Honey Island


May 4 - May 10, 2023

🌷 No dungeons

🌼 Order board (10 orders for the first reward + 5 for the second)

🌷 Coin of Spring for completing the quests

🌼 Siren Bay Fan Page notes and Siren Bay guide Siren Bay Guide repeat after completing the quests. 

Changes: no group rating, 30% clearing task instead of 40%, new colors of the rewards, extra 165 Clan Points

🌷 150 CLan Points on Honey Island


Spring is in full swing already, which means it's time to start harvesting honey.

On a remote island, the Brown family makes a delicious purple variety of the sweet treat.

But this year, nobody in the Kingdom got their order of it.

Travel to Honey Island and find out what happened to Purple Honey!