how to make bruno feel welcome

I am so impressed by the incredible and varied responses by students of all ages answering this important question. Your sentiments and pictures are amazing, everyone!

Using pictures and words, how would you make a new student, like bruno, feel welcome in your class?

See the amazing and creative submissions from our readers, below.

Being kind to Bruno. (age 4)

I would play with Bruno. (age 4)

Welcome friend. - G. (age 4)

-C. (age 6)

Use sign language with Bruno. -K. (age 4)

Share with him toys. (age 4)

Look, help him. (age 4)

This is my giving Bruno flowers. (age)

Bruno is under the paper. I welcome him and there is a friendly tank that scared him. The flower will welcome him. (age 4)

I'll draw a picture him. (age 4)

I say, "Hi" and I play with him. (age 4)

We need to say hi. (age 4)

I help him to make sounds and be his friend. (age 4)

Play with Bruno and make picture for him. (age 4)

Share toys. (age 4)

We are helping each other. (age 4)

I could play a game so they would feel better. I would stand up if they are getting bullied. -A. (age7)

I would be kind to them. -B. (age 7)

I would stand up for them if they are getting bullied. I would respond to their picture binder. -C. (age 7)

I could show kindness. I could play a game. -D. (age 7)

I would respond to their picture binder. I would be a good friend. -E. (age 7)

I would respond to their picture binder. -H. (age 7)

I would talk calmly so I can not too loud. -J. (age 7)

i would show them things around the classroom. -L. (age 7)

I would give them space if they were upset. -L. (age 7)

I would be patient and be kind. I would respond to their picture binder. I will help him know what to do. -L. (age 7)

I will help them if they are having trouble with work. -M. (age 8)

I would make a new student feel welcome in my clas by helping them with something. -M. (age 7)

I will help him know what to do. -O. (age 7)

I would play with him at recess and help him if needed. -R. (age 7)

I could say welcome to your new class and I would play with them and I would talk to them in a calm voice if they are getting upset. - S. (age 7)

I would make them feel special. -S. (age 7)

I would figure out new games we can all play. -S. (age 7)

I would help them find their desk. -W. (age 7)

I would learn how to use PEC symbols so if he was feeling sad I could communicate with him and make him feel better. -A. (age 8)

Show him around the classroom, play with him at recess and help him with his work. -A. (age 7)

I would include him and play with him and I would help Bruno with his homework. -A. (age 8)

I would first say hi to Bruno. I would learn how to use picture cards so I could talk to him. I would be kind to him by using kind words. Maybe he will be friends with me. Maybe we would be best friends. -A. (age 8)

I will say to Bruno that I will play with him at every recess. -B. (age 8)

Hi there. I help him in math. He is nice to me and I am nice to him. He's still nice. -C. (age 6)

I will help Bruno feel welcome in my class by communicating. I would also play with him at recess. -D. (age 6)

I would be nice to Bruno like helping him with his math. -E. (age 7)

I would make Bruno feel welcome in my class by being nice and helpful. I would include him in everything I do. I would also include him in our games at recess. -I. (age 8)

To make a new student feel welcome is to play with each other, and helping, and being kind and respecful. -J. (age 6)

I would tell him to play with me at recess and be his friend. -L. (age 7)

I would play with him outside and make friends with him so he feels happy. -M. (age 6)

Play with him everyday. Walk with him home. Help him with things. Give him everything. Give him candies. Be nice to her (Kim) and she will be nice to Bruno and maybe we can be best friends! And they will always be best friends, always. -R. (age 6)

If a student comes, talk to make them feel wlecome. I would make him feel welcome by playing with him. -R. (age 6)

I would help him feel welcome in my class by playing with him. I would also read with him. - R. (age 6)

I would help Bruno with something like his spelling and I could help Bruno with his math. -S. (age 6)

Kim is helping Bruno learn new things. -A. (age 7)

I would be friends with them. -A. (age 7)

I will play when he wants to play, do what he wants to do, he probably will feel welcome then. -A. (age 8)

I would play with him a lot. (age 7)

I would help him when he's upset and show him his binder and ask what he wants. (age 8)

I would say hello and say if they want to play with me and help them out if they need help. (age 7)

I would go over and make friends him (with my friends). -K. (age 8)

Well, I would include him in my games. I would help him all the timeand teach him to play games. -L. (age 8)

I would help them do stuff and I would play with them if no one was playing with them and I would remember not to play rough and to tell him stuff with pictures. - L. (age 8)

I would show him around the class and the school and I will show him where the bathroom is. -M. (age 7)

Include them into your games so they don't cry, feel left out, and have a fun time. - M. (age 7)

I would show her around the classroom and make friends with her. -R. (age 7)

I would be kind and speak softly to them. -R. (age 8)

I would say hello in the morning. Say bye after school is done. If he drops something I would pick it up and give it to him. Play with him, invite him to play. -R. (age 8)

I would always make him feel welcome. I will play with him if he has no one to play with. If he needs help I would help him, I would find out ways to keep him calm. -S. (age 8)

If he got hurt, I would help. -E. (age 7)