Public Access Channel Frequencies

All FCC licensed radio amateurs may check into our public nets during our monthly drills. 
If you wish, check in when net control asks for any other check-ins during the net roll call.
The frequencies and times are listed below. 

All Nets are on the 4th Wednesday of the month starting about 12:30 pm for the 1st public net.

CHANGE TO DRILL FREQUENCIES:  Starting with the  October 2024  monthly drill on the 4th Wednesday,
we will be changing the order of frequencies used for our nets.

12:00 PM Net Control  Pre-Announcement on the CALNET Linked Repeater System. (Command Channel)
and also on the UHF tactical frequency.

12:10 PM Net Control  starts the command channel net on the CALNET Linked Repeater System. 
(KPARN and statewide guest hospital check-ins)

12:30 PM  Net Control starts the tactical channel net on KPARN's 440 repeater. 
(KPARN UHF tactical - hospitals, public safety and non-affiliated amateur radio guest check-ins)

12:50 PM Net Control starts the  HF 40-meter SSB net.
(KPARN, statewide guest hospital, and non-affiliated amateur radio guest check-ins)

Simplex Testing: Optional simplex testing between KPARN stations can occur on drill days when the other nets are not active. This includes all three bands ( 2m, 6m, and 220). Facilitate with prior email coordination of test times and bands.

Guard Channel Monitoring: KPARN stations that have 6m radios should monitor our prior 6m repeater output frequency in simplex mode (Alinco channel number 17).

KPARN Public Access Channels 2024-10-20.pdf