
1. First! Learn about the moves you have available to use while jousting. To learn about these, click on your avatar, this will bring up the character menu. Then click the MOVES tab. Here you will see all the moves you and your rival can do. Click to highlight each move (yours and your rival’s) to see how these different combinations affect each other.

2. When you are jousting, always watch your rival's available moves in the lower right-hand corner. The moves that are lit up are the ones they COULD choose to use.

It is up to you to predict what their most likely move is going to be and then decide your move accordingly. You will not see their move until you choose yours.

3. Practice, practice and then practice some more! The more you practice the better you will hone your jousting skills. Open your Arena Gates and practice fighting there. You will find an easy rival on the left, an equal-level rival in the middle, or a challenging rival (1-2 levels higher) on the right. Once you become familiar with the moves, try your luck with online duels in the Bookmaker’s Table, the Bulletin Boards or send an online friend a duel request when you are ready to face a player in real time.

4. There is no one-size-fits-all way on how to pick your jousting moves. All opponents will be different, some may be more unpredictable than others, but once you understand what the moves do and keep an eye on what your opponent can do in his next move, you will be one step closer to getting a win.


New COMBAT RINGS! Your jousting skills are getting an upgrade!

- Craft the brand new BERSERK and DEADLIEST CURSE rings and be much stronger than your rival!

- Berserk combat ring takes your health, but gives you a substantial amount of rage in return. The ring is crafted in Blackwood.

- Deadliest Curse combat ring also takes your health, but brings you the rival’s rage points. Craft it in Battlefield.

👉 First thing: combat rings do NOT win you a combat, if you don’t have any STRATEGY at hand! Think the whole combat over and get prepared accordingly – your future victory depends on ALL equipment items you use (armor, shield, lance)

👉 Once you have crafted a combat ring in Blackwood or Battlefield, it will go right to your Backpack (Find Backpack in the character menu by clicking the pic of your character above the screen or in the Fitting Room)

👉 After you find it in the backpack, place it in a special slot for the ring.

👉 One combat ring will work for 10 moves which means it will not serve you forever!

👉 Don’t forget to refresh the moves to use the ring in combat!


Jousting practice makes perfect

Using better armor and weapons can only carry you so far in combat. Although you need good armor to help mitigate damage and a good weapon to do more damage, if you are not choosing the right abilities at the right time, and your rival is making better counter-moves, then you will likely lose the battle. Keep practicing using your abilities, you will find you will make better decisions with more practice.


Victory Types

There are two types of victories in jousting.

1. A glorious victory. This is done by fighting the far right rival in the arena. For a glorious victory you CAN NOT dedicate a victory to a lady. This means that both ladies and knights can compete in this category, and blitz flag. The blitz flag for glorious victories is blue.

2. A DEDICATED glorious victory. This is knight only. This fight requires you to fight the far right rival, and dedicate to one or all of your ladies. Ladies can not compete in this trophy category, and can not compete for this blitz flag. The blitz flag for this type of fight is pink.


No there are no special, hidden tricks or quirks in the game, everything he can do is transparent for you to do. Your friend is either misleading or has been mislead himself. Or just trying to make the competition a little nervous. smile emoticon

The first thing in any fighting scenario is understanding exactly what your moves do, and how your opponents available moves can affect your choices. You can go into the character menu by clicking on your character. then click the MOVES tab, then study the moves there. You can click on a move that you might perform and then click all the possible rival moves to see how each of these combinations is affected by your choice and your opponents choice.

The second thing is just practice. Jousting is akin to a chess match. You need to outwit your opponent, and sometimes it comes down to pure luck, sometimes it comes down to your ability to predict what their move will be so you can counter it, and other times you can simply control the fight by trying to get them to spend their rage which will limit their moves if you can keep it low. This is all about strategy. Some people are simply better strategists than others, that is the only thing that will give one fighter an advantage over the other, experience, luck, and a better strategy.

The summation of this is, everyone has the same moves they can make, how they choose to make them is what will set them apart. Choosing to fight when you have the best food on you for damage, health, rage, and critical strength and chance will increase your chances. Making sure you have enchanted your armor with stats that will enhance your fight-style will also give you an advantage OR put you on equal footing. The abilities you have chosen as you have leveled up will factor in as well, did you make good choices for your particular fighting style.


Betting Jousting

You can only beat a rival once in 24 hours for it to tally in the top leaderboards.

You will see this display when you are looking for a bet

See the information written in lilac " The victory in this combat will not be counted in the top"

If you have a bet up and they accept your bet you will NOT see this message, however if you have fought them since last reset then any new combat will not count.

The betting blitz jousts have to be with an online opponent from the Bookmakers Table and a bet with gold coins is required

You will only get credit for wins against different opponents i.e. you can't beat the same opponent 20 times and get 20 credits for winning

There are never very many online jousters so that particular blitz cup is usually won with low numbers


👉 First thing: combat rings do NOT win you a combat, if you don’t have any STRATEGY at hand! Think the whole combat over and get prepared accordingly – your future victory depends on ALL equipment items you use (armor, shield, lance)

👉 Once you have crafted a combat ring in Blackwood or Battlefield, it will go right to your Backpack (Find Backpack in the character menu by clicking the pic of your character above the screen or in the Fitting Room)

👉 After you find it in the backpack, place it in a special slot for the ring.

👉 One combat ring will work for 10 moves which means it will not serve you forever!

👉 Don’t forget to refresh the moves to use the ring in combat!

Off you go for your jousting victories now! ✨