Conduct in newsroom/lab

La Voz staff should conduct themselves professionally in the newsroom and lab, and show respect for the adviser, student employees and each other. The newsroom is for De Anza journalism students, although the La Voz staff has priority use. All others may use the newsroom only with the adviser’s permission. During production times, students not working on the upcoming issue under the direction of the editor-in-chief are not allowed in the newsroom.

The newsroom and break area must be kept neat and clean. Editors who leave a desk cluttered at the end of the day may be asked to give up the right of occupancy. No one may use the editor in chief ’s desk and computer without permission. Other editors have priority to their assigned desks.

Editors should answer the phone when a member of the business staff is not present. Be courteous, state your name and ask how you may help the caller. When taking a message, record who called, the time and date, the message, a return number and your name. Place messages for staff on their desks. Be familiar with the advertising rate sheet and provide advertisers with basic information when the advertising manager is unavailable.