Membership Information and Expectations

Membership is open to any FCC licensed amateur radio operator in our operating area

Not already a licensed amateur radio operator ("ham") ?  

Click this banner for info on how to become one.

To earn the Technician license requires passing one examination totaling 35 questions on radio theory, regulations and operating practices (no morse code requirement). The license gives access to all Amateur Radio frequencies above 30 megahertz, allowing these licensees the ability to communicate locally and most often within North America.

The Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national organization for all hams. 

A major commercial website for hams is QRZ.  Click here for their practice license example tests.

Why are we needed?

What members do

The time commitment is not large.


Note that KPARN serves the Southern California Operating Area including  Kern County (Bakersfield), the greater Los Angeles area (Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties), and San Diego County  (see facilities map)

Click here for links to other organizations that might be in your area.

Membership Expectations

KPARN Member Expections Agreement.pdf

What happens after I Join?

WELCOME to KPARN!  We thank you and appreciate your willingness to serve Kaiser Permanente during emergency situations enabling them to continue providing medical services to those in need.