
Supporting personal mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19

We would like to invite you to a dedicated session on supporting personal mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19 for all midwives who are interested. For more details, please find the attached flyer. 


*Note: The session will be conducted in English.


Karen Abbs, the UNFPA Duty of Care Coordinator will lead the discussion on:

· The impact of COVID-19 on wellbeing 

· Stressors you face in your midwifery/SRH role 

· Tools and strategies for supporting resilience 

· Development of a resilience plan and 

· Ongoing support options through UNFPA  

The session will be held this Thursday 6th of August at 1630pm Lao Time.

via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9306261903


We hope you can join us!