Plant Sanctuary

The Life Tree needs help right now!

Noisy merchant caravans, trash piling up everywhere, and long droughts have really damaged the Kingdom's environment.

It's crying for help, but its pleas are heard less and less often.

So hurry to the Plant Sanctuary and restore the harmony of nature!

🌷 No dungeons

🌼 Clearing marathon (35% - clickable Shimmering Waterfall, 45% - Zoo Coin)

🌷 Coin of Spring for completing the quests

🌷 Clan Wars on Monday, 4 weeks. There will be breaks on Thursdays and Fridays to give players a chance to complete temp lands.

🌼 Green Harbor repeat on Monday 24 April . Changes:

No reward from the mail (Transfiguration Table)

No order board

No group rating in the dungeons (Sustainable Marathon)

Wind Plant for 60% clearing

Changed rewards in the Helping Hand and 

New colours of the rewards: