D.A. Voices

D.A. Voices is a feature that can run in any section of La Voz and should be related to a story or opinion. A reporter goes around the De Anza campus to get students’ opinions on a specific issue by asking one question.

The reporting

  • Prepare your question. Make sure it requires more than a yes/no answer and does not require a long explanation from you.

  • Be polite. Introduce yourself by name as a reporter for La Voz. Tell the interviewee your assignment and ask if they would like to participate. If they refuse, thank them and move on to the next prospect.

  • Reflect diversity. Try to find people from a variety of backgrounds such as race, ethnicity, major, age and gender. Travel beyond the cafeteria and the L-quad to find prospects.

  • Go for sentence-long responses. If someone answers with one or two words, ask “and why?” If responses are too lengthy, editors will edit them down. Submit a variety of responses. Ten people saying the same thing is boring and may look biased.

The photos

The mug shots that accompany DA Voices should be simple face shots that represent what the subject looks like. Here are steps to make sure your photo will work:

  • Ask the subject to stand (if possible) and make sure there’s nothing distracting in the background.

  • Have your subject remove sunglasses and look straight at the camera. If you decide you want a fancier pose, such as subjects looking over their shoulders at the camera, make sure every subject does the same thing.

  • Avoid excessive or animated poses and gestures.

  • Show the subject the photo you took and get their approval.

Get the subject’s full name (check spelling), age and major. For staff and faculty: full name and position. Entries without this information will not be published.