defeat them.

There will be other animals never seen before and created through me with the help of God the Father and Jesus Christ. I can create nothing without God the Father or Jesus Christ. This is my law. They do give me the freedom to run this kingdom for all eternity but without them above me I am NOTHING and you are nothing without me or them, for I am Adam of the Old Testament whom lived 930 years and was the firstborn with Eve. People who seek witchcraft will be on this earth and they will be removed to the lower levels of the kingdoms. 

The best way to describe the Telestial Kingdom 0 is the most beautiful island of Hawaii meets Jurassic park meets Tomorrowland meets Disneyworld meets Game of Thrones with sites and sounds that are unfathomable. From flying dinosaurs to flying people and trees that produce and endless supply of fruits year around that cover the entire earth of Telestial 0 and above guarded by Transformer characters with oceans as more vivid that any blue on earth. There are many other things which I cannot make known to you at this time. There will be species below this one in the desert areas that no immortal man will want to confront. 

Pain will be felt slightly depending on what is being done to the body. Many will experiment with this as to see what happens and this is a Mockery to God. The further one falls from grace, the harsher the pain. No death will ever come to man. 


33 There will be no families unless they progress to a higher degree within the Telestial Kingdom which technically will be single individuals that live together. There are many mansions with The Telestial Kingdom. Being sealed in the Temple is not possible, The House of the Lord was mocked by you. This punishment of single life is now yours. This is the law.


34 All sin is removed but there still is passion for life and there is strong feelings of love and sex. There will be strong feelings of remorse and sorrow for the mistakes they/you made on earth. They will never forget that. You will bring everything you are to this life from earth. The same desires, however one can overcome with a broken heart and contrite spirit along with enduring through the pain for however long it takes. This life is eternal. It's forever. This is the law.


35 There are hunger pains each day as well as thirst again based on your righteousness. However, there are no reasons for the bathroom. That will be removed from every house but will supply a shower and sink. Drinks will be allowed and water. If they choose drugs and alcohol, people will and companies will provide individuals with bars on corners below this kingdom, again, people will never forget the truth and know it this time. If they choose evil or good still? There will be consequences. Water will be in abundance in every city of this kingdom. Weather will be better than earth and everything will grow bigger. Insects will all be safe and no one will care if they are around. Snakes will also be around just as on earth and they cannot die. Everything is eternal in the Telestial Kingdom except marriage.


36 All travel will be done by Sunshine or electromagnetic energy. Each vehicle will travel far greater lengths along with Godly Priesthood powers that one can posses but must earned not given. You must again be baptized as in the Sacred Book of Adam and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost to start your new life. Do not tempt God as He nor I will be tempted. We KNOW everything you will ever do.


37 There will be beautiful beaches and mountains all over this world more beautiful than any on earth today.


38 There will be my palace for people to visit from afar and wonder about my wife Eve and I. Some may get the chance to meet me when made available unto them. We will visit in every continent that will exist in this earth which also hath a dome above you. We will visit our people and animals daily.


39 People will have a chance to progress or digress inside this Kingdom. The lowest degree which is below the first level and 2nd level of the Telestial Kingdom is a kingdom which is a prison of physical, spiritual and mental woe that one cannot bare and must overcome known as Death Valley or 3rd Minus.


40 There will be stores where people can take what they need without paying using their righteous currency chip. However it will be rationed in this kingdom. The 10 commandments will apply and those that break them will deal with me and my Apostles who were chosen before they were born. People can help other people however it seems fit in this kingdom with righteous endeavors meaning if a person is low on food or telestial items, the others like earth can share their wealth. This will again become a problem and they will be removed from this kingdom to a lesser one where this currency has no law or effect anywhere else. 


41 There will be TV. All TV, Movies that have ever been made will be available. Free agency with everything at one's fingertips. A mark will be left on everyone from earth if they chose the number of the beast. It can be removed but one must be obedient. This is their mark to their world and everyone will see it.


42 There will be sleep. People will still need to recharge physically but have more energy than ever before and no need for junk food although they will have cravings. There will never be obese people or cancer but in a lesser telestial kingdom they may see those things (physical pains) without death similar to Cain on the earth now as found in the book of Genesis which is literal not a metaphor. Progression is back and forth, up and down for eternity unlike the Celestial Kingdom. The Celestial is only up for those who obtain it.


43 People will learn to respect themselves, each other and GOD and Jesus Christ The Holy Ghost and Me IN THAT ORDER. If not, the life they lead will be much like that of earth. You will get what you deserve. Karma is God's law, for what goes around comes around. For you reap what you sow.


44 People will feel spiritual pain but scratches and burns will be forgotten and removed forever as well as broken bones. Spiritual pain will become the norm for this world. This is the law.


45 Animals will be given the same agency. They will be able to make decisions and their actions will also be accountable by me. Yes, it is true the lion with live with the lamb, however in the lesser law kingdoms, there will be animals made by witchcraft and robotic animals, and strange breeding's that will deal directly with me and could face Death Valley with their rightful owner if so be.


46 Housing will bought and loans will be given to everyone after their first home. From Single Units with cooking supplied to large mansions. Units/Homes can be occupied by multiple people however no couples will ever be recognized in this eternal kingdom. 

Everything their heart desires can be brought back but with consequences. Everything is again up to the individual including the entire LGBTQ community. They will be told this but they again will experiment to find out just how far they can go (again) and disobey as they have free agency. There will be consequences for both good and bad behavior which are eternal laws of God and I now control.


47 People will dream of past present and future events. They will never forget their past - Good or bad. They will dream about God and the life they could have had had they been faithful to the teachings of the Savior. They will realize how bad they were and never forget. If they try suicide, nothing will happen as this has been removed which will also become their individual torture.


48 Everything will be on demand. They will again choose the life they want. Procreation is done away with in all Telestial kingdoms but not Celestial. I have not received the full revelation on sex. I know not how this works at this time. 


49 There will be fighting and arguing like before as your hearts desires have not changed. In many ways this kingdom will be just like the Millennium but with filthy people from earth. If you're reading this before the 2nd Coming of Christ? You should not desire this Kingdom. The Celestial Kingdom is up to you. And it far surpasses anything the Telestial Kingdom can offer. I pray you will make the right decision for your own sake. Know that I'm amongst you now, living in this filthy telestial state of earth on Friday, November 6, 2020. This is not a coincidence but how everything works. 


50 There will be Sunday school and Temples at the top of mountains with same ordinances that we use today except for Celestial marriage and anything else that God the Father and the Savior see fit or deemed worthy for me to add. Only the Telestial Kingdom HL3 people will get to enter the Temple. You must be worthy to enter it. 


51 Everyone will need a temple recommend same as here to enter the Temples (House of The Lord). But it must be earned. The same as here on Earth.


52 Every nation will speak fluent English regardless of dispensation they came from or area of the world. However every nation that was brought here will continue to speak their native languages. Anything they learned will be continued here. People will learn from every culture now because everyone speaks English. The Adamic language will be available now to all people to learn if they so choose. This entire revelation has not been made completely clear at this time. 


53 Everyone will now know that God’s Live and that Jesus is the Christ. However they will do as they please.


54 There will be nightlife and bad parts of their world just like everywhere else. They will feel cold and misery even in the Telestial world. The veil is removed from them forever which is the difference. Double Edge Sword/Catch 22 will be fully understood.


55 Natural foods on trees will be everywhere and an endless supply but will need to be watered daily just like now. They will taste better than ever. However they will need to water their plants and things in some ways could look worse if neighbors do not take care of their lawn. To be clear, this world will be beautiful publicly. However, privately, a lawn will show it's true colors depending on how it's treated by its owner. 


56 People will still wear clothes and stores will make them available. Stores again will be made available. Loans will be again given and must be paid back just like in the last America - Zion. This determination will come at a much later time than now as I do not have the revelation to discuss it any further.


57 Everyone will know they earned where they are by their actions. Remember, self abuse is as bad as any physical abuse to others. Remove yourself from both as they are crucial in your body of work(s). 


58 People will feel sensations for cold and will still need a jacket. Homes will be supplied with my power "electricity" with a twist. 

There will be voted people in office with everyone making a decision on whom they want to run the government. People who wish to run for office will again run and everything will be very similar to earth life with exceptions. 


59 Real science will be taught. New powers will be released over time. People could learn to fly without a plane. Theories will be a thing of the past and mocked. People will never live down from others how science lied and well as government. People will mock those that lied and were all caught on earth. Everything is eternal and this new world will begin to realize this.


60 There will be no power of procreation but the desire to do so will never leave. The punishment for denying the Savior, Jesus Christ in this Kingdom will not be tolerated unlike earth-life now. This is my law. There will be consequences either way.


61 People will be more mindful of their neighbors and give more than they receive as this is a natural law. But some will still choose against the righteous teachings and be removed from this Kingdom to the lesser kingdoms of the Telestial Kingdom. People will finally know and understand that Jesus Christ was born on April 6th and was crucified on that same day 33 years later. 


62 There (will) be a chosen one on this earth as well just as I am with an ability to leave this Kingdom with his spouse and move on to a higher kingdom quickly. He will however never be able to leave the Highest degree of the Telestial Kingdom at this point in my revelation. 


63 Those who still don’t want to follow directions and continue to be a nuisance -- THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES BY ME (They will suffer spiritually, mentally and physically in and out of their homes)


64 There will be no ailments so therefore there will be no excuses for poor health.


65 The purge could become a reality once per year in a lesser Kingdom of the Telestial World. However no one will ever see death but will feel spiritual death which is an Eternal Law of God in this kingdom. Pain will be more abundant with each kingdom below 0. Both physically and spiritually. 


66 There will be 4 corners of this kingdom which will have dragons, dinosaurs (which were never real on planet earth), which is incomprehensible as far as you understand it now.


67 People will never die but will feel pain from the spirit depending on how they act.


68 Every School now teaches the real Priesthood to each person’s benefit. Give them hope and dreams through God and allow them powers in this Kingdom. A school like Harry Potter but only for the righteous within this Kingdom taught by Celestial Beings only.


69 There will be a Transformer Type characters that watches over everyone. They will be like in the movie. He will be commanded by me. His army will keep the peace and rules but will cause havoc when needed. I will expand on him when given more revelation. Every city will contain this army. They will rule over everyone. The fear of God will be with anyone that tries to harm them. The Transformers will always be kind unless I give them direction otherwise. They will obey me as their God. The real Angels of the world will also help in all of this decision making. I can have anyone from my choosing to help me in this great fight against this people including Noah who is The Angel Gabriel.


70 My army will be called God’s army. It will be a transformer type. The world will respect unlike anything you’ve ever seen. He will talk to the righteous of this world as well as the unrighteous. He will sound like the movie and his name is Metatron. I will give Metatron power over these. He will remove anyone out of this world and into a temporary prison for a lesser Telestial world if needs be. What goes up can come down inside this kingdom. This is the law


71 Place buildings amongst them in every kindred tongue people and nation of this kingdom that they may begin to start secret combinations if they so choose. Allow the spirit of the Holy Ghost over them to decide which direction they wish to choose. They can either progress or digress as it is their choice and there will be consequences either way.


72 Each person the day they arrive will receive a telestial money chip. It will have an amount of whatever their worth is at this point. Each day they will be given money that is earned as I see fit. The chip is made of stone.


73 This is Metatron:

74 Metatron can travel at speeds of 180 MPH. He can transform into anything he so desire chooses and will never disobey me. He has full respect of me and loves me. He prays to God the Father and Jesus Christ just as we do he knows God the Father is the King over me and Jesus is the Christ who is greater than I. He loves this and so do I and gives all glory to God the Father Elohim and Jesus Christ followed by me.


75 Metatron tells me the daily problems and needs of his army and of my people in the Telestial Kingdom in the beginning until I assign someone for him to report to. He is my servant and reports daily (even though I know everything they will still report to me). He loves his job so much he cries. He has a huge heart. He is armed with a multitude of weapons: a photon rifle, a chaingun, retractable forearm-mounted pulse blasters and machine guns, shoulder-mounted smokestack blast cannons, and an energy sword. Regardless of Metatron past, he is a great leader with no doubts about himself or decision making.


76 Metatron is 22 feet tall. He lived in the time of the Old Testament. Jesus Christ knew him. He was one of the giants known as a watcher. His new armor is different than his Old Testament body. Even he was resurrected but in this new form.


77 Metatron loves children. He loves animals. His heart is as big as mine after all, he was given our spirit.


78 The people are intimidated by him. His army also surrounds our Telestial earthly palace Eve and I. And everyone knows this. People can drive by and see the palace that’s on the beach and it’s massive. They also see all of the transform type characters protecting it. It’s massive and intimidating. Hard to fathom. Surpasses all understanding to anyone.


79 They have a sense of humor and are funny and talk to each other. They are filled with balance and are spotless with no power to create or understanding of that (at this point).


80 Most of the entertainment industry will be in this kingdom. They will continue to entertain the worlds above them. This will make them happy and content for eternity. This will never end. Double edge sword.


81 People’s biggest fears are here including bigfoot, bad dreams, satan etc. But satan is bound forever. Anyone can overcome anything in this kingdom if they choose God over their selfishness. Please read Mosiah Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 right now so you understand the consequences of your actions.


82 All vehicles from our current world are available in this world. A car collectors dream.


83 All planes are available and ones that no one have ever witnessed on earth.


84 Man (in this kingdom) will have to worry about being attacked by machines from other worlds or atleast fear that. The Terminator (for example) movie will become their reality. They will pray for safety and need to rely on God. Aliens do not exist and have never existed in this earth life. There have been other life forms less than you. They will never leave their residence and are ruled by God the Father, Elohim. Remember that God made man in his own image. All other man made stories one should not doubt or fear as God the Father and Jesus Christ are in Control as well as I now.


85 Man will fall into their traps like on earth. The cycle begins again for some.


86 Man will continue to develop machines to try to defeat me. They will still believe than can overcome God because of their new knowledge of how things work. I do know how God became but this secret will not be revealed unto anyone until they are proven and can handle the truth. Eve and I will also have a place (another place) in the center of Telestial 0 hidden amongst the Animal Kingdom. 


87 My thought was to have them wake up after 1000 years of suffering and in the home where they were last on telestial kingdom (2019 thought). Almost like a dream but a reality that they all know as The Savior has given me full reign on what laws I choose to enact (Isaiah 42) for I am Christ's chosen one known also as his elect one. This further revelation (October 2020) was that each individual will only receive land and build their own home by hand as stated above.


88 This is the great irony: The very machines they invented on earth in both the fiction and non fiction world, and pursued? Will now rule over them for eternity unless they turn their life to God and get to the next progression of the Telestial Kingdom which is above this one. The “internet” will be turned back on for everyone in Kingdoms all below Telestial 0. They will get all their info from it of both good and bad.

Revelation has been made clear on AI in the Telestial Kingdom. Regardless of what you build, you will eventually be ruled by Machine as it is NOT of God.


89 More law I will write but will come in due time before and after the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ.


My 12 Apostles as well as First Presidency and Special Council below are as such as they will ALL be in the Celestial Kingdom but as I need help they will be with me and lead the people with me (Adam/Michael). These Brethren mentioned are part of the 144,000 as in The Book of Revelation 7 KJV


        First Presidency:


        12 Apostles: (No particular order)


Special Council will come with whom are voted in the Pre-Existence -- And made known to me, in this dispensation. However I cannot make these Celestial names known at this time. 

They will help in running the Telestial Kingdom for eternity.


Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Matthew 7:15 KJV

For me the eyes are the windows of Heaven and truth. Therefore I get to Judge you by your cover as God has made this revelation to me. 

"A number so large (of people who live here) it will be like sand at the sea. They will suffer for 1000 years with satan and his demons a fire and torment that one cannot bare because of their actions while on earth before they become resurrected beings in the Telestial Kingdom" 

-Adam of the Old Testament



This section will be updated by me as God sees fit. These people have been REMOVED from Celestial and Terrestrial degrees Book of Life. The number is like that at the sands at the sea. There will be billions in this kingdom. However, these names below were given to me through revelation. 

66.6 percent of the people that ever lived on the earth are listed hence the number of the beast, 666, and is the number you need to remove yourself from. Names listed here are popular names that you know along with others you don't. Many that you idol worship, therefore I list them now, (some as nicknames) as to make an example of them for whomever reads this in these last days. Many other names I have are saved until revelation is made to me to add in this text which are both Jew and Gentile names in the billions.

Please read Revelation 20:4 KJV  and understand that these people all denied Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. 

Names listed twice are not an accident and will be part of the immortal Telestial world and will suffer for 1000 years during the millennium with satan and his demons before being gifted with the lowest degree of glory. These vile humans made secret combinations on earth life known as the MasterMahan (Master Mahan) pact and are forever and ever to live in this lowest degree of glory which I'm in charge of are. And this is for eternity. This is the Law.

Mortimer Buckley, Bill Maher, Lebron James, John Franklin Enders, Bill Clinton, Paul Massaro, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Jay-Z, Adolf Hitler, Oprah Winfrey, Stephen Spielberg, Judas Iscariot, Jeff Beck, Bill Gates, Aleister Crowley, Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, Janelle Monae, Herod Antipas, Keith Olbermann, Jamie Dimon, Melissa Joan Hart, Tommy Mottola, Oscar Solis Jr., Joseph Zieler, Jesus Ayala, Jzamir Keys, Roger Reece Kibbe, Aurelian "Grizzy" Smith, Shahjahan Bhuiyan, 

Mike Norton (Newnamenoah), Charles Manson, England's Royal Families, Rothschilds Family, Rockefeller Families, Katy Perry, O.J. Simpson, Elon Musk, Jason Aldean, Kershaun Scott, *Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Woodrow Wilson, Joe Biden, Sammy Davis Jr., Michael Jackson, Jeff Bezos, Pontius Pilate, Ted Bundy, Stanley Williams, David Bowie, Tom Hanks, Drake, Tom Cruise, Madonna, Warren Buffett, Stevie Nicks, Bruce Jenner, Ozzy & Sharon Osbourne, Entire Kardashian family, Rex Heuermann, Emma Watson, Ariana Grande, Rihanna, Robert Plant, KKK members and founders, Jessie Aguilar, Black Lives Matter members and founders, Jerome Powell, Robert O'Neill, Paul Flores, Travis Kelce, 

Every member of the Beatles, Joseph Ben Caiaphas, Most of the Popes of the Catholic Church including Pope Benedict XVI, Diane Sawyer, John McCain, Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg, Anderson Cooper, Bernie Sanders, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Joel Osteen,  John Hagee, T.D. Jakes, Mike Murdock, Ted Haggard, Jack Dorsey, Yoel Roth, Rick Warren, Kent Hovind, Oral Roberts, Tammy Faye, Primewonk, Jesse Duplantis, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Rush Limbaugh, Anna Wintour, Wolf Blitzer, Carol Costello, Lisa Ling, Ali Velshi, Robin Meade, Bryan Kohberger, Gloria Borger, Jimmy Swaggart, Kathy Griffin, Mike Meyers, Dwayne The Rock Johnson, Mark Zuckerberg, Sheldon Adelson, Phil Knight, Junior Seau, Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, Taylor Hawkings, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Pablo Escobar, Er, Ananus Ben Ananus, Bill Gates, Xi Jinping, John Podesta, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, T.J. Holmes, Judge William Penney, David Letterman, Jay Leno, Jim Hagemann, Trevor Noah, James Corden, Jon Stewart, John Oliver, Dupont Family, Dr. Phil, Chelsea Handler, George Lopez, Andy Cohen, Michael Santiago Render, Snoop Dog, George Stephanopoulous, Michael Strahan, Jim Cantore, Shanna Moakler, Gavin Newsom, Kamalla Harris, Janet Yellen, Dennis Hof, Liberace, Nicolae Gindac, Tex Watson, David Grusch, Van Brett Watkins, 

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Entire Davos Committee, Shana Render, Colin Kaepernick, Every member of the Tri-Lateral Commission, Chris Cuomo, Ciara Wilson, Andrew Cuomo, Nancy Pelosi, Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, Bob Woodward, Ruth Bader, Steve Sisolak, Maxine Waters, Albert Pike, Karl Marx, Alicia Garza, Troy Varnado Jr, Perry Farrell, Dave Navarro, Holly Madison, Gayle King, Mark Kelly, Jimmy Page. L Ron Hubbard, John Travolta, Rudy Giuliani, Anne Rice, Kathy Griffin, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Kate Bosworth, Orlando Bloom, Travis Barker, George Clooney, Gabriel Byrne, Anne Hathaway, Scott Disick, Johnny Depp, Daniel Radcliffe, Kailyn Lowry, Hugh Hefner, Will Smith, Jada Pinkett Smith, Jaden Smith, Willow Smith, Bruce Willis, Clifton Britt, Zac Efron, Joaquin Phoenix, Jodie Foster, Julianne Moore, Amber Heard, Javier Bardem, Keira Knightley, Michael Jordan, Morgan Freeman, Seth Macfarlane, Uma Thurman, Richard Dawkings, Matt Smith, Stephen Fry, Darren Aronofsky, James Cameron, Richard Branson, Lance Armstrong, Larry Ellison, Pamela Anderson, George Carlin, Oprah Winfrey, Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Harvey Fierstein, Alan Cumming, Woody Allen, Hugh Laurie, Michael Rubin, Kevin Hart, Kevin Mitnick, Leigh Finke, 

Andy Cohen, Jack Nicholson, Janeane Garofalo, Larry King, Emma Thompson, Sean Penn, Antonio Banderas, Natalie Dormer, Paul Giamatti, Seth Green, Ira Glass, Ian McKellen, Helen Mirren, Patton Oswalt, Sarah Silverman, David Silverman, Dan Barker, Cosmos Lady, James Randi, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ray Kurzweil, Sam Harris, Stephen Hawking, Peter Singer, Jeremiah Farmer, Judd Apatow, George Santos, Heidi Klum, Iggy Azalea, Dennis Radar, Al Roker, Demi Moore, Michael Bay, Bradly Whitford, Caleb Landry Jones, Catherine Keener, Lori Loughlin, Mossimo Giannulli, Marcus Allen, Bret Baier, Van Jones, Don Lemon, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Maria Shriver, David Gregory, Ron DeSantis, Chris Tucker, Jill Biden, Jenna Bush, Robin Roberts, Lara Spencer, Sam Champion, Josh Elliott, David Muir, Whit Johnson, J.T. Holmes, Bill Weir, Jesse Palmer, Stephanie Murphy, David Silverman, Bruno Mars,, Pete Davidson, Katie Couric, Kai Gerber, Kate Beckinsale, Most editors of Wikipedia, most of the media, Gene Simmons,, Leon Panetta, Army General Gus Perna,  Megan Messerly, Elizabeth Warren, Michael Osterholm, Cory Booker, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Dr. Allen Sills, Every current employee at the CDC (but not past), Rahm Emanuel, John Brennan, Jimmy Savile, Dr. Mehmet OZ, Chuck Schumer, Whoopi Goldberg, Bella Hadid, Nicki Minaj, Rob Reiner, Jennifer Lopez, Alex Rodriques, George Soros, Kevin Durant, James Harden, Steph Curry, Michael Jordan, Klay Thompson, Magic Johnson, Freddie Mercury, Nick Visser, Jeffrey Toobin, John and Patsy Ramsey, Jeff Bauman, Robbie Parker, Tupak Shakur, Dr. Allen Panter, Janiel Gonzalez, Mike Cronk, Brian Claypool, David Hogg, Roseann Sdoia, David Muir, Jane Richard, Omar Mateen, Lisa Marie Presley, Every member of the Bilderberg group, David Wheeler, Patience Carter, Gene Rosen, Quentin Tarantino, Brian Williams, Marilyn Manson, John Travolta, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Prince Andrew, Larry Silverstein, Al Capone, Jane Standley, Warren Buffett, Ahmet Zappa, Daniel Tishman, Pink, Ricky Gervais, Matt Groening, Pete Aguilar, Coi Leray, Tejay Fletcher, 

John Holdren, Marilyn Monroe, Sammy David Jr, David Cohen, Every member of the Council of Foreign Relations, Seth MacFarlane, Ron Jeremy, Robert De Niro, Ellen DeGeneres, Bobby Brown, Boris Johnson, Alyssa Milano, Meryl Streep, Jeffrey Epstein, Tim Cook, Jennifer Aniston, Harvey Weinstein, Felicity Huffman, Jeffrey Epstein flight log, Stephen King, Bill de Blasio, Geraldo Rivera, Odell Beckham Jr, David Zinczenko, Klaus Schwab, Hallie Jackson, Greta Thunberg, Enrique Tarrio, Diane Feinstein, Al Gore, Ron Klain, Woodrow Wilson, Every member of the Ebola task force, Every member of the HIV task force, Luc Montagnier, Robert Gallo, Lori Lightfood, Justin Trudeau, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, Albert Einstein, Rose McGowan, Charlie Sheen, Ben Affleck, Martha Stewart, Robert Redfield, Joyce Hoke, Anne Schuchat, L. Ron Hubbard, Bennie Thompson, Dave Bautista, Christopher Elias, 

Jody Olson, Kate Galatas, Isa Meskanen, Steve Kornacki, Valerie Jarrett, Merryl Streep, Robin Ikeda, Nina Witkofsky, Mitt Romney, Craig Melvin, Anstice Kenefick, Mitch Wolf, Eva Longoria, Woody Allen, Fred Melamed, Larry Charles, Joe Rogan, Hosni Mubarak, John Ankerberg, Mary Hooks, Stephanie Rhule, Andrea Mitchell, Kristen Gillibrand, Dr. Moncef Slaoui, Abby Haglage, Anyone involved with OperationWarpSpeed, Mike Pence, Cameron Pearson, Charles Darwin, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, *Donald Trump, Brian Stelter, Brian Kemp, General Gustave Perna, Derrick Rossi, Timothy Springer, Ezekiel Emanuel, Alex Azar, Corey Taylor, Eric Topol, Jeremy Jurgens, Thierry Malleret, Gretchen Whitmer, Prince Phillip, Albert Pike, Bill Gates Sr., Roy Blunt, Margaret Sanger, Donald Trump, Professor David Hui, Seth Rogen, (Almost) Every member of the "Five Families" Organized Crime Mafia, Madalyn Murray O'Hair, Jon Garth Murray, William J Murray, Michelle Peters, 

 Governor Kate Brown, Ruud Dobber, Linda Thomas Greenfield, Greg M. Epstein, Janet Yellen, Allen Greenspan, Jake Sullivan, Dr. Tom Friedman, General James Mattis, Admiral Brett Giroir MD, Rick Ross, Michael Haight, Travis Barker, Fredrich Nietzsche, Megyn Kelly, Alden Brown, Erin Burnett, Carol Costello, Dr. Francis Collins, Kimora Lee Simmons, Rebekah Jones, Cynthia Johnson, Eric Feigl-Ding, Al Gore, Suge Knight, Barbara Ferrer, Rita Wilson, John Estes, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Celine Dion, Hilaria Baldwin, Hailey Baldwin, Helena Blavatsky, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, Howard Stern, Diamanda Galas, Ayanna Pressley, Fredrich Nietzsche, Elspeth Blake, Alex Kasprak, Hosni Mubarak, Amy Klobuchar, David Hogg, Ted Turner, Lori Lightfoot, Joey Jordison, Korihor, Colson Baker, Dr. Kerry Chant, Tommy Mottola, Henry Keith Watson, Marina Abramovic, Bradley Whitford, Christine Grady, Jim Justice, Patton Oswalt, Susan Wojcicki, Joe Lombardo, Elaine Luria, Zoe Lofgren, Pekka Lundmark, Ronnie James Dio, Tony Iommi, Larry Nassar, Jesus Ayala, Jzamir Keys, Cenk Uygur, Frank DeLeon, Edmund Kemper, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Kevin Weeks, Ellen Johnson, 

Rob Reiner, Tyra Banks, Preacher Kenneth Copeland, General Mark Milley, Antoine Miller, Stephen Colbert, Colsen Baker, Eric Garcetti, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, Travis Scott, Al Roker, Richard Ramirez, Sam Harris, Seth Rogan, Francis S. Collins, Jacinda Ardern, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, John Holmes, Nick Cannon, David Hasselhoff, Boris Johnson, Senator John Kennedy, Parag Agrawal, Angela Merkel, Hawk Newsome,  Wiz Khalifa, Chris Rock, Adam Schiff, Dr. David Nabarro, Linda Pinto, Carlton Ridenhour, Alec Baldwin, Rochelle Walensky, Elizabeth Cohen, Michael B. Hancock, Klaus Schwab, Troy Driver, Steve Aoki, James Franco, David Rubenstein, Most of the members of the Royal Society in London, Trevor Noah, Billy Porter, Jim Cramer, Taylor Schabusiness, Dr. Charity Dean, Les Wexner, Sarah Silverman, Camila Mendes, *Korihor, Kristen Stewart, Jerry Seinfeld, Adam Kinzinger, Adam Schiff, DJ Khaled, Antony Blinken, Keith Olbermann, David Lind, Alex Murdaugh, Gadianton robbers, Thomas Lewis Turner, Sadiq Khan, Paul Begala, Jimmy Savile, Ariel Castro, Borge Brende, Victoria Nuland, Frank Lucas, Tom Harpur, Nick Fish, Antonio Brown, Nick Cannon, Rory Atwood, Walter Leo Jackson Sr., *Heth (Ether 9:26), Lucy Letby, 

Loranze, Hugh Jackman, Bill Barr, Albert Bourla, Peggy Ann Fulford, Dr. Peter Daszak, Shalize Manza Young, Josh Powell, Gene Simmons, Steven Powell, Pedro Almodovar, Barbara Ferrer, Dr. Ashish Kumar Jha, Yuval Noah Harari, Kathleen Rubins, Mark Hamill, James Murdoch, Rupert Murdoch, Stacey Abrams, Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Charles M. Lieber, Rachel Maddow, Stephanie Copus Campbell, Antonio Brown, Tiger Woods, Paul Pelosi, Dwayne Wade, Gabrielle Union, Sunny Hostin, James Harden, Christopher Brandon Lee, Christopher Lee Watts, Jordan Trishton Walker, William Shea McKay, King David, King Solomon, Goliath, James Carville, Rob Reiner, Christian Bale, Kathy Hochul, Larry Fink, Ted Lieu, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jacinda Ardern, Ishaan Tharoor, David Artavia, Gary Williams, Alejandro Mayorkas, Elizabeth Holmes, Kim Dotcom, Idris Elba, Sam Smith, Andrew Tate, Travis Scott, Questlove, Travis Lewis, Volodymyr Zelensky, Rob Sheridan, Samantha Power, *Nehor, Rod Stewart, Heather Dubrow, Liz Cheney, Anthony Kirkland, Karine Jean-Pierre, Damian Monroe Williams, Corey Taylor, Joey Jordison, Kishkumen, Michele Lamy, Rick Owens, Leon Cooperman, Ray J. Garcia, John G. Jackson, Ed Buckner, Frank Zindler, William Lewis Reece, James Parker, *Jacob (of 3 Nephi 7:9), 

Sheldon, Noah Michelson, Jennifer Granholm, Damar Hamlin, Herod the Great, Tracy Gray, Jeff Zients, Mike Wasserman, Lori Lightfoot, Ashton Kutchner, Heather Gay, Matt Halprin, Jean Smart, Peter Hotez, Kevin O'Leary, David Thorstad, Vijaya Gadde, Whitney Houston, Michael Phelps, Daniel Andrews, Joy Reid, Megan Rapinoe, Alejandro Mayorkas, Collier Navaroli, Timothy Conway, Whitney Cummings, Carol Baker, Kehlani, Jamie Raskin, Adam Silver, Dr. Robert Litterman, *Sherem, Jamie Raskin, Jill Biden, Dylan Mulvaney, Bret Michaels, Christine Lagarde, Eddie Nash, Eric Andrew Naposki, John Kirby, Jason Richard Budrow, Ursula von der Leyen, Wendy Sherman, Dorothy M. Murdock, Ian Lipkin, *Giddianhi, Zemnarihah, *Akish, 

*Cain and Lamech (Moses 5:49) (descendant of Cain) are sons (There are also daughters) of perdition and will not seek a kingdom of God but will be sentenced to outer darkness. All the gods and goddesses who were cast out including kali and apollo who will live with satan for eternity.

They denied the Holy Ghost which is the unforgivable sin and will live with satan for eternity along with the 1/3 of heaven that was cast out in the pre-existence as they are not given a degree of glory. 

This is the most accurate depiction of Christ ever made. How sad for the Messiah of the world to have been denied by 66.6 percent of the people that ever lived, since the beginning of earth time, and vengeance will be His.

19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.