The Appointment Generator Review Must Watch This Before Buying

The Appointment Generator-- An Evaluation of Josh Turner's New Gig

I attended The Consultation Generator Webinar today.

I wasn't expecting to do it.

But I did.

Someplace along the line of all my research study I ran into Josh Turner and his LinkedIn University things.

Low and behold, I had actually come across his most recent gig called The Appointment Generator.

Knowing I was going to be pitched something, I hopped on the webinar and tried to soak it all in.

[UPDATE: 2:21:2016-- Inspiring Leaders understand one another. I simply got off the phone with Dan Klein (Task Killing Coaching Program) and he offered Josh Turner some props. Know what else? He assisted Josh with business plan. Wan na understand who I wish to pursue? Job Killing. Josh has a great product, however I see it as a great supplement to Job Killing. Take a look at the ludicrous success already proven in the enormous quantities of Job Killing Testimonials I have actually been hoarding for you all.]

Here is what happened:

The Appointment Generator Review-- Summary of the "Class".

If I were to get a test on The Visit Generator Lessons, I would likely fail.

I hate failing, however I also dislike boring.

It's not that Josh Turner doesn't have excellent things to share, it's that he goes on some tangents and repeats things that truly hold up my time.

Shame on me for wishing to control my time right?

To sum up the 2 hour webinar in a nutshell, here is what I discovered:.

Josh Turner developed LinkedIn University and The Consultation Generator Program that is opening to the general public on Friday.

The Consultation Generator Training Course comes with 10 full time coaches that you have access to.

The Consultation Generator program works off of the 5 Pillars of Success that Josh Turner has discussed in his Amazon Best Seller: "Reserved".

The Consultation Generator Training Course has actually assisted countless individuals grow their leads and even features a guarantee that it will work, as long as you do.

There is research in The Consultation Generator Course.

The Consultation Generator Course costs $1997.00.

Josh wants to make children and has a pet dog named Oscar.

Ok now that I got that out of the way, let's get more in depth so you can see what took two hours to explain.

If that sounds extremely boring to you, then don't let me stop you from checking out the opportunity that I have found that I believe is a much better choice for discovering how to produce leads online.

Now ... back to the Josh Turner Webinar ... The Visit Generator Review-- Pillars of Success.

When I first started listening to the webinar, led by Josh Turner about the Appointment Generator, I had NO concept it would take two hours.

I nearly glazed over and lost focus a number of times, but I was still able to pick out some gold nuggets that I'm going to show you here in this Appointment Generator Evaluation.

When the webinar began, I didn't think to type whatever down, however as it progressed, I realized that I might produce more worth out of my time by taking down notes of what was being gone over, so that I might later develop this post.

To be completely sincere, I do not keep in mind everything that took place in the start.

I got a lot of talking in my head and there is something sticks out: The conversation of the book called: BOOKED.

It's about getting result in opt into your offer ... I presume.

So, eventually Josh gets to speaking about FIVE PILLARS OF SUCCESS, that he mentions has actually constantly worked out if you follow the strategy.

The first of the 5 PIllars of Success is structure. Here is what Josh is calling the structure of this whole 5 pillar idea:.

The Foundation.

Where do your customers hang out?

What do they appreciate?

Stop talking about yourself.

He essentially wants you to lay out a foundation of trust where you don't discuss yourself (paradoxical ... as you'll see when you keep reading) and you infiltrate your prospects life.

Just consider it the "Undercover Ops" stage. (Hmmm ... perhaps I ought to write about that.).

Here are a few of the other things that Josh suggests before he promotes his Visit Generator Program in the webinar.

Stick out as an Authority. (Stuff we understand, however a few of us have no concept how to do it.).

How do you stand apart amongst your competitors?

Is choosing your nose a qualifier?

No ... that most likely will not work.

Next indicate be made ... How do you go from bottom feeding to Top Predator?

According to Josh, the Booked System will help you stand above the crowd as a leader in your space and help your prospects be more available to talking on the phone with you.

Provide Value.

Position yourself as a relied on individual. (This sounds, to me, what I do currently. I blab and try to be real. (I think of the majority of people do ...) So positioning myself to be who I am shouldn't be too hard best? You know. Hey! I'm Charissa ... and I'm obsessed with learning about mlms. There, I stated it. OBSESSED. ).

He uses a simple description about success and becoming consumed ..." When you do this, others can't catch up.".

So if you are productive continuously and you continue to push, all it takes is you pushing past individuals who are "taking a seat". And as you continue, the brand-new ones who are trying to do what you did will discover it hard to overtake you.

And that's a good idea.

Here is what I thought and typed down while hearing Josh discuss individuals reaching you or attempting to being like you:.

" Well, thank goodness for that due to the fact that I don't think the world could take another Charissa. Seriously ... I would be envious.".

However I get it. I, myself, am guilty of looking at those who are beating me and trying to learn to unwind their "tricks".

( It's enjoyable. I love sleuthing ...).

Back to Josh ... He stopped informing me about pillars and began talking about himself. (Huh? Did you see what he recommended early on?).

Here is some of his life story:.

He was working a lousy task at first.

He sucked at the web things. He drew at getting customers. He absorbed social meda.

He created an authority leadership platform and made a group of individuals who needed aid with finances. A door opened up and he was then considered a leading consultant in St. Loius.

His position said he was an authority.

People believed it.

And there you go.

You ever become aware of baptism by fire?

Seems like some serious forced development to me!

I understand the sensation.

You understand what I'm discussing. There is a certain kind of anxiety that crawls up on you when you realize that you developed a ton of traffic and you have NO idea what to do with it?

Your inbox gathers leads and you understand it has a capability to generate income, but it resembles possible energy ... it just develops movement if you get rid of the obstruction holding it up.

I want kinetic energy in my wallet.

How about you?

If there is one thing for sure, it's that Josh desires more leadership oriented people joining his group.

He states it over and over once again that you HAVE TO RESULT IN get seen.

Ok Josh.

I get it.

What is the 2nd pillar?

The Consultation Generator Review-- Losing it.

As far as the second pillar of success goes, I absolutely missed it. It was well into the webinar when I started to lose my focus ... Here is the note I made myself about the second pillar:.

( I never got pillar # 2 because Josh got me off track. He talked about not talking about himself and then he goes on a long tangent about his canine.).

Ultimately, I tuned backed when Josh told me that you shouldn't discuss yourself when you are pitching people and buttering them up to buy your product.

I got it. As a matter of a truth, in case I'm not being clear individuals, here is the suggestions Josh provided several times ... Josh Turner Guidance: "STOP DISCUSSING YOURSELF!!!".

Okay Ok ... I Got it.

I likewise had the ability to capture that Josh says it is okay to utilize curated content and save time.

Hmmm. Me likey.

Anything that saves me time is great.

I got thrilled for a minute and my wheels were starting to spin, but that darned Josh and his Appointment Generator ... ... He went on and on ... And then there was the blabbering.

I PRACTICALLY turned the webinar off.

However I persist.

However ...

As soon as he began talking about his pet dog Oscar my eyes glazed over and I was can be found in and out of awareness.

( Sorry Josh ... but you just completed telling me not to speak about myself and now I understand you wish to have a baby and you have actually a pet named Oscar).

In and out of the webinar I would go, losing focus because I got bored of all the talk of his success followed by his validation that he desires you to understand that he's not filled with it. (Josh ... I didn't think you were full of it ... which is why I enlisted in your webinar. I currently believed you understood what you were talking about because of how well formed your funnel was to get me into the webinar in the very first place ... but you contradict yourself by informing us not to talk about ourselves and after that you speak about yourself. Ps.-- I understand my grammar draws ...).

Needless to state, I was annoyed that he was puzzling me. Then I heard that Linkedin potential customers ought to be dealt with like old friends.

Ok. I get that. However wait ... isn't that what you teach in your LinkedIn University?

Is LinkedIn University and the brand-new Appointment Generator program the same thing?

Why rebrand yourself if you currently are doing so well with this procedure?

I'm curious.

( If you understand the distinction in between LinkedIn University and The Visit Generator program, please chime in with more details in the remarks listed below).

[UPDATE: 2/25/2016-- I was able to catch more details from a Blab (actually cool program) that Josh was having. (This man is all over the place in a great way!) Generally Josh states that The Visit Generator Coaching Program is various because it's a whole system. The Linkedin University is solely concentrated on mastering how to utilize connected in whereas The Consultation Generator Course makes use of the Linkedin University principles to a particular degree along with other techniques. In addition, you get a coach and they practically ensure your success.]

Just when I started to believe that things were returning on track Josh started speaking about early mornings with coffee.

I don't get it.

Do not get me incorrect.

I genuinely like the idea of just taking thirty minutes a day to get more clients, however ... how do you expect me to learn this system if the webinar isn't grabbing my attention and taking WAY longer than 30 minutes a day.

" Awe, Screw it." I believed.

I almost turned it off. However my need to write a great post about this webinar pressed me forward ... I started to take a look at the clock and question when the sales pitch would come.

I think I might have started to drool and my eyes may have glazed over a bit ... once again.

... However then ... I heard some things that caught my attention again ... Here is what I wrote:.

Techniques to get more individuals.

( Excuse any messiness ... this was being typed as I endured the webinar.).

Ok. I'm tuning back in.

He's on the Fourth Pillar (I believe).

Put in the time to establish a relationship.

Called the "multi-- touch" project.

4 to 7 message campaign.

Message 1-- Hey Thanks for connecting!

Message 2-- Here's a cool short article (using someone else's material).

Message 3-- Deal Assessment and attempt to get them on a call.

Message 4-- Follow up to see if you can get them on a call again.

Develop a relationship.

Each month this apparently includes 50 plus prospects and about 29% will enter into the visits. (174 each year).

The Faster Strategy-- "Group Welcome Message Technique".

Produce a group. (Via Linkedin or Facebook).

Linkedin can be automated. Thanks them for signing up with and offer them a complimentary method session.

Facebook-- You send them a manual message doing the same.

Facebook Buddies Technique.

It's hard to find prospects.

So ... Guidance?

Stalk them and Join their groups. (Marketing Groups ... Possibility Groups).

OR determine them in Linkedin and Discover them in Facebook.

Take 2 Steps.

Send out a Message: "Hey ... I'm the creator of blah ... possibly we can gain from linking! Thanks! I wanted to reach out to you!".

Follow up with a pal demand. (The door opens).

Work them. Funnel Them. Get them on a Call.

Annnd ... He's losing me once again. He's pausing to discuss time.


Now he's drinking water.

Usually, 30 minutes a day will offer you 15 people each month which is about 3 new clients.

Now, I'm an HOUR into the webinar.

I may begin crying.

It's not that he's not giving me worth ... it's simply that he's eliminating my time to create content ... which I think I do not need.

AAAANND here comes the offers.

Oh wait, he's lastly getting to the e-mail blueprint ... Pillar 5.

Consultation Generator Coaching Program.


Layer 1 on 1 customized messages. (Hey! Did you get my FB message?).

2. They appear like emails you send out to a pal.

It's not spam. You're following up with a buddy.

Usage email with the other campaigns. There are messages that advertisement value to their world.

The Visit Generator Evaluation-- Expense?

Now ... to the deals at the end of the Webinar ...( that took control of and hour).

Initially, you get lectured on dedication. How major are you?

And Lastly ... The deal:.

The Appointment Generator Evaluation.

He guarantees results with his coaching and training program.

I'm satisfied. It looks like a lot and you can't beat the warranty! To be honest, if you have something valuable to offer, $1997 is really not that bad of a deal if the method works.

Visit Generator Rate.

In addition he says that they have actually a calendar submitted with the tasks you need to do each day. I LOVE that. It's something I actually have problem with.

In order for The Consultation Generator Program to work for you:.

You need to have 4 things:.

You have to have something to offer.

You need to be a leader.

You have to desire more liberty.

You need to work.

He guarantees that you get 15 leads in the very first month and after that 10 to 20 each month.

It's $1997 to join.

And you can make 30% commission on the recommendations that you suggest to the program. (I actually find this a bit complicated considering all of the e-mail leaks and the webinars say that they will be closing the course soon. I'm starting to believe that the time limitation is not real and it's more likely a tactic to produce pressure for you to buy. It's an excellent method, however I personally dislike this type of approach. It's a white lie. I'm unsure that's what these people are doing, however I see even the best sales males do it. Time is an excellent pressure to pursue individuals to purchase and the very best understand it.).

44 lessons 5 modules.

Committed Coach.

Lifetime access.

Thirty days test drive and they will not let you stop working.

And some complimentary gifts like their live occasion and a Kindle Fire. (Personally, I 'd rather have a discount rate than a complimentary Kindle Fire that most likely needs me to subscribed to some service to use it. Please remedy me in the remarks if I'm incorrect. I remember that they actually mentioned something about using it to help w/ business and I remember thinking that would need a monthly expense. It's likely that monthly cost enters into a residual income of one type or another for Josh too.).

The Consultation Generator Evaluation-- Decision?

I believe Josh Turner knows what he is doing. His techniques make good sense and I like his "old friend, ole' buddy" technique.

The truth that the system offers you a calendar of jobs to do each day is something that a great deal of other training programs do not have.

Josh realized the requirement for this and appears to be slowly modeling his program after a more standard education model where trainee are coached (aka taught) and offered research and tasks.

He's taking advantage of our skilled selves from needing to go through years of obedience and following instructions from elementary school.

He's wise.

As far as joining him?

I didn't, but I have considered it.

If I were you, I certainly would seriously consider this program under the list below conditions:.

You have a service that requires leads.

You aren't lazy and you're dedicated (Or you pay a VA or someone else to do your work for you).

You can manage it. (Or you can finance it so that you can get the leads in to manage it).

You're severe.

I believe that practically covers it.

If you're not currently in a program that assures a method to get leads, then why not try The Consultation Generator?

Once you're in and it's working you can likewise get paid from pressing more people into the program (aka affiliate ... which I am not).

However remember you need to have a requirement for leads.

Stuck on that?

No problem.

I occur to know a great program that focuses on helping you create a company that can grow off of leads.

Not only that, you don't need to sign up with a mlm and you don't require a mlm blog to do it.

There is NO.



Down line.

Home Parties.

Products piling up.

You get understanding and skills that people pay a premium for.

Take a look at the Task Killing Training Program.

OR ...

Arrange a call with us and discover if you're a fit. I've personally made thousands and I simply continue to grow out due to the fact that of this program. (No ... it's not a webinar ... it's a genuine live call.).

Prior to Task Killing, I was not a blog writer, affiliate or anywhere near effective at generating income from house with a computer system.

Click the banner to schedule a call. Let's chat.