MINUS 1 Kingdom

1 KINGDOM MINUS 1: Better than earth life however a holding prison for people who need temporary punishment for acts they caused in Kingdom Standard. This is the official step below Telestial 0. This is the lesser law and kingdom and has more limitation to man with more freedom in ways but less control. As I make the Laws, I also can change them. Some of these laws were written by me years ago and will be updated through Revelation from God or my personal feelings.

2 If they continue to act filthy, or people want complete freedom from Tk0, as to start a new society outside of the existing world, they will decide for themselves to live here Kingdom Minus 2.

3 Living conditions will be co-ed dorm lifestyles throughout this world. Large facilities that will be shared with both male and females including all bathrooms/showers.

4 This has been removed until futher notice.

5 Man must start from scratch here to create or build as far as the resources supplied. Man must begin to build if He or She wants to live here. Many will desire this place as it begins life like earth and is filthy.

6 People will not be able to communicate similar to the tower of babel (in the beginning) as no one is separated from country to country. Chaos will ensue.

7 There are no ways of communication unless man builds it here via phone or whatever technology they figure out. All knowledge from earth and other kingdoms are shared here. All technology understandings are here. Anything can be built in this kingdom including stores for food etc. A currency can be developed to stop chaos. The currency developed can only be used in this kingdom and is useless in others.

8 No death will ever come regardless of how hard anyone tries.

9 People can begin to have body odors which will need to be removed with a shower but will not need to eat or drink for survival but will crave everything unless they repent and will be removed from this kingdom. Be-careful what you wish for. Wish being the riddle. As sacred things are not wishes but are prayers. Wishes are for warlocks and wizards. They are for witches who use the lesser law known as the Kundalini. This power can and will be used in this kingdom with their knowledge from earth. This is a satanic law, and earthly law which has no power over a sacred Priesthood holder but does have power over others here and can be manifested using witchcraft. Many will get involved and begin a surge to try to payback the God of this world (Adam). All the power they obtain if used at once is equivalent to a raindrop at sea against me. It's for the fool and the filthy. For these sign-seekers will continue where they left oft and begin schools of witchcraft and sorcery to become even more evil than earth. We (Elohim, Jesus Christ and myself, Adam) have a sense of humor and laugh at these whore-mongers amonst you who believe they can control us. It's a mockery and filthy in the eyes of the Lord. Witchcraft will be used to perform supernatural events in this kingdom including sexual acts that should normally be banned. For we let them abuse this power and show them consequences for using the lesser laws of the existing matter to form energy for pleasure and carnal cravings. This is an abomination and there will be serious consequences including time spent on Death Valley known as 3 Minus.

8 This is the kingdom where all lies begin. Man will begin to make up stories -- people will follow (again like fools).

9 Extreme temperatures with one nice beach. This is the beginning of another filthy life with consequences.