1 Telestial Higher Law 3 or HL3 or TL3: A kingdom that surpasses all understanding of any other Kingdom they have known. This is not where one will start after the Millennium. They will start at Telestial 0. You may want to begin reading there before here. This kingdom can only be attained after Telestial Law 0, HL1, and HL2 are obtained and proven their progression through righteousness. Marriage is mandatory to enter this Kingdom (but is not recognized as Celestial).

2 They can never be removed from this Kingdom again. 

3 This is their final destination and is life eternal for them. No one will ever receive the wrath from Christ or myself again. And this is the Law.

4 No marriage is recognized as Celestial, however, they become God like and are exalted above others with limitations. 

5 No one can visit them from below however they can visit any level in the Telestial Kingdom.  These are the best of the best in the Telestial Kingdom. 

6 They can never leave this Kingdom to visit the Terrestrial or Celestial. They are bound by law here for eternity. They will live a standard above and beyond anything they can comprehend. 

7 They have forsaken their earth life and Telestial 0 or standard lifestyle and are forgiven for eternity. 

8 They can meet with me (Adam, of the Old Testament) face to face as I am now their God (Doctrine and Covenants 107:54-57 and Book of Enoch CH. 61, Isaiah 42) proclaim. And now I Adam of the Old Testament do testify of the Book of Enoch chapter 61 and of the Doctrine and Covenants vs 107:57 that like unto Joseph Smith who testified of truth, as do I of this doctrine and truth that it is sacred and from God the Father Elohim to his beloved Son Jesus Christ to me, for I am Adam for you now and made known to you now as this is not a coincidence for I am the one to testify of verse 57 of the Doctrine and Covenants 107 and you will know it is me because NO other will as it proclaims including the Church of Jesus Christ which is the true church of the earth with all living Apostles and a living Prophet. I bare witness to this truth in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

And I am the Elect One/Chosen One spoken of in Isaiah 42. And this is scripture for from here and to eternity. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things. Amen.

9 The power of procreation is removed, therefore, no children will ever come from a couple in this Kingdom which is the law, which is the eternal damnation for their behavior from earth life which was the test they originally mocked from Jesus Christ. 

10 God the Father Elohim and Jesus Christ will never visit the Telestial Kingdom, ONLY the Holy Ghost. However, I Adam, will be your God. You will lose all fear in this kingdom and this life forever at HL3. You will never stop praying for guidance and council. This is your law and your promise. You can never have this authority lost. You will own both the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood, which the power to act in the name of God but with limitations that are unknown to me at this time. I do know that a male whom obtained this sacred Priesthood and honored it will help control the populations below through my council and become a servant unto me for eternity. He will watch over the people in all Telestial glories and have authority to protect and serve others with his Priesthood on how he sees fit. If he is bullied or abused he can rebuke them immediately by the power of the Holy Priesthood and take control of any situation at any time for eternity. This is his glory and I make this the law as it has been given by me from Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior from our Father, Elohim who is God the Father. 

11 You will never be tempted by anyone or anything evil in this level of the Kingdom. In order to reach the highest degree here, (HL3), you must remove and ask to forsake the original curse as in 3 Nephi 2:14-16 and become like in Daniel 12:10 KJV to your original self. Will there be blacked skinned people in the Terrestrial Kingdom? Yes, but not at the highest degree within Terrestrial (unless they remove the original curse). As for Celestial bodies, this revelation has not been made clear to me.

12 You are set as free as one can be in the highest degree of the Telestial Kingdom but you will always suffer knowing what could have been had you simply chosen a Celestial lifestyle on earth. This is your law and this is Eternal.