FOR TEACHERS - special education

Below, please find some activities that you may use in the classroom with your students.

Let Hannah show you how to wear your mask safely during the pandemic through this social story. Click on her mask, to the left, to gain access to the story.

Design a new mask for Hannah. See samples, here.

Create a social story to help students with ASD learn through modeling. Here are some video examples of how to wash your hands, sort laundry and get winter clothes on.

Thanks Tina Alexander and Tara Curran for providing the videos.

See how an amazing teacher is using Boardmaker with her students with ASD. If you'd like a copy of the lesson, click here.

Watch this video to learn about PECS from Tina Alexander, Special Education Teacher, PDSB. Click here.

Can you help Bruno communicate using Picture Exchange Communication (PEC) cards?

Click on the PEC card in his hand to gain access to the activity. You will need to MAKE A COPY in order to play. Send me a picture when you are done!

More with PEC cards. Cut out the PEC cards and communicate with a friend using only PEC cards. Click on the PEC card in his hand to gain access to the activity. See this activity in action, here.

This activity was created by Tina Alexander, Special Education Teacher, PDSB.

Can you help Bruno learn new skills in Phys. Ed. using PEC cards? Click on the basketball net to gain access to the activity.

This activity was created by Lisa Foster, In School Support Program and Phys. Ed. Teacher, PDSB.