Obelisk Ruins

Combo chop large stones to get large bundles of rocks

Daily Tribute from Sunny Savannah and found in chests on Treasure Island

Large bundle of rocks (weight 40)

Obelisk ruins can be found in the large bundles of 40 when cutting large stones above 48 energy. Take the bundles of 40 home and unload at home. Do remember chopping large stones in several goes will not give bundles of 40, you need to combo click the stone in one hit. Stones can be found on Lake of Sorrow and Mountain Valley and other Faraway Lands. Obelisk ruins are hard to get, so you probably need to cut several big stones in combo.

Possible reward for owners of Statue of the Sage and Skull Cave. You cannot get these when visiting neighbours they only drop for the owner of the decoration.