Travel Items - Install to the Airship

You must have special items to reach some lands.

For example you must first make a Wind Rose to reach Blackwood.

Once you have made the Wind Rose load it to your Airship and you will able to install it. Once installed it will not unload when you unload your Airship it will stay there.

IF you have ANY travel item in the HOLD of your Airship the Airship will not move, you will receive a message asking you to install these items.

To fly to Blackwood you need the Wind Rose installed on your airship (Crafted in the Fairy Tree in Lake of Sorrow)

To fly to Battlefield you need the Storm Rose installed on your airship. (Crafted in the Wizard Tower in Blackwood)

To access Swampland you need the Map (Map pieces crafted in Ringleaders Den in Battlefield, and then craft the Map in your workshop at home)

To access Sunny Savannah you need the Hidrolabe installed (crafted in Lava Craters after the pipe puzzle is completed)

To access Architect's Manor you need the Light Astrolabe installed (Crafted in Sunny Savannah after the pipe puzzle is completed)

To access Abandoned Park you need the Quadrant installed (Crafted in Architect's Manor from an Astrolabe and the Mould. The Mould is rewarded after solving the puzzle on this land)

To access Treasure Island you need the Pirate Compass installed on your airship (crafted in Abandoned Park)

To access Ghost Town you need the Pirate Map installed on your airship. (Crafted in the Ancient Ship in Abandoned Lands)

To access Ancient Waterfall you need the Eternal Compass installed on your airship (Crafted in the Bungalow in Ghost Town)

To access Rebel Harbor you need the Monocular installed on your airship. (Crafted in Joe’s Fort in Ancient Waterfall)

To travel to Monde-Thierry you need the Game Visa installed on your airship. (Crafted in the Embassy at Blumburg)

To access Magisterium you need the Magisterium Pass installed. (Crafted in the Embassy at Blumburg)

To access Northern Coast you need the Road Map. (Crafted in the Bumburg Embassy)

To travel to Signal Source you need the Sonar. (Made on Father’s Workbench at Secret Hideout)

Portable Artifact: needed to travel to Lost Ships Island. (Crafted at Secret Hideout on Father’s Workbench)

Underwater Navigator: needed to reach Atlantis. (Crafted at Secret Hideout on Father’s Workbench)

Fairy’s Tear: needed to reach Synoptis. (Crafted at Weatherland)

Winter Cloak: needed to reach Winterfair. (Crafted at Weatherland)

Summer Fragrance: Allows you to travel to Sunfair, made at Violet the fairy in Weatherland.

Coffer: Allows you to travel to Golden Sands, made at the Mountain Master in Hidden Sesame.

Genie’s Pass: needed to travel to Adil’s Palace, made at Golden Sands at the Oriental Master.

Infrahoney Bulbs: Used to travel to Dreamy Meadow. Made at Golden Sands at the Oriental Master.

Airships, Upgrades and Travel Items