Our Longterm Goals

At Language Domination, we would like to grow the game by providing several languages in which students can play. We would also be interested in creating more game modes for the players. In the future, we would also want to create collaborations with corporations such as Disney, in order to offer players the opportunity to purchase items for their avatar that can be from the Marvel Universe, Star Wars, and Pixar. For example, with these collaborations, we can also add in our map objects that players can explore that are part of the Marvel Universe. The collaboration system we want to follow is Fortnite's. Here is a video below.

Another direction we would be interested in going in is for Language Domination to host community events in the game. We believe this would be a great way for players to feel part of our community and to attract more players in playing our game and purchasing the "Ultimate Player Pass", and purchase more items individually on the market. To show an example, approximately 2 years ago, Fortnite hosted a Travis Scott concert in the game. They collaborated with this artist, and the artist performed a virtual concert in the game. Below is a video of the concert in the game.