1 This is the Higher Law Kingdom of Telestial 0 or called HL1 just above Telestial 0. Also being called: TL1

2 The Kingdom here differs as the stars in light in glory. This will be a great city where dreams can become a reality. For those that are valiant in Telestial 0, they will be given mansions to live in and housing that exceeds and surpasses all understanding in this kingdom. A Disneyland type atmosphere will be here. This is where Celestial and Terrestrial people will visit regularly as there will be sights and sounds like no other kingdom both good and bad. No harm can can ever come to anyone in this kingdom. God will not be mocked here either. There will be 22 foot Transformer Guards present everywhere. Visitors will be shocked to see people flying above them who come from Telestial 0. People will feel the spirit of the Holy Ghost here and want to be worthy to stay here. For many (Telestial 0) will only get brief stays for days or weekends and will be removed by the power of God. There will be magnificent hotels where people can stay and see this world. It will be spectacular and surpasses all understanding.

3 One can fly in here if they hold steadfast and truly make the change to give God all the Glory and truly accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and never forget. They must forsake their filthy lifestyle which includes filthy thoughts and try to live spotless. All Celestial beings can fly and use their Priesthood power to remove or protect themselves or others if they feel necessary. God has always been in control, a lesson now that the Telestial world mocked and now will understand.

4 This person has more love than anyone in Telestial Standard or Level 0. They simply need a chance to prove themselves while living with others to overcome themselves and to put God first while wanting to do service for others.

5 This is NOT the highest law or Kingdom in Telestial. This is level 1 and there are still 2 higher levels within this Kingdom.

6 Many miracles can be performed here using the power of the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. Women can never hold the power of the Priesthood and must rely on a man to help this progress. Marriage is not recognized in this kingdom but is performed and must be done in order to progress above.

3 Degrees of Glory,

Outer Darkness is not a degree of glory