Dahlias and other flowers, Love Lake

All Dahlias, Scarlet Flower, Stone Flower, Black Orchid, Heavenly Flower and War Flower will WILT (Lake becomes SAD) if not tended within a set amount of time.

  • Your first Dahlia is a reward for a quest. Follow the quests to build the bed and plant the seed when you receive it.

  • We can buy all beds for the different coloured Dahlias and the Scarlet Flowers in the Market - Estate - Flowers.

  • Each time you harvest a Dahlia, there is a chance you will receive a new SEED.

  • We find seeds in Storage - Production tab.

  • When you have your seed, buy the CORRECT coloured bed to plant the seed in.

  • This is how you build up your flower collection.

  • We can send purple Dahlia seeds as gifts.

  • We can purchase all Dahlias in the market for rubies.

  • All flowers will WILT if we have not watered/tended them in the prescribed time (usually 7 days) Flowers that are ready for harvest will never wilt.

Dahlias and other flowers, Love Lake