Frequently Asked Questions
What is #KidlitZombieWeek?
It's a week-long event where the "6 Ladies and a MANuscript" critique group will lead discussions about how to bring dead manuscripts back to life! We'll have blog posts, twitter discussions, and prizes at the end!
When is #KidLitZombieWeek?
June 17-21, 2024
Is this only for picture book writers?
The event is mostly focused on picture book writers because we are a picture book writing group and so the pitch contest is only for picture book authors, but the pledge contest and all the posts and learning are for any writer.
What's the origin story of #KidLitZombieWeek?
In February 2020, @BrianGehrlein posted about one of his dead stories: https://www.pbspotlight.com/single-post/2020/02/20/Breaking-All-the-Rules
Jolene shared a thought, "We have dead stories. Maybe we can revive them and inspire others, too!" After some great puns and getting Brian's blessing, we're doing just that!
Who are the hosts?
Check it all out here.
What is a zombie story?
A zombie story can be a shelved story, that manuscript stuck in a drawer, or a written piece you once considered "dead" but want to revise to bring it back to life.
How old does a story have to be to be a "zombie" story?
Have you ever shoved a story in a drawer, closed your doc, or slammed your notebook shut on your story with a "you're dead to me!"? Zombie stories can range from your first story ever written, moldering in a dusty file, to something that you wrote more recently but have given up on. Trust us, you'll know a zombie story when you see it.
How do I get help resurrecting my manuscript?
We will have blog posts and Twitter discussions during #KidlitZombieWeek.
If you want help before or after then, you can check out the following resources:
the Laceras (authors of Zombies Don't Eat Veggies) are also available to critique manuscripts on a for-hire basis. Email megan@studiolacera.com for rates and availability.
How do I enter to win prizes for Kidlit Zombie Week?
There are two ways:
a pitch contest to win a critique from our whole 6 Ladies and a MANuscript critique group or a choice of prizes from Justin Colón
a pledge drawing to be randomly selected to win a prize from agents, authors, and illustrators, check out the prize donors here and follow us on Twitter @6and_MANuscript for more details
How does the pitch contest work?
Submit a short pitch (100 words or less) on the day of our pitch party (Friday, June 21, 2024 by 11:59 pm EST)
One entry per person
Fill out the form by 11:59 pm EST June 21, 2024
Picture books only (just for the pitch, anyone can participate in the events to learn and grow as a writer and the pledge prize giveaway contest)
3 winners will be selected by our group to all give you a critique to help revive your dead story
How does the zombie pledge work?
Anyone who has participated in #KidlitZombieWeek, can take the pledge on June 21, 2024 (by 11:59 pm EST) and will be entered into a random drawing for prizes (this includes prize donors)
Do I have to register anywhere?
Nope! It can help if you follow us on Twitter so you don't miss anything, but that's about it! @6and_MANuscript
What if I lie and say I’m working on revising and I’m not?
We believe people will be honest. We're relying on the honor system.
What if I haven’t been writing for long?
Look through your early manuscripts and even story ideas. Which ones are calling to you from the grave?
If I win a critique, do I have to send my revived story?
No, you may send any story as long as it falls under restrictions for the prize.
Tips for pitching?
Check out this Blog Post by Jocelyn Rish
Note: you don’t need a title in your pitch
Can I participate if I've published a book?
Sure! This event is open to anyone who's writing kidlit! We ask that people participating in the pitch event be unagented, but they can be published. And EVERYONE including PB, CB, MG, and YA can take the pledge for the other prizes!