
Please note: forms will open up the Friday of Kidlit Zombie Week. So excited to see your pitches and pledges!

#KidLitZombieWeek Pitch Form 

Create a pitch (100 words or less) pitching your picture book-length story, and why it became a zombie. Post it to the form below. Congratulations! You're entered to win a critique from the entire @6and_MANuscript crew (Scroll down).

Pitch FORM


(Please note your response should appear below automatically or we did not receive it. Make sure to scroll down.)

2024 Pitch Contest Kidlit Zombie Week Form (Responses)

Pledge FORM


(Please note your response should appear below automatically or we did not receive it. Make sure to scroll down.)

2024 #KidLitZombieWeek Pledge Form (Responses)

Yay! You did it! 

Once you've completed your forms, make sure to interact with each other and thank our generous donors on Twitter.

***Please note, your pitch and pledge info should appear in the response area below the section when you've entered!***