Is Viral Lead Funnels Work or Not

Viral Lead Funnels Review

Truthful Viral Lead Funnels Review (No hype): Everything you need to know + OTO Details + Bonuses

Hey there, traffic, sales and leads are the lifeblood of any company! The issue with the traditional lead funnels is that it is costly to drive traffic to landing pages & conversion of the traffic to leads is low.

If you are looking at generating a flood of Highly Qualified Leads for your business in a short period of time without spending tons of cash on advertisements ... Prepare yourself for the New Viral Lead Funnels App that is going survive on the 19th of September 2020.

Viral Lead Funnels is something that is innovative ... much required ... and solves a BIG problem for your all businesses. And based on the raving buzz about this new software, I decided to do an extensive Viral Lead Funnel Evaluation.

We'll cover how it works, who it's for, just how much it costs, the unbelievable bonuses, what the upsells are, and the pros and cons of this brand-new tool, so you can make a more informed purchase choice and of course, if it's right for you.

Let's get going.

What is Viral Lead Funnels?

Viral Lead Funnels is a gamechanger marketing innovation that helps you transform 350% of your traffic( as versus the 2.35%) into red-hot leads using incentive driven viral marketing funnels. This is the EXACT Very same method & innovation utilized by Airbnb, Dropbox and Uber.

Dropbox, for instance, exploded their user base by implementing one effortless viral technique: Asking users to refer their good friends (free of charge) in exchange for additional storage space. Utilizing Viral Hacking, Dropbox went from 100,000 users to 4 MILLION in just 15 months.

Services & huge companies worldwide are leveraging reward based viral marketing driven funnels to grow their traffic, leads and sales with little or no ad spend. All you have to do is go viral on demand

Going viral is not just limited to cool, funny, meme videos on tik tok on other places that get millions of views ... With a powerful tool like Viral Lead Funnels it can be leveraged to develop a funnel system that guarantees that people will continue speaking about your brand and sharing it into the world.

To inspire people to share your brand name, you'll give them a reward, giveaway or bribe that they will find actually important. BOOM! And it spreads out like an infection. (A good one).

They share it with their buddies, their good friends share it to their own buddies ... and pal's pals. It turns into a loop and prior to you know it. Your marketing message is everywhere providing you traffic, leads and sales.

How Viral Lead Funnels Work?

Step 1: People Signup.

Individuals register on your viral funnel. You can provide immediate worth for signing up e.g. a book.

Action 2: People Refer Friends.

Your users get their own unique link to show their loved ones in order to reach a milestone. You incentivize them by giving them points when they take particular actions (e.g share, join your group, etc) or when they achieve specific milestones (e.g refer 5 pals).

Action 3: They Reach A Turning Point & Get Rewarded.

As they act and refer buddies, they unlock benefits. They can unlock better benefits when they refer to more individuals, like cheat sheets, mind maps, video, software application, and so on

. When individuals take particular actions or reach a particular number of recommendations (turning point) they immediately win the matching free gift. This converts and works better than any other type of marketing out there.

Who is Viral Lead Funnels for?

Works for any kind of business and any type of niche, Whether you are selling:.



Digital Products.

Affiliate Marketing.



Health & Physical fitness.




High Ticket.

Selling by means of Webinar.

Product Launches.



If You're A Local Company.

Large Multinational Business.

Or Perhaps A Total Newbie!

Viral Lead Funnels Functions:.

Develop Various types of viral projects.

Produce different kinds of viral campaigns in a few clicks-- turning point campaign, waitlist, double loop, sweepstakes, and so on

. Establish Viral loop.

Permit individuals that sign up for welcome their pals who in turn welcome their own pals and so on.

Various types of benefits.

Setup various types of benefits to reward people to share your message-- URLS for secret material, Downloadable declare e-books or software downloads, Coupon codes for e-com shops, etc

. Adjustable Actions.

Setup customized actions and reward indicate users for taking these actions. You can utilize this to grow practically any part of your organization. You can set custom-made actions for anything e.g Watch Youtube Video, Join Facebook Group, Download App, etc

. You can likewise setup custom-made questions to confirm that participants really performed the action before making the points.

Point Tracking System.

Automated point system that keeps track of and appoints defined points to your customers when they act e.g 2 points when they share on facebook, 2 points for sharing on linkedin, etc. We actually use API to verify if the share was really done on FB for example prior to rewarding the points.

Milestones Rewards.

When individuals take particular actions or reach a particular variety of points (turning point) they instantly win the matching giveaway.

Integrated reward shipment system.

Setup automated e-mails to provide the benefits to your individuals once they meet a predefined milestone.

Inbuilt Funnel Page contractor.

Use the integrated advanced drag and drop page builder to produce beautiful and high landing pages and thank you pages for your lead funnel.The page builder is very powerful and easy to use.

Drag & drop areas.

Forget buggy templates. Construct from ground up in minutes by dragging and droping lovely areas to the canvas. These areas are all done for you by professional designers and proven to convert.

2 action optin process.

Setup optin boxes or 2 action optin procedure which gets micro dedications from your user so you can double your optin rate utilizing the Zeigarnik result-- a psychological phenomenom that makes individuals constantly wish to complete what they started.

Usage timers to produce seriousness.

Add urgency to your lead funnels using our timers. (Both evergreen and countdown timers. You can likewise set what action to carry out after the countdown timer expires e.g reset the timer).

Create Exit intent popups.

Our Exit-intent innovation is a behavioural hack that lets you convert abandoning landing page visitors into subscribers and consumers. When you consider that 70% of your visitors are going to leave and never ever returned, it's essential that you try to capture them prior to they go.

Get the best e-mail address in a click.

The majority of people use fake or dispose email addresses for capture pages while others desert them due to the fact that they may be too lazy to type their email. You can catch their finest e-mail address with 1 click using their best email address-- their facebook e-mail address.

Develop your messenger list.

Facebook messenger checkbox combination allows you to not just develop email lists but likewise construct your messenger list. Build your messenger list and car provide messenger sequences.

Embed on your existing sites.

Currently have a website? No concerns. You can likewise embed onto any website-- clickfunnels, wordpress, Funnelvio, convertri, wix, or any customized HTML site with our HTML and Javascript embed choices.


ALL the information you gather in your viral lead funnels can get pressed to virtually any other piece of software you use in your company. Incorporates natively with significant autoresponders and marketing automation platforms-- aweber, activecampaign, convertkit, mailchimp, getresponse, mailvio, sendio, etc And to over 1,000 other apps through web hooks and zapier.

Triggers & Automation Rules.

Set predefined conditions and activates for automations through webhook notices in 1 click e.g you can set up an automation to include a participant to your facebook audience if they have more than 20 points.

1Click Signup URLS.

Use this to engage with your present list and present buyers to turn them into ambassadors in 1 click. Functions with any email autoresponder or CRM.

Detailed Analytics.

Detailed insights to monitor and track your project efficiency over an amount of time and make notified choices that will grow your leads and bring you more traffic and sales.

Tracking & Retargeting pixels.

Tag users with pixels & setup retargeting ads for users. You can set up various retargeting advertisements-- e.g Ad1 to recover those that deserted the landing page. Ad2 could be targeted at participants to encourage them to share.

A/B Split testing.

Develop several landing pages. Divide your traffic and test. Kill the poor performing landing pages and scale the very best performing landing page.

Scams detector.

Spot, tag and eliminate deceptive leads. Multiple leads from the exact same IPs.

Area Filters.

Don't wish to get leads from a particular region of the world? You can obstruct them from participating in your viral projects.

Reroute participants to thank you page.

This feature allows you to reroute all participants to the thank you page when they check out the landing page after signing up with.

Cloning campaigns.

Clone your campaigns.

Custom domains.

For your campaigns. Both the landing pages and or the share URLs.

Add your Custom-made SMTP.

To send out e-mails straight from the platform.

Several languages.

Over 250+ languages.

Mobile responsive.

Pages and optins are mobile responsive so mobile users are get involved.

News Feed Optimization.

Utilizing open chart technology, you can customize how your campaigns look when shared on social media.


Personalization enables you to show your customers name on your pages developing a more individual connection and assisting you to develop rapport with your brand-new customers & subscribers.

UTM Tracking.

See clearly which traffic source, campaigns gives you the highest life time consumer worth.

Viral Lead Funnel Review Prices.

Extremely, and this is among the important things that astonishes me with this deal. Viral Lead Funnels plus all the awesome benefits are opting for an extremely TINY one-time fee of $47. Can you beat that?

That's is an extremely tiny bitty fraction of its real value, market expense, not to mention the income potential! Plus this little financial investment is backed by a strong ZRO THREAT one month money-back assurance, so you can trial run the software application with all the danger on the item developer.

Fair cautioning however, this low one-time charge is valid just throughout the launch special duration, DON'T MISS IT!

What Are The Upsells?

Upsell 1: Quiz Funnels-- $67 (One Time).

This is a full blown quiz home builder. With this upgrade, you can construct anything from a one question quiz to a complex funnel with multiple questions, conditional branching logic, concern scoring and weighting, and different paths and outcome pages based on an individual's answers.

The issue with viral funnels is you get a lot of leads as it goes viral and individuals share. A quiz will help you certify those leads and section them so you.

Upsell 2: Endless + Pro-- $67 (One Time).

Endless lead funnels.

Limitless traffic.

Gather Unlimited leads & grow your organization.

Pro functions: Advanced Triggers & Automated Hooks:.

Set limitless sophisticated triggers to perform particular actions when a participant of your quiz reaches a set number of points based.

E.g Include result in GTW webinar if points = or > 50 points.

Add lead to Client Audience if points = or > 10.

Through web hook automations, you can add user to:.

Various AR list.

Eliminate from an AR list.

Webinar (GTW, Zoom).

Subscription-- Kartra, Kyvio, Learnable (Grant access to individual).

CRM (tag a lead).

and so on

. Upsell 3: DFY & Templates Club-- $97 (One Time).

50 Done For You Viral Lead Funnels-- Each lead funnel includes.

Provided for You Copy.

Done for you landing page.

Provided for You Main Lead Magnet.

Done For You Thank you page.

Done For You 2nd Lead Magnet for viral incentive.

It's easy to get started with one of our high-converting, pre-built viral lead funnel design templates. Every design template is completely customizable ... If you discover a design template that's close, however not quite ideal ... you can fine-tune it and make it totally your own.

Upsell 4: Local Agency Apps (Reseller)-- $497 & $297 (One Time).

Get resell rights to all my apps and keep 100% of the commission.

Viral Lead Funnel Evaluation Pros & Cons.


Pros are obviously limitless, however I'll simply mention a couple of;.

Greater conversions ensured.

Advanced innovation.

Maximum international reach.

Super-easy to use.

Easy to set up.

Produce & Run Several Campaigns.

Functions effortlessly on any gadget.


Funnel is quite deep; 5 whole upgrade choices: this isn't much of a con as the software application still works completely with no of the upgrades.

You will require a great internet connection.

Final Words.

In my last words, you 'd be conserving thousands of dollars that you 'd have had to spend on expensive advertisements and other list building methods that barely provide the expected outcomes. Viral Lead Funnels has been made extremely easy to deal with.

Hence, on this note, I'll state; Viral Lead Funnels is a prompt service and I extremely recommend it. With no doubt, I can give it a luxury review, anything other than that will be "PREDISPOSITION!" You can go ahead and protect your access, your investment is safe & wise.

Viral Lead Funnel Bonuses (From the Vendor).

Okay now, tighten your seat belts ... Something huge is coming!!!

The item developers overdid it to do something really incredible, so you get EVERYTHING you'll need to be successful with this!

As part of the frontend launch special deal, you'll get NINE( 5) amazing, consistent, and needful apps, training & case-studies as bonus offers ...

These are assets you would have purchased individually at a premium charge but you'll be getting them for FREE along with Viral Lead Funnels!

You'll get;.

Flying Start Training Video-- Get Up & Running in Minutes.

While utilizing Viral LEad Funnels is pretty uncomplicated, to make getting going as simple as possible, you'll likewise receive a quick start video to assist you start getting outcomes right out eviction.

10 Done For You Viral Lead Funnels:.

Each lead funnel comes with.

Done For You Landing page.

Done For You Lead Magnet.

Provided for You Main Lead Magnet.

Provided for You Thank you page.

Provided for You 2nd Lead Magnet for viral incentive.

It's simple to get started with one of our high-converting, pre-built viral lead funnel design templates. Every design template is totally adjustable ... If you discover a design template that's close, but not quite best ... you can tweak it and make it totally your own.

Socicake Traffic Tool.

This is the ULTIMATE Facebook Marketing Tool Set that consists of 12 different software application that will assist you effortlessly drive literally Everyone Accessing Facebook Every Day to your offers or your website.

With Socicake, you can 10x Your Engagement, Traffic, Leads, And Sales To Get fantastic results For Yourself And even your clients.

Sociake is valued at $997 and is currently costing $87 however you'll get it from me for FREE when you purchase Viral Lead Funnels.

The Ultimate Lead Funnels Swipe File:.

You get 10 years of examples, for the best-performing lead landing pages, thank you pages, ads, and more.

101 Lead Magnet Concepts:.

A Lead Magnet is something that you distribute in exchange for an e-mail address or other contact information so you can convert site visitors into leads and ultimately nurture them in your funnel.

When you acquire Viral Lead Funnels you will be overcoming 101 lead magnet Concepts you can hand out in exchange for visitors email address or contact information.

Viral Lead Funnels Rewards (My Rewards).

All the bonus offers note down listed below for this Viral Lead Funnels Evaluation, worth $1000's, are offered just if you buy Viral Lead Funnels through any of my links on this page. Your download relate to my bonus offers will be provided inside your Jvzoo Dashboard after you make the purchase.

If you can't discover them or you face a concern please send me an e-mail at: and i will more than happy to sort things out for you. Check out my Viral Lead Funnels Evaluation perks. This rewards will conserve you money and time!