
‘No Brainer’ Pitching Rules

Yes, even zombies need rules. 

Please follow the instructions below to enter the pitch contest for a chance to get help bringing your dead PB manuscript back to life. Winning submissions will receive a critique from the critique group--6 Ladies and a MANuscript or a prize from Justin Colón.

In one pitch that's 100 words or less, give a synopsis of your story and tell us why it is a ‘dead manuscript’ (which will be on the Forms page after June 21st).

Sample Pitch:

A kid scientist invents a time machine to travel back in time and give his arch nemesis a wedgie. 🧟 My CPs felt like the story jumped around too much and worried that it would promote wedgie giving. #KidlitZombieWeek

·   One pitch per person

·   Must be a PB manuscript

·   Must be sumitted to the form by June 21, 2024 midnight EST.

Zombie Pledge Rules

For all participants (including MG and YA authors), take the pledge on the Forms page that you revised (and/or are revising) a zombie manuscript, and you’ll be entered into a random drawing for PRIZES, including critiques, books, and swag!

Pledge: I solemnly swear I’m using my yummy brain to bring a zombie manuscript back to life. #KidLitZombieWeek 


Both the pitch contest and pledge drawing will take place on Friday, June 21st (all pitches and pledges due by 11:59 pm EST)!