Section editors

Section editors report to the editor-in-chief and communicate with the managing editor. The following general responsibilities fall to all section editors:

  • Be responsible for their section as a whole; doing whatever it takes for their section to be completed.

  • Be constantly on the lookout for possible story ideas.

  • Prepare prominent and newsworthy story ideas for each editorial board meeting.

  • Determine section assignments and write slugs.

  • Assign stories, photos and graphics to staff reporters and freelancers.

  • Direct, manage, coach and instruct reporters.

  • Keep records of assignments, due dates and complete section assignments.

  • Copyedit section stories online and in print. Proofread pages.

  • Write headlines for their section.

  • Design layout (with help of a design editor, if available) and proof section pages within deadline

Specific duties of each section editor are listed below.

News editor

In addition to the general duties listed above, the news editor is required to organize news coverage and keep a record of campus meetings such as DASG Senate, Academic Senate, FHDA Board of Trustees and Town Hall meetings. The news editor, or an assignee, is the liaison to campus security and obtains the police blotter.

Opinions editor

In addition to the general duties listed above, the opinions editor ensures that the opinions section adheres to La Voz policy including mandatory items such as newspaper identification, letters of disclaimer and policy and a staff box with at least the name of the editor-in-chief. The opinions editor coordinates topic selection and writing La Voz editorials and oversees letters to the editor, filing originals and identifying letter writers. Each letter that is printed should be authenticated by contacting the writer. If a letter needs to be severely edited, the opinions editor should discuss it with the author.

Features editor

In addition to the general duties listed above, the feature editor looks for campus events and angles to news stories that might be entertaining and informative. Topics may include clubs, events and issues affecting readers.

Entertainment editor

The entertainment editor assigns stories about campus arts and entertainment events and coordinates reviews of off-campus arts and entertainment of interest to readers. Coverage may include artist profiles.

Sports editor

In addition to the general duties listed above, the sports editor maintains coverage of all on-campus sports events for men’s and women’s teams. The sports editor stays informed about coaches and standings and keeps a calendar of campus sports events.

Design editor

The design editor assists during production with page design and is responsible for suggesting and implementing the look and style of La Voz and helping section editors with page layout. This position sometimes takes over the duties of the graphics editor.

Photo/graphics editor

The photo editor assists during production with design, captions, photo cropping, picture-page design, infographic design and pictorial advice. The photo editor may also work with section editors to produce assignments, check progress of photographers and coordinate staff photographers and artists. The photo editor maintains digital photo files, trains staff on photo equipment and software and may oversee checkout and inventory of photographic equipment.

Video editor

The video editor assists students with collecting video and using editing software. The video editor may also work with section editors to coordinate coverage. The video editor may oversee checkout and inventory of photographic equipment.