what happens next?

WHAT happens next?

The story ends with Hannah fast asleep in her cocoon. What happens next? See the amazing and creative submissions from our readers, below.

Hannah was nice and cozy inside her cocoon. The next night, there was a huge storm! The lightening knocked her cocoon down. Hannah fell to the ground. When Hannah went to school the next day, all the caterpillar students, were now butterflies - except for Hannah. She was the only one who was still a caterpillar. Hannah felt sad and out of place. Kyle noticed that Hannah seemed sad. He went over to Hannah and hugged her. Then he said "I got you". Hannah told him, "Kyle, you're my best friend". - A. (age 7)

Next, Hannah woke up. She saw some light. She got out of her cocoon. She looked at herself and saw two big beautiful wings. Hannah thought, this was definitely worth facing her fears. - S. (age 9)

Hannah turns into a beautiful blue butterfly. - Y. (age 20 months)

Chalk your walk. - I. (age 2).

-R. (age 8)

Comic strip. - A. (age 7)

Hannah turns into a beautiful butterfly. Each wing completed by a family member. -S. (age 6)

Hannah turns into a butterfly because I know a lot about butterflies. - S. (age 7)

-R. (age 12)

Next, Hannah woke up after a long sleep. She felt like she could fly! And guess what? She can! She tried to fly just like her mother, but she fell. Her dad found her on the ground and he slowly picked up Hannah. She got better at flying everyday but she couldn't hug her friends anymore. She didn't have arms nor legs. Sad but she can always just play happily ever after! - J. (age 9)

A couple days later Hannah realized it wasn’t as bad as she thought. Every day Hannah was excited to fly. “It’s finally the day,” Hannah said, bursting out with excitement. “I finally get to fly,” and was so excited she had forgotten how to get out. After a couple of minutes she figured it out. She was so happy she could fly. The end. - K. (age 9)

I think that Hannah will become a beautiful butterfly that loves to give hugs to everyone. - K. (age 9)

Three grade 1 students thought that once Hannah got out of her cocoon, she'd go to school and learn how to fly. (ages 6)

Hannah goes home, then she gives hugs." - R. (age 5)

She will be a beautiful butterfly. - I. (age 7)

It turned into a butterfly. - R. (age 6)

Then Hannah is an amazing butterfly and she travels around the world to USA, China, Mexico and the rest of them. The End. - F. (age 10)

She turned into a butterfly and now she can fly and she can play with her other butterfly friends. Let's have fun. - M. (age 6)

The next morning the cocoon opened and a butterfly came out. - D. (age 6)

She will be a butterfly because caterpillars turn into butterflies and the butterfly is inside. - B. (age 7)

She a butterfly. (age 6)

And then Hannah breaks out of the cocoon and she became a butterfly! She was so happy. -M (age 9)

Hannah turned into a butterfly and she showed her whole school and she thanked her teacher and the whole school. (age 9)

Next, Hannah wakes herself up and is now a non-claustrophobic butterfly who batched out of a cocoon. -S. (age 8)

I think she is a butterfly and she will play tag. -A. (age 7)

About 15 days later, Hannah emerged to find that she was a butterfly! She looked around her and saw that her friends were coming out of their cocoons, as well. Hannah flew over to her family and friends to give them all big hugs.

Her family greeted her with big smiles. "You are such a beautiful butterfly," Hannah's dad said. "Yes, and we are so proud of you dear," her mom added.

"All those years worrying about it and now it is over," Hannah exclaimed happily. She was glad that she was a butterfly and that she would not have to worry about her cocoon any longer. The End.

A brother/sister team (ages 8 and 12)

She will be a butterfly because caterpillars turn into butterflies. -B. (age 7)

And then Hannah comes out of her cocoon and meets her butterfly friends. And she becomes a teacher because her teacher helped her soooo much she wanted to help caterpillars, too. -M. (age 6)

I feel scared to sleep alone just like Hannah feels nervous about going in her cocoon. -K. (age 6)

I remember when I felt scared when it is my first time going to a new school just like when Hannah is scared to go in her cocoon. -A. (age 6)

That reminds me of my first time I had to go to school in JC just like Hannah when she feel scared in the small place in the cocoon. -R. (age 6)

Just like I was scared of my first day of school. I was scared but I asked my friends they knew what to do. Just like Hannah felt scared. -G. (age 6)

And after a few weeks the cocoon started to shake and Hannah came out as a beautiful butterfly and every day she and her friends would always play bug tag. - A. (age 6)

I felt just like Hannah because I was so cared I had butterflies in my stomach because I was thinking about sleeping and there was a monster in my room. -C. (age 6)

Hannah sees cocoon. She turned into a butterfly. -A. (age 4)

I think Hannah will turn into a butterfly. (age 4)

The caterpillar will turn into a butterfly and fly to Jupiter. (age 4)

Hannah is in a cocoon. Hannah is a butterfly. (age 4)

It turns into a butterfly. It will go and fly to Thunder Bay. (age 4)

Hannah can eat flowers. (age 4)

Once upon a taime I was a caterpillar named Katelynn. My birthday is tomorrow. My family was getting ready for my birthday party. They wanted to mkae sure the party was perfect. When I woke up I celebrated with family. The End. -K. (age 4)

Hannah turned into a cute butterfly. -A. (age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

-B. (age 4)

-A. (age 4)

Hannah turns in to a butterfly. - I. (age 4)

He will turn into a butterfly. -M. (age 4)

Butterfly. -J. (age 4)

Hannah turned to butterfly. - N. (age 4)

(age 8)

(age 8)

Next, she teaches all people to be kind. (age 6)

When she woke up and then...she learned to fly! After school, she saw another butterfly. She said, hi! The friend said hi! Hannah said let's be friends! The butterfly said ok. Hannah said my name is Hannah! My name is Lili. They played all day. The End. (age 6)

Next, Hannah woke and spread her wings. And then she was looking for her friends. When she found her friends she gave them a big hug. (age 6)

A few weeks later she woke up as a caterpillar. She fell down the tree. Her mom and dad put her up. And now a few says later, she was a butterfly. She flew to school and gave her friends a big hug. And it was raining. She was safe in her house. (age 6)

Next Hannah flies and hugs everything in sight. After she hugs everything is very hungry she went to find food. The next day she finds flowers and hugs them. (age 6)

Next, Hannah woke up and got food and gave food to her friends and family. (age 6)

A few weeks past. "Mom, Dad. I faced my fear," said Hannah. "Great job," said Hannah's mom and dad. "I am going to find some food," said Hannah. "Ok," said Hannah's mom. The End. (age 6)

She goes to be the principal. (age 6)

I think she is going to be a teacher. She will teach caterpillars how to be a butterfly. (age 6)

Next she went in to a deep sleep and then she was a butterfly. She flew off. (age 6)

A week lader Hannah woke up and she gave her mom and dad a big hug. (age 6)

Next, Hannah hugs anybody she sees. First, she eats and then hugs them. (age 6)

Next Hannah gives mom a big hug. (age 6)

7 weeks later... Hannah pushed herself out of her cocoon and formed ina pretty pink butterfly with black diagonal stripes and purple antennae.

She was so happy tbecause herparents put her into flying lessons, so she could get her flying license to fly wherever she watned without her parents.

Then her mom and dad greeted her happy b-day, since it was her birthday when she pushed out of her cocoon that moring.

She wen tot see her friends to see what colours they turned into and to paly hug tag. The End. -M. (age 7)

-J. (age 4)

-A. & M. (ages 4)

-E. (age 4)

-M. (age 4)

-A. (age 4)

-L. (age 4)

-S. (age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

-A. (age 4)

-T. (age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

-G. (age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

-K. (age 4)

(age 4)

-B. (age 4)

(age 4)

-T. (age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

Both Hannah and her friend turned into beautiful butterflies. (age 4)

She's going to turn into a butterfly. (age 4)

(age 4)

(age 4)

I think she likes to hug. (age 4)