
New: Zoo Coins

The developers can’t always guess what rare animals players want. That’s why it was decided to make a special coin that allows you to buy an egg of any rare animal.

There’s a new tab in the Zookeeper’s Cabin where you can buy those eggs. The coins will be given on temp lands and during other special events.

Crocodile, Penguin, Elephant, Lemon Giraffe and Cherry Flamingo eggs are all available.


Quests for the Zoo trigger at level 10.  There is no hurry to visit the Zoo, you may want to concentrate on home quests and Faraway Lands first.

Special buildings and decorations can be place at the Zoo

Zookeeper's Assistants

Zookeeper's Assistants

These handy helpers will collect the gifts, feed and play with the animals

Zookeeper's Cabin

Zookeeper's Cabin

Already at the Zoo, you can buy enclosures for the animals and Zoo buildings here,  some limited decorations are available.  The normal market is not available at the Zoo.



Make food for the animals here

Magic Nursery

Magic Nursery

This is where we can breed like animals to produce 'Rare Eggs'.  Rare Eggs give the same animal as the adults but can be a different color. 

Adult animals can breed in the Magic Nursery once only, they are automatically sent to the Royal Zoo after 1 mating - EXCEPTION - Giraffe - see 'Giraffe' below

Animal Nursery

Animal Nursery

Two adult animals of the same type can be sent to the Nursery to mate.  They will have an offspring identical to the parents.

Animal Nursery Incubator

Place 2 animals of the same colour in the Magic Nursery, they will produce an EGG BASKET that can be found in storage.  

PLACE this on your land and open it.

The result in storage is an Egg that will hatch into a rare animal.

To find your rare eggs use the Incubator Tab in the normal Nursery!!

To find your rare eggs use the Incubator Tab in the normal Nursery!!

Open the Nursery

Click Incubator

Click Select

Scroll down to the animal you are looking for!  If you have rare eggs of this animal they will all appear here, you can now choose one to incubate.

K&B Animal Husbandry

All about breeding, to translate this document, open it in a new tab.