Training requirements for all KPARN members including new members.

Refer to the document below for all training requirements including a special section of reading for new members. Note this document can be viewed and also downloaded if desired.

Note that most of the general training is on public websites accessible for all. Some of the links to documents in the reading list for new members are to private documents. To access the private members website, you need to have a Google (Gmail) login and be accessed to it by mailing your Gmail user address to  If you don't have access to the private documents request them by emailing Click the yellow banner on the Members page and read further instructions included there on the drop-down.

NEW MEMBERS may begin by reading the accessible links on the reading list and working on the Mandatory requirements section.

AFTER A TRAINING COURSE has been completed, record it by submitting your training information and certificate as instructed. Request submittal instructions by emailing  Because the form does not require a login, we don't want to post it publicly.  A static link to the form will be emailed periodically with member announcements. Bookmark or save it for future use. The link is also posted on shortcuts page on the Private Members Site.


NOTE: FEMA is now requiring that you have and use a student identification number (SID) when taking their provided training (even their no cost courses) 

Click this link for more information and to register to get a SID


2024-06-25 Posted Training List.pdf


Exciting News from Cal OES CSTI!

Exciting News from Cal OES CST!!  July 2024

We've listened to your requests, and we are excited to announce that the G611 EOC Section Overview Series in Management, Operations, Logistics, Planning and Intel, and Finance and Administration are now available online as independent study courses!

These courses are equivalent to our in-person sessions and provide the same comprehensive training you expect from CSTI.

Ready to elevate your skills? Visit and start learning today!