Does LinkedSelling Really Work

I sat on LinkedSelling Webinar today.

I wasn't expecting to do it.

However, I did.

Somewhere along the line of my study I ran into Josh Turner and his LinkedIn University stuff.

Low and behold, I'd stumbled upon his latest gig called LinkedSelling.

Knowing I was going to be chucked something, I hopped to the webinar and attempted to soak everything in.

[UPDATE: 2:21:2016 -- Inspirational Advisors know one another. I just got off the phone with Dan Klein (Job Killing Coaching Program) and he also gave Josh Turner a few props. Know what else? He helped Josh with the business plan. Wanna know who I wish to pursue? Job Killing. Josh has a great solution, but I find it as a wonderful supplement to Job Killing. Take a Look at the absurd success proven in the Huge quantities of Job Killing Testimonials I've been hoarding for you all. ]

LinkedSelling Review -- Summary of the"Course"

If I were to receive a evaluation on LinkedSelling Lessons, I'd likely fail.

I hate failing, but I also hate dull.

It's not that Josh Turner does not have great things to share, it is that he goes on several tangents and repeats things that really hold up my time.

Shame on me for needing to command my time right?

To sum up the TWO hour webinar in a nutshell, here is what I learned:

Josh Turner created LinkedIn University and LinkedSelling Program that is opening to the public on Friday.

LinkedSelling Training Course includes 10 full time trainers you have access to.

LinkedSelling program works off of those 5 Pillars of Success that Josh Turner has explained in his Amazon Best Seller:"Booked"

LinkedSelling Coaching Course has helped countless folks grow their prospects and even comes with a guarantee it is going to work, provided that you're doing.

There is homework in LinkedSelling Course.

LinkedSelling Course costs $1997.00

Josh wants to make babies and has a dog named Oscar.

Ok now that I got that from the way, let us get more in depth so you can view what took two hours to explain.

If that sounds incredibly boring for you, then don't let me stop you from checking out the chance I have found that I believe is a much better option for learning how to generate leads online.

Now...back into the Josh Turner Webinar....

LinkedSelling Review -- Pillars of Success

When I first started listening to the webinar, headed by Josh Turner roughly LinkedSelling, I had NO idea it might require two hours.

I almost glazed over and lost attention several times, but that I was able to select out some gold nuggets that I will share with you here in this LinkedSelling Review.

When the webinar began, I did not think to type everything down, but as it progressed, I recognized that I was able to create more value from my time by simply taking down notes of what was being discussed, so I could later produce this specific article.

To be totally honest, I don't recall everything that happened in the beginning.

I got a lot of speaking in my head and there is 1 thing stands out: The talk of this book called: BOOKED

It's all about getting leads to opt into your offer...I presume.

So, finally Josh gets to talking about FIVE PILLARS of succeeding, that he states has consistently worked out in the event that you comply with the plan.

The first of the 5 PIllars of Success is base. This is exactly what Josh is calling that the foundation of the entire 5 column notion:

The Foundation

Where do your customers hang out?

What do they really care about?

Stop talking about yourself.

He basically wants you to put out a foundation of confidence in which you don't speak about yourself ( you will see when you keep reading) and also you infiltrate your prospects lifetime.

Just think about it the"Undercover Ops" stage. (Hmmm....maybe I need to write about that.)

Below are a few of the other things that Josh suggests before he boosts his LinkedSelling Program in the webinar.

Stand out as an Authority. (Materials we know, but some of us have zero idea how to take action.)

How can you stand out among the competition?

Is picking your nose a qualifier?

No...that probably won't get the job done.

Next point to be produced....

How can you move in the bottom feeding to Top Predator?

According to Josh, the Booked System can enable you to stand above the audience as a leader on your space and help your prospects become more open to talking on the phone with you.

Supply Value.

Position yourself as a trusted individual. (This seems, to mepersonally, what I do. I blab and attempt to become real. (I imagine most people do....) So positioning myself to be who I'm should not be too hard right? I am Charissa...and I'm obsessed with understanding about mlms. OBSESSED. )

He supplies a simple explanation about achievement and becoming obsessed.....

"When you do that, others can not catch up."

Therefore, if you're productive constantly and you continue to push, all it requires is that you pushing past the individuals who are still"sitting down". And since you continue, the ones that are attempting to do everything you did will find it tricky to catch up with you.

And that's a fantastic thing.

Here's What I believed and clicked down while hearing Josh talk about folks catching up to you or Attempting to being just like you:

"Nicely, thank goodness for this since I don't believe the world could take yet another Charissa. Seriously...I would be jealous."

However, I get it. I, myself, am guilty of considering those people who are beating me and trying to learn how to unravel their"secrets".

(It is fun. I'm in love with sleuthing....)

Back in Josh....

He ceased telling me about principals and started speaking about himself. (Huh? Did you find out what he advocated early )

Here is a portion of the life story:

He had been operating a crappy job at first.

He sucked in the online stuff. He sucked at getting customers. He sucked in social meda.

He made an authority leadership platform and made a group of individuals who needed assistance with finances. A door opened and he was subsequently considered a leading advisor in St. Loius.

His position stated he was an authority.

Individuals believed it.

And now there you go.

You ever hear of fire?

Sounds like some serious pressured growth to me personally!

I understand the feeling.

You understand what I'm talking about. There's a particular sort of stress that crawls on you once you realize that you made a ton of traffic and you don't have any clue what to do for this?

Your inbox collects leads and you also know it has a ability to make money, but it's like possible simply creates movement if you eliminate the blockage holding this up.

I need kinetic energy within my pocket.

What about you?

If there is one thing for certain, it is that Josh wants more leadership oriented individuals joining his group.

He says it over and over again that you've got TO LEAD to get noticed.

Ok Josh.

I get it.

What is the second pillar?

LinkedSelling Inspection -- Losing it.

As far as the next pillar of achievement goes, I totally missed it. It was well into the webinar when I began to lose my focus.....

Here is the notice I made myself about the second pillar:

(I never obtained pillar #2 because Josh took me off track. He talked about not talking about himself and he then goes to a long tangent about his dog.)

Finally , I backed when Josh told me that you should not talk about yourself when you are pitching people and buttering up them to purchase your merchandise.

I obtained it. As a matter of a fact, in case I'm not being clear people, here's the information Josh gave multiple occasions.....

Ok Ok.... I obtained it.

I was able to catch that Josh says it's ok to use curated content and save time.

Hmmm. Me likey.

Anything that saves me time is good.

I got excited for a moment and my wheels were starting to spin, but darned Josh along with his LinkedSelling........

He moved on and on.....

And there was that the blabbering.

I ALMOST turned off the webinar.

But I'm stubborn.


After he began talking about his puppy Oscar my eyes glazed over and I was coming into and out of consciousness.

(Sorry Josh...but you just stopped telling me to not speak about myself and I understand you want to have a baby and you have a dog named Oscar)

In and out of this webinar I would go, losing attention because I got bored of all the discussion of his success followed by his rationale he wants you to understand he's not full of it. (Josh.... I didn't think you were filled with this....which is why I enjoyed on your practice. I already believed you knew exactly what you're talking about because of how well formed your funnel was really to get me into the webinar in the first place....but you starve yourself by telling us to not talk about ourselves and then you speak about yourself. Ps. -- I know my grammar sucks...)

Needless to say, I was frustrated that he was confusing me. Then I heard that Linkedin prospects ought to be treated like old buddies.

Ok. I understand that. But wait...isn't what you teach from your LinkedIn University?

Is LinkedIn University and the new LinkedSelling program exactly the identical thing?

Why rebrand yourself if you are doing so well with this procedure?

I am curious.

(If you know the gap between LinkedIn University along with LinkedSelling application, please chime in with additional information in the comments below)

[UPDATE: 2/25/2016 -- I was able to catch more info out of a Blab (very cool app ) that Josh had been having. (This dude is all over the area in a fantastic way!) Basically Josh claims that LinkedSelling Coaching Program is different because it's a whole system. Even the Linkedin University is solely focused on understanding the way to use linked in whereas LinkedSelling Course uses the Linkedin University theories to a specific extent as well as other tactics. Additionally, you receive a mentor and they pretty much ensure that your success]

Just when I started to think that things were getting back on course Josh began talking about mornings with coffee.

I really don't get it.

Do not get me wrong.

I truly love the idea of merely taking 30 minutes per day to secure more clients, however,.... .how would you expect me to understand this method if the webinar is not catching my attention and carrying WAY longer than 30 minutes every day.

"Awe, Screw it." I thought.

I almost switched it off. But my requirement to write a good post concerning this webinar pushed me ahead....

I started to examine the clock and wonder why when the sales pitch could come.

I think that I might have begun to drool and my own eyes may have glazed over a bit....again.

...But ...I heard some things that grabbed my attention ....

Here's What I wrote:

Strategies to secure more people.

(Excuse any messiness...this was being typed because I stumbled through the practice.)

Ok.. I'm tuning back in.

He's about the Fourth Pillar (I presume )

Take the time to develop a connection.

4 to 7 message campaign

Message 1 -- Hey Thanks for linking!

Hint 2 -- Here's a cool post (with someone else's articles )

Message 3 -- Give Consultation and attempt to get them onto a telephone number.

Hint 4 -- Follow up to see if you're able to get them onto a call again.

Grow a connection.

Each month this apparently adds 50 plus prospects and approximately 29% will enter the appointments. (174 annually )

Produce a bunch. (Via Linkedin or even Facebook)

Linkedin may be automated. Thank you for connecting and offer them a complimentary strategy.

Facebook -- Now you send them a guide message doing the same

Facebook Friends Strategy

It is Difficult to find prospects


Stalk them Join their groups. (Marketing Groups....Prospect Groups)

OR identify them Linkedin and Find them in Facebook

Take Two Measures

Deliver a Message:"Hey...I'm the creator of blah blah...maybe we could benefit from connecting! Thanks! I wanted to reach out to you!"

Follow up with a friend request. (The door opens)

Work them. Funnel Them. Get them on a Call.


He is losing me. He is pausing to discuss time.


Now he's drinking water.

Typically, 30 minutes each day will give you 15 people per month which is about 3 new clients.

Now, I'm an HOUR to the webinar.

I might start crying.

It is not that he's not giving me is only that he's killing my time to create content...that I figure I do not require.

AAAANND this comes the supplies.

Oh wait, he is finally getting to the email blueprint....Pillar 5.

LinkedSelling Training Program

Advice? --

Layer 1 on 1 personalized messages. (Hey! Did you get my FB message)

2. They seem like emails that you send to your friend.

It is not spam. You're following up with a buddy.

Utilize email together with another campaigns. You will find messages which advertisement value to their world.

LinkedSelling Review -- Cost? the provides in the end of this Webinar.... (that took hour and over )

To begin with, you become lectured on commitment. How serious are you really?

And Finally...The deal:

LinkedSelling Inspection

He guarantees results together with his coaching and training plan.

I'm impressed. It looks like a wonderful bargain and you can't beat the guarantee! In all honesty, if you have something valuable to sell, $1997 isn't that bad of a deal when the procedure works.

LinkedSelling Price

He also states they have a schedule filled out using the tasks you have to do every day. I LOVE that. It's something that I actually struggle with.

You have to have 4 things:

You have to get something to market

You have to be a pioneer

You have to desire more freedom

You have to do the job.

He guarantees that you receive 15 contributes from the first month and after this 10 to 20 per month.

It is $1997 to join.

And also you can get 30% commission to the referrals that you advocate to the app. (I really find this a bit confusing considering each of the email drips and the webinars say that they will be closing the course shortly. I am starting to think the time limit isn't real and it is more likely a strategy to create pressure for one to buy. It's a fantastic strategy, but I personally hate this kind of approach. It's a white lie. I'm not sure that's what these men do, but that I find so much as the best sales men get it done. Time is a good pressure to chase individuals to purchase and how to understand it.)

  • 44 course 5 modules
  • Committed Coach
  • Lifetime access
  • 30 day test drive and they will not allow you to fail.

And some free gifts such as their live event and a Kindle Fire. (Personally, I would rather have a reduction than a totally free Kindle Fire that probably requires me subscribed to some service to utilize it. I remember they really mentioned something about using this to help w/ the business and I remember thinking that would need a monthly cost. It is very likely that every monthly fee goes to a residual income of one form or another for Josh also.)

LinkedSelling Inspection -- Verdict?

I think Josh Turner understands what he is doing. His methods make sense and I like his"old buddy, ole' pal" approach.

The fact that the machine provides you a schedule of tasks to do each day is something which many of other coaching programs lack.

Josh recognized the need for this and seems to be gradually modeling his schedule after a more conventional education model where student are trained (Id educated ) and given assignments and homework.

He's tapping into our accredited selves from needing to experience years of jobless and following instructions from grade school.

He's smart.

So far as joining him?

I didn't, but I have considered it.

If I had been you, I certainly would seriously consider this application under the following states:

You have a business that wants leads

You are not lazy and you are committed (Or you also pay a VA or someone else to do your work for you)

You may afford it. (Or you can fund it so You can get the leads in to manage it)

You're serious.

I believe that pretty much covers it all.

If you're already in a program that promises a way to get leads, then why do not try LinkedSelling?

When you're in and it is working you may even get paid off pushing more people into the program (aka affiliate....which I am not).

But remember you have to get a demand for leads.

Stuck on this?

No issue.

Now, I happen to know a wonderful app that specializes in assisting you to develop a company that could thrive from leads.

Not just that, you don't have to join a mlm and you also do not require a mlm site to do it.

There's NO




Home Parties

Products piling up

You gain knowledge and skills that people pay a premium for.


Schedule a call with us and find out when you're a fit. I've personally made thousands and I just continue to rise out for the app. ( is not a's a real live telephone.)

Prior to Job Killing, '' I wasn't a blogger, affiliate or anywhere close effective at making money from home using a computer.