Mountain Valley

Mountain Valley is the 3rd permanent Faraway Land. Catapults and Prisoners can be found here. The Sacred Well can be loaded to the Airship and taken home.

Available at level 15.

Land is rich with Iron, Marble, Diamonds and Gold. There are also underground resources that can be mined for with Compasses and Geologists (3 Gold, 3 Marble & 3 Iron)

Mountain Valley unlocks at level 15 and after completing the quest "Portal in the Fog" at Lake of Sorrow. Some quests can be done on other lands.

Always follow the quests, never get ahead of the quests and destroy Bandit Towers or free Prisoners unless a quest directs you to. Finish the quests then complete anything else left on the land.

Key structures

Main Building: Town Hall

Bandit Towers, Catapults, Prisoners and the Stone Well, an interactive decoration.

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