MINUS 2 Kingdom

1 KINGDOM MINUS 2: Suffering just like earth life without death. Harsher than Kingdom Minus 1. Witchcraft and sorcery will be of the norm. They will obtained many books on the subject and come together as to take down these kingdoms as to control these worlds. And we will allow them to as for they shall reap what they sow 7 fold in return for these abominations. And this is the Law.

2 Weather will be extreme. They will live for the party. They know they cannot die. Still a better life than earth, perhaps physically but not spiritually and will lead to a future spiritual death which will overcome anyone who remains in this state of "mind".

3 They (these people) want to be removed from the presence of God for they would rather remain in a filthy state. Suicidal people who wish they were never born or knew God for they are a lascivious eternal people that gather here. From vulgar, satanic music, to obscene day and nightlife. To each their own but there will be serious consequences. The only reason these were not sons of perdition is because they did not (at the time) deny the Holy Ghost. Many now will through their ego and free agency and new found powers. They will make seas overflow and create magic all over the kingdom. They will show and tell others and pronounce "they are a god" amonst them and to worship them!

As in a scene from a movie for you to understand this will be like Witches of Eastwick or Harry Potter or The Craft. Many will have the power to move mountains and perform miracles before others. This will be their law. And there will come a great wrath similar to a second coming by me and my Apostles and Angels whom I choose and in my time. This particular kingdom will have a number that no man can number as it will be (a number that has not been revealed to me) people who choose this lifestyle over God's sacred priesthood because of it's instant gratification and carnal ways as in Telestial Higher Law 1 and above which are sacred and not carnal. For the man or woman does not want to work at the higher laws. They want instant gratification and this is their sign seeking demise.

4 Again, Death does not exist in this kingdom. The filthiest life you can live imaginable before Death Valley but you will suffer the consequences, however many will still chose this lifestyle as they have again become ungodly non-fearing Telestial beings. For I must learn as the Savior has taught me and from God the Father to still have patience and understanding as they are God's creation and to have mercy on their souls for eternity.

5 Temptation and lies will be abundant here (by man) and man will again try to take over God's world (again). People here will tell each other that earth life as all a dream and there's yet another way out. All the technology secrets will be shared here with others to try and take over other kingdoms. It will be in this land that all telestial inventions become a reality. Man will try to build machines to take over what is guarding Adam and Eve's palace. The Master Mahan pact(s) will be made here. This will eventually become sin city on cyber-steroids.

6 Anything and everything will go in this kingdom. Eventually there will be consequences that is more than humans can bare. If they repent, again, they can be removed to a kingdom above within the Telestial glory.

7 People will live much like the days before the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, this time knowing full well he exists without a conscious to care because they have all become immortal. They would rather live in filth than by God's sacred rules. Everything must be built from the ground up by man using resources and witchcraft but could use the sacred Priesthood from God if they would only remember. And I will remind them again and again after eons and eons of time and still eternity that Jesus is the Christ and in a day they might all become servants unto me, for this is my belief by the Power of the Holy Ghost which is being manifested unto me now.

What will eventually prevail is still unknown to me for I'm not sure at this time I want the revelation as it may be a secret unto even me.

8 This lifestyle is one that man would have been better to never been born as they turn completely away from God. The people that wish to dwell here begin to use witchcraft and seek other gods for help. They are again a filthy people with no remorse.

9 A man will be in their presence who will tempt them all and tell them lies and secrets who was born during on earth life and was a "normal" man.

They will believe this man's lies again because he will show them miracles using the lesser laws of sorcery. For it would have been better had he never been born. And after eons of time, he will become a devil and will be cast into a place in the Telestial Kingdom that I know not at this time.

10 People will try to take others property and steal in this kingdom known as 2 Minus or Minus 2.

People will try to hurt others physically, mentally and spiritually. This is the devils playground even though satan was removed others will become like him and follow "him" in their secret combinations.

11 There will never be a prison of bars. This will be a prison of confinement as you will be surrounded by everyone whom is like you.

12 A once per year purge will come because Man chose this. They will learn what can "hurt" others through trial. People will fear for this day because pain can and will become more prominent physically which will be a shock and awe amongst these evil immortals and they will wish to be removed from this kingdom only to find out they will not be able to because of their filthy actions. All of earths creations can be made here from man. Evil lawyers, doctors, judges and make gain again with a similar telestial currency that will be developed as to defeat God as their main purpose. Robots will be built to try and defeat God's Army which is impossible but man in this kingdom will beg to differ. Doctors could be needed for enhancements or things to add or subtract to the body.

And the wrath of God will overcome these whoremongers in a great and dreadful day which I will come like a thief in the night for this is their scripture in their time which each will have. And I give them a number for it was mine given to me from God the Father and Jesus Christ. And that number is 22.

The purge is real in the Telestial Kingdom called Minus 2

The Purge is real in the Telestial Kingdom --

Kingdom Minus 2