Does Kingsumo Get Better

How I Used Viral Giveaways and KingSumo to Blame My Email List

Notice: Here is a guest post from Sam, the founder of Money Nest -- a personal finance site for millennials from the U.K. to produce better financial choices.

Having followed Noah for decades, I knew something...

If you want to have more clients, then email is the BEST marketing channel.

To grow my organization, I wished to have more email subscribers quickly.

I searched for tools on the Internet to grow an email list... and that I found Kingsumo to run viral giveaways

The end results were EPIC:

TRIPLED my whole email list -- from 360 to 1,005 readers -- in Seven Days

Had a Wonderful side effect of gaining countless new social followers

Got four new connections (which helped boost my SEO score )

Much more affordable than other advertising methods!

What I did with KingSumo was not magic. I didn't spend tons of money. And I didn't have a significant network to utilize.

Rather, I used a specific strategy it's possible to replicate today.

If you wish to secure more email subscribers which turn into clients, subsequently viral giveaways are the best thing to do.

Here is exactly how I utilized KingSumo and viral giveaways to grow my email list...

6 Steps to Use KingSumo to Boost Your Email List

Step 1: Locate the Fantastic Prize to Attract Lots of Email Clients

Step 2: Establish Your Perfect Viral Giveaway (For FREE)

Step 3: Concentrate on Building a Rock Solid Foundation for Growth

Step 5: The Way to Team up With The"Big Guns" to Grow Faster

Measure 6: Stay Organized (How to Get More Done in Less Time)

BONUS: Get the most Best winning KingSumo checklist

Step 1: Locate the Fantastic Prize to Attract Tons of Email Subscribers

No more iPads here!

One of the dangers with giveaways would be attracting freebie seekers who'll never read another email following your giveaway is finished.

My favorite strategy to reduce those freeloaders would be to begin with a prize that's super tight for your niche.

For instance...

Should you run an eCommerce site, give away complimentary goods or Shopify programs

When You Have an Internet blog, give away an hour of the time for a free appointment

You do not need to spend a great deal of cash -- Noah was able to get 6,411 from a current giveaway he conducted for a Seth Godin book collection that only cost him $80.

Since then I run into a personal finance blog targeted at 20 to 30-year-olds from the U.K., I went together with private finance books targeted toward the U.K. market.

KingSumo giveaway items

To select the novels, I wondered what I read over the last couple years, found my favourite, and reached out to the writer using the instrument Hunter.

Here's an example email that I sent...

More Details:


I LOVED your publication. Read it a couple of times, my favorite part was shared information on negotiating an increase.

Speedy question...

I am working out a giveaway for my readers. Gonna promote to 1,000+ in my social and email channels.

Would be excited to give away your book + link to your website.



Sending the email worked like magic.

The author hooked me up with five free copies so long as I connected to his website and books on the giveaway page.

Plushe included in five free copies of a buddy's book where he was recently featured.


Together with the 10 prizes picked, it was time to proceed preparing the giveaway.

Step 2: Establish Your Perfect Viral Giveaway (For FREE)

I didn't have a particular new contributor goal in your mind, however I did want to cultivate my list quicker than traditional techniques. And that I wanted to grow my email listing to get more clients and readers to my organization.

Here's what I did:

Head to the KingSumo site and enter your email address to start your first giveaway (totally FREE)

KingSumo giveaway homepage

After entering your email, you are going to be obtained through naming and describing your giveaway together with choosing the bonus entrances. When You've finished, hit Save in the bottom of the page (most problems can be replied around the KingSumo FAQ webpage )Giveaway installation

After inputting your general giveaway details, you will have the opportunity to enter Bonus entrances to create your giveaway move viral. Which brings us to the next step.. .Bonus entrances image

In Noah's video on 2018's best advertising strategies, he highlights the benefit of building virality in your goods.

Since KingSumo delivers pre-built virality by providing individuals more entrances to share with their buddies... we're going to harness the hell out of the.

At the newest version of KingSumo, contestants can acquire extra entries by clicking on a custom link, following social networking webpages, or watching a YouTube video.

Utilize custom link sharing

After you register for KingSumo, you can configure your bonus entrances links from the giveaway installment page (below step two ).

New bonus entries view

The first thing I did was pick"Click on a Link", and then head to Share Link Generator.

Share Link Generator Social allow you to set up custom messages in URLs, so when people share you can add your own copy and hashtags.

This is way better than just entering a normal Twitter profile connection -- rather, you get folks helping share the giveaway for you.

As I wanted to actually get these social messages pumping, I used a cheeky hack on my custom messaging...

Utilize Hashtags

I searched on for popular hashtags concerning giveaways and private finance.

Then, I went back to confer Link Generator and typed out my example message, which gave me the URL I would copy into KingSumo...

Share Link Generator image

I went back to my KingSumo Dashboard for the giveaway, also Prepare the next:

  • Insert Extra Entry > Click a Hyperlink
  • Link URL: Click here to see the Complete URL
  • Link TextGet 4 bonus entrances when you click here in order to talk about the giveaway on Twitter!
  • Bonus Entries: 4

Each time folks shared with the giveaway on social media, every post would acquire viral attention from users seeking those hot hashtags.

Incentivise sharing

Now my giveaway had been utilizing custom hyperlink Twitter and sharing hashtags, the virality machine has been primed.

I simply needed a way to kick-start it.

I started with only emailing the 360 individuals currently on my email list -- and sharing my own societal channels to several hundred individuals.

Next, after a couple of days, I pitched ALL my contestants.

I looked for anybody with only one entry, aka they did not share on social networking stations.

Bonus admissions for KingSumo

NextI emailed these individuals separately guaranteeing a special bundle of articles updates to help them improve their personal finances whenever they shared on at least two social networks.

I would keep track if they took action on my email and also shared by looking at their entrances.

Here's a sample email you can send:


Sam here, wanted to reach out personally.

Heads-up you may raise your chances to win the free personal finance publication.

All you have to do is share on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. You will get 12 extra bonus entrances if you're doing.

In addition, if you discuss on two networks, I will personally offer you a free gift of my best material in a single PDF (worth $49).

Just click on this link to share on Twitter: LINK

This link to share on Instagram: LINK

And this link to discuss on Facebook: LINK.

Let me know when you really do and I'll send within the PDF.


Measure 4: Leverage Social Media for Viral Growth (With Minimal Effort)

Once my social networking machine began going with sharing at the background, I wished to improve the leverage. So I moved my attention to Facebook classes.

Facebook Groups

I am a regular contributing member of 2 U.K.-based private finance Facebook groups.

Neither had enormous numbers, but were super active and carefully moderated and -- because I had been an active part of this community -- that they allow me to place my giveaway.

Be cautious to not jump in and blast out links -- build a reputation over time. Here's a good example of the articles I created:

Reddit (be cautious )

If you must be cautious on Facebook, posting a connection on Reddit is like walking on a tightrope.

Much of Reddit's consumer base came from Digg in response to Digg presenting ads -- so it is no surprise there's a natural hatred for all things that seem like advertisements.

Part of this was due to the decoration being well respected and often mentioned in Reddit. Here is the strategy in a nutshell:

I submitted in two subreddits where I was already a regular contributor (/r/ukpersonal finance & r/fireuk) and that I created the posts several times aside, whilst continuing to naturally contribute to both subreddits

I tried to make the article read like a natural dialogue, Instead of an advertisement

I kept an eye on the remarks, responding to everyone (more remarks generally push more views).

Here's an example of one of the posts I created:

Giveaway sites

Though this is sometimes a path to attract livelihood"compers" aka individuals who enter giveaways all day (yes, this is seriously a thing), I thought it was worth a try.

Here is the CRAZY part...

A few of the places I thought would bring the worst readers really helped.

I asked a friend to place within a favorite contest forum thread in my behalf. And it resulted in 92 contestants.

I advise you to limit posting on giveaway websites, but when used sparingly it can do the job.

Facebook advertising

I would run a little ad in my very first giveaway that drove 12 entrances, so I understood the potential Facebook ads provided.

I ran a split test ad campaign with two simple creatives targeting...

  • Men in the United Kingdom
  • Between 20 and also 37-years-old
  • Having an interest in investing

This was the audience that generally came onto my blog (it's possible to check out your Google Analytics Demographic Reporting to figure out this too ).

Here's what my imaginative appeared like:

Money Nest giveaway

According to Facebook's transformation preferences, I spent 45.12 to generate 509 link clicks resulting in 14 new contestants. Money well spent!

Step 5: The Way to Team up With The"Big Guns" to Boost Faster

After minding my platforms and lead connections, it was time to venture into larger platforms. Using the power of others with substantial followings, I managed to get my giveaway in more areas. Here's how I did this.

Start with other bloggers

If you wish to cultivate your giveaway, there's a whole lot of value in reaching out into higher-trafficked websites.

Most people are scared to ask... but it is much less hard (or scary) as you think.

I began by searching Google for popular U.K. personal finance sites. I then copied and pasted the top 20 URLs into a bulk domain authority , which then sorted by the highest domain authorities in Google Sheets.

Higher domain authority means better ranking in Google, which gives me the chance to look on higher-trafficked pages.

Once I sorted from domain ability, I reached out to every blogger asking them to discuss with their audience. In returnI provided to market their articles on my societal stations.

Here's an example email I sent:


LOVE your website.

Recently read your post about unwanted hustling and it really made me think. Found it particularly interesting how many millennials are outsourcing today.

Quick question...

I'm giving away 10 personal finance books.

Would like to explore placing this in a small place on your site.

Happy to promote your articles on my social channels in return.



Once I emailedI retained a notice in a Google Sheet of everybody I had emailed (and if I had sent a follow up message or not).

If they said yes, then I'd pass along a link for my giveaway they can post on their website.

And if I didn't listen right away, I shipped two follow-ups:

The first followup asked if they had noticed the message

The second asked if they didn't wish to include the giveaway on their blog, if they'd discuss on Social Media instead.

That is really a Robert Cialdini hack because smaller favors are a lot more inclined to be accepted following an original larger favor.

I reached out to 37 blogs and ended up a feature on three sites (plus they shared heavily on social) -- and a characteristic in a large websites newsletter.

To put it differently, 10 percent of those people I reached out to featured me!

This was HUGE... normally most cold emails do not even receive a 10% reply rate.

Leverage the decoration

Together, the 10 novels had finance ideas and ideas from 50 different experts.

A few of those experts boasted their own crowds, so I searched for their contact details using Google and Hunter.

Afterward, I reached out telling these people I'd enjoyed reading their advice (I did actually read the publication ) , explaining the giveaway, and asking if they would share it on societal. And I pre-built sharing hyperlinks using Share Link Generator back again.

Of the 50 authors, I managed to get in contact with 25.

From these 25, I got four social shares. That is a success rate of 16 percent!

Here's a screenshot of one of my exact outreach mails:

Organizing email from Samuel

I am a huge fan of podcasts, therefore after emailing the writers...

I started iTunes to scan the private finance podcasts online

Finally, I followed-up double

I emailed that a total of 13 individuals, that got me three social shares (like one influencer together with 319k followers) plus a guest article prospect.

Here's an exact screenshot of a email I sent to podcast hosts:

Example Tony email

This may seem a bit cliché but staying forward organizationally was the single biggest win for me through this giveaway.

By lining up so far as you can ahead of time, and developing a checklist, then I was able to have significantly more done.

KingSumo organization

I estimated the time it would take, noted the order of that which I felt were the greatest wins, and indicated completed or not.

To arrange the promotion ahead of time, I utilized tools such as Twuffner, Facebook's built-in monitoring tool, and afterwards. This freed me to focus on other regions (like emailing influencers).

Be prepared to hustle

After following the strategy above, what happened for the business?

To start with, running a prosperous giveaway was not straightforward.

I hand-cranked over 350 mails, failed a group, and spent plenty of time getting everything organized.

But the results have been worth it.

When I closed the giveaway just seven days after, here were the final results...

  • Tripled my email listing
  • Gained HUNDREDS of social followers
  • Got a few high-value links

If you wish to cultivate your business and get more customers, starting with building your email list will be the best way to go -- and also KingSumo viral giveaways makes it simple.

Now go do the same for your company!

Sam Jefferies blogs in Money Nest, a personal finance site on a mission to assist 20-30yr older's in the UK make better financial choices.