Business Model

Our business model is a freemium and premium business model. The game is free to install on all platforms, and all students can play it on their GoogleChrome books, PCs, or laptops. The game is also free to play, but the player will be limited in terms of personalization/customization of the avatar. Language Domination will have a "Language Market" where players can buy various customization objects (outfits, emotes, objects, further avatar physical customization mods) and created/designed game avatars. The currency used in the game is called "Language Tickets". Players can buy language tickets and then spend the language tickets at the Language Market. Another way Language Domination plans on becoming profitable is by offering the player the "Ultimate Player Pass". By paying for the "Ultimate Player Pass", players will be able to unlock many customizable items without having to go to the Language Market and buy specific items individually. The "Ultimate Player Pass" would cost each player 950 language tickets (CAD 9$ per month). Players will still be interested in purchasing items from the "Language Market" because what is offered on the market is different compared to the "Ultimate Player Pass". This is why we want to create two lines of consistent profit by making players buy individual objects that are only accessible on the market, and then providing players with stuff that are only accessible if they have the player pass.