
Membership registration

To become a member, you need to register and pay associated membership level fees every year.

Members of Lao Association of Midwives can benefit from services provided by the association such as;

Types of Membership

Here are types of membership for which you can check your eligibility in order to become a member.

Full membership: Any person who has completed a formal midwifery program in Lao PDR (i.e. midwives, nurse-midwives and auxiliary nurse-midwives). Full members of the association have voting privileges and rights for nomination for any Board of Directors position

Associate membership: Any person with a special interest in maternal and infant health but who does not qualify to be a midwife in Lao PDR. This is open to other health care professionals, non-practising midwives and midwifery educators. Associate members of the association have voting privileges and rights for nomination for any Board of Directors position

Student membership: May be issued to individual students at any level of study who are enrolled in a formal midwifery education program in Lao PDR. Student membership are non-voting membership and cannot be nominated for a Board of Directors position

Allied membership: Is for individuals who are not midwives, or international midwives, who wish to support the vision of the association. Allied memberships are non-voting membership and cannot be nominated for a Board of Directors position

Honorary membership: May be awarded to any person who has rendered significant services to midwifery or who promotes that objectives of the association in a significant way. Shall be open to members and retired members. Honorary membership is issued at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Honorary memberships are non-voting membership and cannot be nominated for a Board of Directors position

Membership Fee

For now is free for each membership but will be a cost in the foreseeable future.