Wonder Islands

Halloween is over, but the party must go on! The Headless Horseman is into quest islands now, and he invites us to give his new hobby a shot. For the first time ever, you don't have to save anyone. Just complete tasks and have fun!

Ruby Sale!

No Dungeons

Autumn Coin for completing the quests

NEW: Buy rare animals with special coins.

NEW: Adventure Book

Repeat of Thanksgiving Woods begins on Monday

New: Rare Animal eggs

The devs can’t always guess what rare animals players want to get in the update. That’s why it was decided to make a special coin that allows you to buy an egg of any rare animal.

There’s a new tab in the Zookeeper’s Cabin where you can buy those eggs. The coins will be given on temp lands and during other special events.

Crocodile, Penguin, Elephant, Lemon Giraffe and Cherry Flamingo eggs are all available.