Death Valley

1 Death Valley is the lowest degree in the Telestial Kingdom for it is known as 3 Minus.

2 Similar to Death Valley there are extreme temperatures in the same day, 7 days per week, 52 weeks per year for eternity. 

3 Extreme sensations are felt in this Kingdom. The same feelings you felt on earth now back regularly including burning sensations, vomiting, diarrhea. For I know not if this is a manifestation for the immortal mentally or it's a physical act as God has not made it known to me at this time. 

4 Bodily fluids can be released as to feeling very sick.

5 The feeling of Death will come and go hourly. This feeling will be unbearable to any. He or she will wish they were never born.

6 If a soul is stranded here for a period of time, He or She must repent to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ with sincere intent otherwise will be forgotten until they begin to feel sorry for the sins they committed.

7 There will be no shelter unless he or she can find it or make it for themselves.

8 Death is not an option as the body is resurrected. If one repents with a broken heart and contrite spirit, when they fall asleep, and I feel they have made and taken the necessary steps of repentance, only then when they awake will they be brought back to Telestial 0 or Telestial Standard where they originally started after the Millennium, remembering everything they have ever done and never forget. They can again use this either way to help others - Double Edge Sword of Knowledge.

9 Most cannot bare the anguish and pain in this plane. It will be gnashing of teeth and a living hell on the individual that was brought upon their heads as they could not live the standards or the rest of the world in the Telestial Kingdom 0

10 The devil amongst the people will be sent here as will many others to survive without death but want to. For this land will be filled with the worst of the worst who group together to form secret combinations as to try to turn death valley a land like 2 MINUS but with more filth and will be made up of (a number that has not been revealed to me). No world in the history of worlds of glory have ever been filthier than this. For this is eternal damnation with consequences near Sons of Perdition. This is every living soul from my time through the 6000 years of life earth up to the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ which will be shortly after the 7th seal. We are in the opening of the 7th seal now. As pertaining to immortals in this kingdom, the double edged sword is that although witchcraft is more "explosive" the consequences of using it are "explosive" in this kingdom.  7 fold shall be upon their heads and it cometh quickly. 

11 Borderline Sons of Perdition are here and they begin to form a satanic alliance against everyone including the God of this world. And they shall mock the Father (Elohim), His beloved Son Jesus Christ and Me (Adam), the first born of all mankind whom lived to be 930 years old, then lived a second mortal life with them who was born in the year 1968. And I know their ways for they can make no excuse for their actions and say that I don't know or understand as does the Savior our Father in Heaven, Elohim. For I was told in my 28th year on the morning of the twenty second of October, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Six as this was one of Christ's purpose. And I was told I was the Chosen One of the earth for I am Adam who was cast out of the Garden of Eden as my bride took of the forbidden fruit. And I did too. 

12 There will be no supplied food or water in this kingdom, however water will be below the surface of this earth and as for food, man can plant trees and find animals if they so desire. Fire is readily available again with flint stones on the terrain everywhere they look. 

13 Extreme temperatures including 120 degree heat and in the same day minus 10 degrees -- Daily and year around. 

14 The human being will wish they had never been born while in this prison of hell but unlike outer darkness that is not constant torment and one can leave if they ask in true repentance. Days, weeks, months, years. It will all depend on your heart and what you desire. 

15 This place is desolate with angels that I choose to watch over and if needs be harass the individual or make him or her unselfish again. The torment can and will be unbearable and cause great fear in the heart of man. The toughest souls will survive simply because they are resurrected, not because they can mentally, or spiritually handle it. There will be other creatures in this realm that will put the fear of God into each individual day and night. 

16 Communication will come and go and the individual will suffer in his or her own mind but will never see death. Similar to what Cain went through on earth life and continues now as he is walking amongst you as a vagabond until the 2nd Coming. For he (Cain) is my son, and there will be no mercy for his behavior. For he knew our Lord and Savior and denied him anyway and the Holy Ghost. He is a Son of Perdition and will be in outer-darkness for eternity to burn in the eternal flame and be hanged by his tongue forever and ever and will be cast out and rule over satan who hasn't a body. For he committed the unpardonable sin which is to deny The Holy Ghost. And there is no forgiveness in this (earth) life or the life to come (which I write for you now). 

Nervous breakdowns will be the norm and they will realize what they have become no matter how wicked they get and they will then ask for forgiveness because of the wrath upon them in this kingdom. And there will be no help from me when they need it most. They will suffer a pain so great that no man can bare for vengeance is mine taught and given to me by our Lord and Savior who is the Great King, fair and just of the Worlds. He is my master and I serve him forever and ever. Amen.

17 This individual denies God at all cost and hates his or her neighbor. In your terms, a panic attack will be their norm where the heart rate beats at 200 per minute and more. They will believe they are losing their mind and witness a spiritual death and woe. However this pain will not stop and will be measured on how abusive they became up to the point of this point in time. Gnashing of teeth and hallucinations will only be the beginning on what they see, feel and realize. For they will know how evil they are and be removed out a world which is still Telestial but is there permanent residence and there will be no more chances if they do not forsake their actions. For this is their eternal law and it will be forever. For I know not any more about this as the Lord will advise me on such a place for it's pain I cannot comprehend either (at this time).

18 This individual is a liability in Telestial 0 and must be brought here to live until they repent with a broken heart and contrite spirit

19 As long as one does NOT repent, he or she will remain in this Kingdom. As long as it takes. 1 month, 1 year, 1000 years etc.

20 DEATH VALLEY or THE PIT also known as 3rd MINUS: Lowest Degree in the Telestial Kingdom (Similarities of earth life with suffering similar to days of 2nd coming of Jesus Christ - The great and dreadful day). Suffering is beyond comprehension. No death but you will want to die. Place is desolate and you will be stranded and alone and feel the wrath of God without the ability to ever die."

-Adam (Old Testament)

21 There will be a satan (type) person that came among you into this (Telestial) world and will begin the viscous cycle all over again whom lived on earth."

-Adam (Old Testament, First Born Man, Prophet)

** "Donald Trump, Barrack Hussein Obama, Michele Obama, I have not received (complete) revelation for. However, they could be Sons of Perdition along with Cain and Satan and live all together amongst others in outer darkness which is not a degree of glory and will be tormented for eternity. At the very least they are people amongst Death Valley in the lowest degree of glory by their actions on earth, they both have denied the Holy Spirit as well as Jesus Christ with full knowledge of both, however, if they are somehow found worthy of the Telestial Kingdom, by the grace of God, they will get a fair and just start like everyone else at Telestial 0 or Telestial Standard." For I know more about them, but I'm forbidden to share with you at this time.

-Adam of the Old Testament


"It is said that 66.6 (how the number of the beast came to be) percent of the entire world that ever lived on earth will only obtain the Telestial Kingdom - A sad reality for Christ and myself"-Adam of the Old Testament

The lowest degree of the Telestial Kingdom also known as "Death Valley" or "The Pit" or "3rd Minus"