Travel Inspiration

Photo credits the authors':  Yaquina Head Lighthouse in Orego, Big Ben in London, and One World, New York City - 2023-24

Being a Flexible Traveler this Summer

After a recent trip overseas, I discovered a few tips on being a flexible traveler these days. Patience and flexibility come in at number one (and number two,) especially after COVID. Here’s why those travel traits are so important these days.

Plan Ahead – But Only to a Point

When I say, plan ahead I’m talking about researching open hours, booking your timed tickets, etc… You need to have a basic sense of where you’re going, staying, and what you’d like to see. Be prepared for the weather conditions and expectations from your fellow travelers. But you also need to have built in flexibility of unforeseen events that will come up.  Have an alternate plan if things don’t go your way, and the time to consider other options. 

Have a Plan B

For example, my plan B during my recent trip involved an excepted railroad strike. My travel companions and I could not reach our booked destination within the time allotted for our tour in the countryside. This 5-day (unexpected) strike in the UK was locking down travel options, even to closer cities to London.

Our plan B was to take the Underground (subway) to a closer National Park, Kew Gardens. We explored an outlying suburb with unique architecture and a gorgeous botanical garden and “country palace.”  It’s a site we’d never seen before and the “newness” was just as fun as if we’d been able to visit the Yorkshire Dales. (Which we’ll visit eventually, I’m sure.)

See the Upside

The upside to not being able to visit York and the village of Grassington, is that our tour and hotel were booked with fully refundable deposits.  So always have that option open when planning your future trips. We easily added extra days to the current hotel we were staying in London. And we also made the decision to change plans as soon as we learned about the strike and its impact. 

Finally, see your change in plans as an adventure, not a negative. This flexibility also allowed us to have a full day extra in London and have a picnic in Hyde Park. We saw so many other sites due to the strike and our change in plans. Enjoy your summer vacations and let me know how you have bounced back from a sudden shift in travel plans. 

Train Travel for Summer Vacation

Train travel is an ideal option for summer vacation, offering comfort, adventure, and scenic views along the journey. Unlike other modes of transportation, trains provide spacious seating and the freedom to move around. Passengers can enjoy gourmet meals in the dining car while taking in breathtaking landscapes through large windows. The rhythmic motion of the train creates a relaxing atmosphere, allowing travelers to unwind and enjoy the experience.

Additionally, train travel allows for easy exploration of both large cities and peaceful rural destinations. With numerous routes available, passengers can choose visit bustling cities or quiet countryside areas. Train stations often serve as gateways to popular tourist spots, providing convenient access to various attractions. Whether it's a weekend getaway or a cross-country adventure, there's a train route to suit every traveler's preferences.

Families especially appreciate the convenience and affordability of train travel. Many trains offer family-friendly accommodations and entertainment options, making the journey enjoyable for all ages. Parents can relax knowing that their kids are safe and entertained throughout the trip.

Traveling by train is environmentally friendly compared to other forms of transportation. Trains produce fewer carbon emissions per passenger mile, making them a sustainable choice for eco-conscious travelers. By opting for train travel, vacationers can reduce their environmental impact while still enjoying a memorable summer getaway.

Finally, train travel offers a unique and enjoyable way to experience summer vacation. With its comfort, convenience, and scenic beauty, it's the perfect choice for travelers seeking adventure and relaxation. Whether exploring new destinations or simply enjoying the journey, train travel provides an unforgettable experience for all. So, this summer, why not hop aboard and embark on a railway adventure?

Top 3 Spring Trips 

As winter bids farewell and nature awakens, spring break signals with the promise of sun-soaked adventures. The United States offers an array of travel destinations that provide diverse experiences. From beach lovers to nature buffs, there is something for everyone this year. Here are the top three spring break destinations to consider for a memorable getaway.

Miami, Florida

Miami, with its vibrant nightlife, stunning beaches, and a melting pot of cultures, stands as a premier spring break destination. South Beach, with its iconic pastel-hued lifeguard towers, is a hub of activity. Relax in the sun, stroll along Ocean Drive, and experience the lively atmosphere that defines Miami's coastal charm. For those seeking a mix of relaxation and entertainment, Miami Beach offers luxurious resorts, trendy boutiques, and world-class dining options. The city's diverse neighborhoods, from Little Havana to Wynwood, provide cultural richness and an immersive urban experience.

Cancun, Mexico

While not in the U.S., Cancun remains a go-to destination for American spring breakers due to its stunning beaches, lively atmosphere, and affordability. Nestled on the Yucatán Peninsula, Cancun offers spotless white sands, crystal-clear waters, and a variety of water activities. From lively beach parties to exploring ancient Mayan ruins, Cancun caters to various interests. The Hotel Zone is a hotspot for resorts, restaurants, and nightlife. While nearby Playa del Carmen and Tulum provide a more bohemian and cultural escape. With its tropical climate and welcoming ambiance, Cancun invites spring breakers to unwind in a tropical setting.

Sedona, Arizona

For those seeking a calm and nature-centric vacation, Sedona in my home state offers a striking contrast to beach destinations. Known for its mesmerizing red rock formations and spiritual energy, Sedona is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Embark on scenic hikes, explore vortex sites, and rejuvenate with wellness activities. The art scene and charming shops in Sedona's downtown add cultural flair to the experience. A spring break in Sedona combines the beauty of the great outdoors with a tranquil and meditative atmosphere. 90 minutes north of Phoenix, it’s an ideal retreat for those looking to connect with nature and find serenity.

As spring break approaches, these destinations offer experiences catering to different preferences. Whether you're into the vibrant energy of Miami, tropical Cancun, or the serene landscapes of Sedona, each promises an escape. Where are you going for spring break this year?


Check out my articles on Medium for more travel inspiration for your spring break.

Coachella for First Timers

Coachella, a music and arts festival, fascinating newcomers with its iconic stages, diverse line-up, and immersive experiences, starts up April 12th.  As you prepare to step into this cultural experience for the first time, here's a guide to unravel the Coachella magic. Here’s travel tips for this dazzling celebration in the California desert.

Musical Melting Pot

Coachella, held annually in the desert oasis of Indio, has a stellar line-up spanning genres. From indie, rock, and hip-hop to electronic dance music (EDM,) you’ll find your jam.  Prepare to be in a musical "melting pot," that caters to diverse tastes and introduces you to both established headliners and emerging artists.

Spectacles Everywhere

Beyond the stages, Coachella is a background for artistic expression. Massive art installations dot the festival grounds, offering surreal and Instagram-worthy backdrops. Expect to encounter giant sculptures, interactive exhibits, and visual exhibitions that transform the landscape into a vibrant art gallery.

Fashion as Self-Expression

Coachella is not just a music festival; it's a fashion spectacle. Embrace the bohemian spirit, where flower crowns, fringe, and eclectic styles flourish. Express yourself through fashion, knowing that your clothing is as much a part of the experience as the music. In other words, it’s not “dress for success” but for fun and creativity.

Celebrity Sightings

Celebrities, drawn to Coachella's appeal, seamlessly blend into the crowd. Don't be surprised if you find yourself dancing next to a Hollywood star (like Leo DiCaprio) or sharing a moment with a famous musician. The festival's laid back vibe encourages everyone to party with the music without the barrier of fame. Use your judgement when interacting with celebrities, since they are wanting to truly blend in. This means (most times) no autographs or selfies.

Navigating the Grounds

The festival grounds are huge! The compound houses multiple stages, food vendors, and art installations. Wear comfortable shoes, drink lots of water, and be prepared to walk and walk some more. “Taxis” are available (usually peddle powered,) but muddy weather might discourage rides. Coachella is an adventure waiting to be explored, and each corner holds a new surprise.  Be open to exploring every inch of the compound throughout your visit.

Communal Spirit

For the full Coachella experience, consider camping on-site. The campgrounds are a lively extension of the festival, fostering unplanned connections, impromptu dance parties, and a sense of communal spirit under the desert stars. If you’re not a camper, you can still enjoy daily experiences by driving back and forth from town.

As you step into Coachella, anticipate an adventure where music, art, fashion, and the communal celebration collide. Embrace the unexpected, savor the moments, and let the desert breeze carry you into the heart of this extraordinary festival. Coachella is not just an event. It's an immersive journey that leaves a permanent mark on all who experience its magic.

Weekend in New York   December 2023


Looking for a holiday getaway or a quick trip in January?  A weekend in New York City might fill the bill as long as you dress warm!




To maximize our budget think about flying into a smaller neighboring airport such as Newark in New Jersey.  Even Long Island Airport in Islip is doable with the train station so close.  Planning your flight midweek or even on a Thursday will help with airfare and might be less crowded. 


But even these days, my flights this year have all been full. Be prepared to have extra time checking in at TSA or think about signing up for Pre-Check or Clear to make security lines less of a hassle. (Some credit cards will also reimburse you for these and other services, so check with your card company.)


Sights of NYC


Be sure to secure your hotel or VRBO near a subway or train line. NYC’s mass transit system is one of the best in the United States.  Being within walking distance of Times Square, Central Park, and museums are the best “home bases” for your trip.


Plan your visits along the subway line so you don’t miss out on winter activities in New York. Ice skating at Rockefeller Center and the NYC Rockettes usually have audiences through January.  Don’t forget the standards such as The Metropolitan Museum or Museum of Modern Art for your art and history lovers. Lines might be long at MoMA, so check the website for hours and special events. At night with the Christmas lights is also a site to see and enjoy this time of year.




Dining options are everywhere in New York. From fast food pizza to fine dining, you will have your pick for any budget. If you’re only in NYC for the weekend, maybe one or two “nice” dinners at an Italian eatery. Then the next day, think about grabbing breakfast (some are still free) at your hotel or café to people watch. Asking the locals (at your activities) is one of the best ways to get reliable local restaurant and eatery recommendations.


Remember to be flexible with your travel companion and plans in general. You might want to think about extending a work trip to enjoy the sights.  More people than ever are traveling and patience is needed to navigate trips these days. 


Just enjoy the memories, photos, and last-minute trip flying off to New York.  Travel is the best way to experience new places, people, and cultures…so enjoy!

Traveling with Pets     November 2023

Traveling with your pet, especially during the holidays, might be essential for your family. Read on for tips to make your pet’s next trip safe and comfortable for both of you.

Research the Rules

If you are lucky enough to be traveling by car or RV, taking your pet along for the ride is easy. Secure the animal in the safety of their kennel and check if pets are allowed out during stops. For example, National Parks allow some pets. However, it depends on the specific park you’re visiting and keeping to the developed area of the park’s boundaries. If not allowed, your dog or cat must stay inside your vehicle during your family’s sightseeing while in the park. This keeps your pet safely inside from wild predators and you can enjoy the natural beauty of the park. Check for pet friendly lodging along the way. Your family will enjoy a nice room, without worrying about interference from next door neighbors or unwelcome hotel environments.

Have Vaccines Updates

I am not talking about Covid, but rather your pet’s regular vaccines. All rabies, Bordetella and other pet-specific vaccines must be updated and certified. Many veterinarians will provide a travel or bordering certificate for your pet to travel safely. Up to date vaccines keep your animal and other travelers safe from viruses and other diseases circulating during your travel time. As of this publication, domesticated pets are not required to have a Covid-19 vaccine to travel. Check your country’s public health policies, as requirements are changing constantly.

Make Pets Comfortable

Finally, try and keep your pet on the same routine they had at home while traveling. While this is not always easy, stick to the same schedule for feeding, potty breaks and sleeping. Traveling is hard on anyone, especially on an animal that doesn’t understand why their bed and surroundings are different. Make your pet as comfortable as possible within reason. Keep their food the same and bedtime rituals as normal as possible. Pets, like people, might have upset stomachs or trouble sleeping in an unfamiliar environment, so be patient. Time will help your pet adjust to the traveling routine.

If all else fails, think about boarding your pet or asking a trusted friend to watch them. You want to enjoy your trip as much as fido, so think about keeping them home for peace of mind.

Visiting the Biltmore Estate  October 2023

Did you ever wonder what the largest house in America was?  Did you know that house is over 100 years old, 127 to be exact? Come along as I can take you on a tour that will amaze you at every turn. Here’s the rundown of my visit to the Biltmore House in Asheville, North Carolina this fall.



Built over six years in the 1890’s, Biltmore House is the legacy of George Washington Vanderbilt II. He was the youngest son of William Henry Vanderbilt who created his billions in the shipping and railroad industries.  The main house is situated on a lush 8000 acres overlooking the Blue Ridge Mountains.  The home was originally meant to be a country getaway for George and his extended family. The gardens at Biltmore House have a conservatory with 100’s of varieties of plants, flowers, and succulents. All of the plants are labeled for easy identification, which this photographer loves!




The interior of the mansion is on a timed tour schedule. You need to purchase your tickets and select a time to enter the house. This helps manage the crowds, which were not too bad when I visited in early October. (This time was considered right at the beginning of peak season.) The fall leaves were just changing outdoors, and the Christmas trees were starting to be decorated inside.


The audio tour is self-guided and takes you through many of the floors, loggia, and downstairs servant’s quarters. You will visit the indoor swimming pool, maid’s quarters, kitchen, as well as the ornate living rooms upstairs. Interesting history and snippets of family goings on are included in the audio from historians and family members’ recollections.


Winery and Shops


After the 90-minute house tour, you can enjoy many other amenities. A winery is located in “Deer Park” a short 15-minute drive on the property. The winery was established by Vanderbilt’s grandson, William A.V. Cecil, in 1971. There are free tastings and a large selection of wine, cider and gifts located at the winery. They even ship to 40 states if you’d like to take something home for later.


In addition, the restaurants on the property are exquisite. Homemade dishes, breads, and desserts to tempt many tastes, served with a Southern flair. The prices are reasonable for what you’d expect for fresh cuisine prepared by chefs on the property.  Take home a memory from the many shops located throughout the grounds.  And, don’t forget to visit Amherst at Deerpark®.


The onsite venue houses traveling exhibitions and meeting space for different events. Currently, “Italian Renaissance Alive” is being presented, free with your Biltmore ticket at the venue. George’s love of art reflects this exhibition, and the experience does not disappoint.


Biltmore House is well worth a special trip to North Carolina and the city of Asheville.  I flew into Charlotte, and drove the 2 hours into Asheville. You will need transportation if you want to see more than the main house on the Biltmore property.  So, I’d recommend a rental car for this trip.


Check out more travel ideas from my website:

My Experience Flying on a Float Plane   September 2023 


Have you ever taken a flight on a float plane? If you’re scared of something new, read on, because flying on a float plane cured my anxiety.




I was never afraid of flying. I was afraid of crashing and the lack of control that comes with air travel. It’s just more pronounced when you fly on a plane, especially the smaller models. The freedom you feel when you can be transported 100 miles away in less than hour is liberating. You have no worries up in the air, flying over the water like a bird. The freedom a plane provides a traveler is like nothing else.




The pilot of our float plane ran through the safety check and evacuation plan list just like any larger aircraft. The passengers were even given ear plugs for the noise, but none of us used them. You could hear the engines and smell the exhaust a bit, but nothing unsafe. I felt so happy to see the landscape from above, making out shoreline homes and boats in the water. In a float plane, you fly low enough not to have oxygen and to see the sites below. Plus, you fly over water most of the time, so I felt very safe if we landed unexpectedly.




Having conquered my fear of smaller aircraft was the best part of my first float plane trip. I love to travel, and sometimes smaller planes are all the options available. I was able to sit next to the pilot in cockpit on the way back to Seattle! Talk about a confidence builder! Being in the cockpit next to the controls was the best experience to see up close all that happens while flying.


The pilot navigated with shoreline in view, following shipping channels keeping level and steady. We increased our altitude due to some cloud cover, to minimize the bumps. But the birds eye view I had from my co-pilot’s seat was worth every worry I ever had. It was again very liberating to see first hand how everything worked, and so well at that!


When we descending into Lake Union from our trip from Canada, it seemed to have gone by so fast. But that 45-minute float plane flight was the absolute best reason to try my next big adventure. Whether its solo traveling or trying a new country, get out of your comfort zone and conquer those fears. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain!

North Carolina in Fall    August 2023

Visiting North Carolina any time of year needs to be on your travel list. But fall is the best time of year to discover the Southern hospitality and lovely living in the Appalachian Mountains.

Fall Foliage

I spent five days in North Carolina, with one full day of travel from my home base in Arizona. With the time change and the connecting flight the first day was traveling to our VRBO in Asheville from Charlotte. Hoping to catch the changing fall leaves and colors during an early October trip didn’t quite pan out.  The weather was unseasonably warm (mid to high 70’s) during our trip. The leaves were just barely popping some yellow and reds, so the crowds were also sparse at some sites. Give and take was the name of the game on this trip, and Asheville hospitality did not disappoint.

Biltmore Estate

The first full day was spent at the “Largest Home in America,” Biltmore Estate located in Asheville near Pisgah National Forest.  Built in six years by 25-year-old industrial magnate George Vanderbilt, the exquisite 250-room mansion and surrounding gardens was a country retreat for family and friends. The opulence of the time is showcased in every room during the self-guided audio tour.  

First opened to the public in 1927 by Vanderbilt’s daughter, Cornelia and her husband, the grounds were continually upgraded for the times. The horse stables house quaint shops and a bustling restaurant. The barn and blacksmith’s shop are still on the property for learning about the past and future upgrades. These include a winery, tasting room, hotels, and working farm. Take at least one full day, (we had two) to enjoy the Biltmore for its historic grandeur.

The Great Smoky Mountains

One hour north of Asheville, the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is full of fun activities. The untouched forest which borders North Carolina and Tennessee is one of the best spots to capture the changing fall foliage.  Horseback riding, hiking, kayaking, and bird watching are also fun family activities to enjoy while in the park. The name comes from the low-lying mist and clouds which create a “smoky” scene in the valleys of the mountains. There are many small towns to stop and enjoy the native crafts and food along the way too.

NC Arboretum

If you have time, make a stop at the North Carolina Arboretum in Bent Creek, near Asheville, before heading home. The 434-acre “experimental site” is located in a part of the Pisgah National Forest. The partnership with the University of North Carolina has created breathtaking walking trails with all the trees, plants, and flowers identified for novices. The huge welcome center houses, a bistro, gift shop, and guided nature talks by volunteers. Again, the Southern hospitality can’t be beat for a wonderful send off from this lovely part of the county.   Let me know if you’ve ever experienced North Carolina this year and what regions you’d recommend. 

Happy Travels for your future trips!

Disneyland in 24 Hours  July 2023

Disneyland is the happiest place on Earth, and it's easy to see why. The theme park has become a must-visit destination for families across the globe. But with so much to see and do, it can be hard to know where to begin. If you only have 24 hours to spend at Disneyland, it's important to have a plan to make the most of your time.

Get to the Park EARLY

First, it's important to arrive at the park early. Plan to be there when the gates open to take advantage of shorter lines and fewer crowds. Consider staying at a hotel near the park to make the commute easier. It’s less expensive than on-property hotels too. Also plan on getting a good night's sleep before your big day…if you can sleep!

Most Popular Rides

Once you arrive at the park, head straight for the most popular rides. Lines for attractions like Stars Wars: Rise of the Resistance and Indiana Jones Adventure can get long quickly.  It’s best to ride these early in the day before the crowds arrive. Your kids will be fresher and have more patience earlier in the day as well.

In between rides, take time to explore the park's various themed areas, like Fantasyland, Tomorrowland, and Adventureland. Each area has its own unique attractions, dining options, and entertainment, so be sure to check out everything that interests you.

Ride Switch

If you're traveling with young children, consider using Disneyland's Rider Switch service. This family friendly tool allows one adult to wait with the child while the other rides. Then switch places without having to wait in line again. This can save a lot of time and make sure that everyone gets to enjoy their favorite rides.


Food is an important part of any Disney experience, and there are plenty of dining options available at the park. Consider making a reservation at one of Disneyland's many restaurants, or grab a quick bite from one of the park's food stands. Be sure to try a famous Disneyland treat, like a Dole Whip or a cinnamon churro.

Photo Ops

Throughout the day, keep an eye out for Disney characters wandering around the park. Meeting your favorite characters and getting a photo with them can be a highlight of your trip. Don't be afraid to stop and say hello during a break from the rides or shows.

Finally, end your day at Disneyland with one of the park's famous parades or fireworks shows. These spectacular displays are not to be missed. These can be a magical way to cap off your day at the, “Happiest Place on Earth.

A trip to Disneyland can be an unforgettable experience, but it's important to plan ahead and make the most of your time. Arrive early, hit the most popular rides first, and explore the themed areas. Be sure to enjoy the food and characters throughout the day. With a little planning, you can make the most of your 24 hours with your family and friends. 

What I’d Do Different on My First Solo Trip    June 2023

I took my first solo trip to the Oregon coast this month.  This is what I’d do different, and some ideas for your first solo vacation.

Plan Better 

While I got see the majority of sites on my list, I’d plan a little better. I had a daily list of what I wanted to see. Thursday’s first stop was at Washington Park and the International Rose Garden. However, with the unseasonably cold and wet weather, there were no roses in bloom.  This was highly unusual for April in Portland. So, I trudged along in the misting rain and saw beautiful daffodils and clematis flowers instead.  First lesson, have a plan B if the weather looks wonky before you leave. My plan B was to visit Powell’s Book Store downtown and enjoying the miles of books inside.

Be Flexible

The next day I drove to the flower farms in Woodburn, Oregon out to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival.  But again, the cold and rain had literally “dampened” the fields. Out of the 40 acres of tulips planted, less than an acre was blooming!  Only green little buds dotted the fields, not the glorious colors from the past 40 years.  I walked out in my rubber boots, due to the muddy fields, and enjoyed the quiet and calm. I got some great tulip shots in the fields and near the farmer’s market. Enjoying a hot cup of tea, I was thankful for the pause in the rain for an hour.

Be Adventurous

Having more time, I drove 3 hours in the pouring rain to the Oregon Coast to see Yaquina Head Lighthouse. Praying that the sun would come out after checking the weather, it paid off. The coastal views made up for the tulip fields. The sun was out bright and shining!  There was plenty of time to walk along Agate Beach. I had lots of time to enjoy the sound of the waves on the black rocks and just listen to nature. I took a chance and it paid off big time.  I drove back along the Pacific Coast Highway, to see different coastal towns and experience new adventures.

This was two days into my long weekend and I was driving and navigating on my own. Solo travel gives you the freedom to see what you want, when you want. Plus, you get such a feeling of confidence even if your plans don’t work out exactly as you’d thought.

Check back for more tips on what I learned during my first solo trip, and how you can plan one!

Family Vacations for the 4th of July     May 2023

The 4th of July is a popular time for families to take a vacation with school breaks and summer weather. If you're looking for the perfect trip for your family this year, there are great options across the United States. Here are some of the best summer vacation destinations for your family this 4th of July.

Washington D.C.

As the nation's capital, Washington D.C. is a great place to celebrate Independence Day. Families can enjoy the National Independence Day Parade, which features marching bands, floats, and giant balloons. There are also fireworks displays at the National Mall and other locations throughout the city.


New York City

The Big Apple is a popular destination for families any time of year, but it's especially exciting during the Fourth of July. Be sure to can watch the Macy's Fourth of July Fireworks Spectacular. I’ve seen this show, and it’s one of the largest fireworks displays in the United States. There are also other events taking place throughout the city, such as the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest.


Lake Tahoe, California

If you're looking for a more laid-back 4th of July vacation, Lake Tahoe is a great choice. Families can enjoy the forest landscapes and outdoor activities, such as hiking, fishing, and water sports. There are also fireworks over the lake and parades taking place in the surrounding towns.


Orlando, Florida

Orlando is a popular destination for families year-round, and it's a great place to celebrate the Fourth of July. Families can visit the many theme parks, such as Disney World and Universal Studios. Special fireworks happen every night and are even bigger for the holiday. Don’t forget to visit the water parks during the summer to beat the heat and burn off some steam!


Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Finally, Cape Cod is a beautiful destination for families who want a beach vacation with a New England feel. Families can enjoy the clean beaches, quaint towns, and Fourth of July events such as parades and fireworks displays. You might even spot a celebrity or two who often vacation on the Cape during the summer months.

These are just a few of the many great summer vacation destinations for families over the 4th of July. Whether you're looking for big city excitement or a more laid-back beach vacation, there's a destination for your family.


For more travel inspiration check out my website:

Travel Hacks  April 2023

Traveling can be an exciting experience, but it can also be stressful, especially when it comes to budgeting and planning. Here are a few travel hacks to help you make the most of your trip in 2023.

Budget Airlines


One of the best ways to save money on travel is to use budget airlines. These airlines often offer lower prices than traditional carriers, and they often have more frequent flights to popular destinations. However, be aware that budget airlines typically have more restrictions when it comes to baggage and seat selection. Be prepared to pay extra for some carryon items. Also, be sure to read the fine print before booking your ticket.


Vacation Rentals


Another great way to save money on travel is to book a vacation rental instead of a hotel. Websites like Airbnb and VRBO offer a wide variety of rental options, including apartments, houses, and even boats. These rentals often provide more space and privacy than a hotel room and can be a more cost-effective option. Having a kitchen handy for kids or traveling with pets also makes meal planning easier.


Travel Points


A travel rewards credit card points can be a great way to save money on travel. Many of these cards offer points toward free flights, hotel stays, and car rentals. Be sure to do your research and find a card that offers rewards that line up with your travel habits. Keep in mind that some credit cards have annual fees and very high interest rates. You need to make sure to pay your balance off in full each month to avoid any additional charges. This is the best way to keep those reward points actually “free!”


Pack Light


Finally, Packing light is one of the best travel hacks, and it’s so easy if you know the tricks! It will save you time and money, by avoiding extra baggage fees and making it easier to move around at your destination. Try to bring only the essentials and plan your outfits accordingly. It will make your trip more comfortable and enjoyable but simplifying your packing.


To recap, budget airlines, vacation rentals, travel points, and packing light are some of the best travel hacks for 2023. These hacks can help you save money and make your trip more fun. With a little planning these hacks, can make the most of your next trip without breaking the bank.

Mistakes I Learned From Solo Travel   March  2023

I have recently started to travel solo, and I have made some big mistakes. Here’s what I’ve learned about myself from traveling solo, and what you could learn too.

Plan, But Not Too Much

I’ve always been a planner, set goals and mapped out what I need to do. Whether it’s a trip, my job, or family life. Solo travel has taught me to plan, but definitely be open to new opportunities and take risk. For example, even though it was pouring rain, (literally no visibility on the highway) and continued on slowly determined to see the coastline. It took a little longer, but I made it! The sun came out, the roads were clear, and the views were breathtaking!

So grateful I trusted my navigation skills and drove the additional 2 ½ hours to see this sight. There’s nothing like the Oregon coastline on a brisk spring day!

Trust Your Gut

I used my GPS on my phone throughout the trip, and it worked beautifully until it didn’t. I entered the wrong location. I should have known when the forest was disappearing and the buildings were getting bigger. I had not entered “Willamette Falls” but rather clicked on “Willamette Falls Office Center,” and these directions took me the opposite way. Before I figured it out, I had wasted an hour of my precious travel time. This was also the day I was catching my flight home, so time was very important.

By the time I made it to the waterfall the lines were too long, and there was no parking. So, I should have stopped when I was driving in the opposite direction. I “felt” like I was driving the wrong way, but kept on going anyway. Trust your gut. It tells you what you need to know, when. This goes for traveling, people, and life in general.

Live and Learn

Most importantly, live and learn from your mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up, and give yourself grace to move through life constantly learning. Mistakes happen, and bad things happen to good people, all the time. So, live your life with kindness not only for others but for yourself. When you live life with gratitude and curiosity, you get so much more in return. You are much happier in life!

I learned a lot from my mishaps while traveling solo, but I’m much more confident. In life (and traveling,) we all make slip-ups. We need to learn from them and move on happily.

Spring Break Vacations  February 2023

Spring break is a great opportunity to escape the daily grind and vacation in new places. If you're looking for a spring break trip within the United States, here are some of your best travel options to starting planning right now.  Grab those deals early!

Miami, Florida

Miami, Florida is a popular destination for spring breakers, known for its beautiful beaches, nightlife, and culture. Looking to soak up some sunshine, party all night, or explore the city's art and food scene? Miami has something for everyone! Some popular activities include lounging on South Beach, visiting Little Havana, or taking a boat tour of Biscayne Bay. Family friendly options include visiting the nearby Museum of Science and many other attractions for all ages. The water is warmer in the Atlantic Ocean, so cool weather is not a problem when enjoying the beaches with your family.

Austin, Texas

However, Austin, Texas is just as vibrant and eclectic city and offers a very different spring break experience. With a thriving music scene, delicious food, and outdoor activities, Austin is a great destination for those looking to escape the traditional spring break party scene. Popular activities include visiting the Texas State Capitol, exploring the South Congress neighborhood, and taking a hike in the nearby Hill Country.

New Orleans, Lousiana

Finally, New Orleans is a great destination for spring breakers looking for a mix of culture, history, and nightlife. The city is known for its rich past, delicious food, and lively music scene. Popular activities include visiting the French Quarter, taking a jazz cruise, or exploring the city's vibrant neighborhoods.

In addition to these great cities, be sure to check out other great spring break destinations in the United States, such as Phoenix, San Diego and Hilton Head, South Carolina. Any of these destination cities offer some of the best options for a fun and memorable trip. Whether you're looking to party, relax, or explore, these cities offer something for everyone. Pack up and enjoy a fun spring break this year with your family or solo.  Safe travels.

Train Travel is Trending  February 2023

With the most recent airline disruptions, people want to experience new, reliable travel options. Train travel is the trending vacation you might want to check out in the United States or abroad.

Cross County in the United States

Gone are the days of vending machine meals and cramped compartments on cross country trains. Amtrakoffers comfortable rooms, delicious hot meals, and room to enjoy the train on many of their trips. Reviewing the travel schedule for this article, a rail pass from Los Angeles to New York City is very reasonable. Fares ranged from $250-$1600 for the 3-day trip. A private restroom, sleeping berth, and meals are included in the upper end fare.

Even better, when I checked 30 days out from my travel day, there was still plenty of berths available. What better way to enjoy a cross country trip of the United States in the luxury of your private compartment.

Orient Express in Europe

If you’re feeling like a real adventure and your travel budget can handle it, how about the Orient Express! Including ultra-luxurious train cars and service to surpass your wildest dreams, you’re experiencing history. The La Dolce Vita transports you in style to enjoy the view and destinations in Italy while enjoying this historic train. It’s truly a magical adventure and once in a lifetime trip.

Booking early for your prime travel dates is highly recommended especially now, while luxury travel is in high demand. In 2025, the Orient Express will begin trips on 17 newly refurbished train cars to expand European rail travel. Transporting you back to the 1920’s but with modern luxury service.

Scottish Rail

If you’d like to incorporate train travel into your vacation plans and save a bit of money, then check out ScotRail. With recent labor disputes resolved in November 2022 traveling by train is the best way to see Scotland. With seven fare options, touring Scotland by rail is also economical, especially in a country so vast.

Exploring and experiencing new travel destinations is the first step in understanding other cultures and enjoying unique vacations. Why not book a rail pass or trip of a lifetime outside of your comfort zone. Experiencing train travel ha

Van Life is Trending...What Is It?  January 2023

The holidays are behind us, it’s cold, but you want to travel in 2023. With the uncertainty of covid behind us, why not try a new travel experience this year. Have you heard about “Van Life” travel?

What is It?

Have you ever wondered what it was like to camp anywhere your vehicle could take you? “Van Life” is a well-documented adventure for many travelers. This experience has gone more mainstream lately with many couples and even families trying, life off the grid.

Be Prepared

For a taste of this unique experience, keep in mind a few pointers from the experts:

1.     Have realistic expectations. The typical van or converted livable vehicle is only 488 square feet. Many vans don’t have showers or indoor toilets. This is camping with a few more conveniences. Keep your expectations in check.

2.     Be safe. Lock your van doors, even a rental. In some locations you won’t have access to Wi-Fi, and for safety’s sake you need to be cautious of strangers, especially if you’re a solo traveler. Be aware of your surroundings and always lock up at night or if you’re away from your vehicle. Consider an alarm system for extra protection.

3.     Ask for help and be prepared. This goes without saying, but be sure to know the water, electricity, and nighttime set ups BEFORE you leave home.  Ask help from the rental company or your friends and have written instructions to reference. There’s a lot to learn about a converted van before your trip. There’s even more to know before living in one.

4.     Plan your trip. Be sure you plan your route and let someone know where you will be traveling. Mishaps happen and having a scheduled check ins with the outside world is always a good protective measure. Planning your route ahead, also gives you heads up on road closures, campsites, and other amenities you might need. 

Enjoy the Freedom

Finally, if you do decide on a travel van adventure, be sure to enjoy it! The freedom of no work or school schedules, along with the open road is a liberating travel experience. Give it a try if you’re still curious about van life and exploring National Parks or your own state parks.

Travel Tips That Work Anytime of Year    December 2022

In a previous article I discussed a trip to Seattle that required a lot of waiting in airports and patience.  Now, I’m here to share the money saving tips that helped get me through a 7-hour flight delay. My trip home was longer, but here are travel tips that worked for me.


Book Flights First

When traveling book your flight for the trip first. Book airfares according to the approximate time (within a day or two) you want to travel. In this case, I was traveling in mid-October. I was leaving on a Thursday morning and returning on Saturday evening for about $200.00. Great deal, and I had about two and half days for my weekend vacation. By traveling during lower in-demand times, I saved over $300.00 by coming home Saturday vs. Sunday or Monday.


Flexibility is the key to saving on your airfare when traveling. I know a friend that routinely checks the flights after a ticket is purchased and will rebook a flight if there is a significant savings on the airfare. He banks the savings in his “flight account” with the airline for the next trip. Be sure to take the very first or very last flight of the day for maximum ticket savings too.


Volunteer To Be Bumped

On each leg of my trip volunteers were needed for the over booked situation with the airline. I did not take advantage until the fourth request for a passenger to give up their seat. The first time the voucher amount was not quoted. However, after no takers, the fourth request came with a $800.00 voucher and the price of my one-way seat!  I had to wait an additional 4 hours to depart and had a 3-hour layover in another airport. But my time was compensated at about $100.00 per hour with the travel vouchers. I walked around the airport, ate lunch, and read my book. The free wi-fi was great too.


Being bumped worked for me on this trip. You need to decide what your time is worth and be prepared with a plan if you do accept being voluntarily bumped. Again, filling your day at the airport is not for everyone. But, overbooking is more common these days with the crew shortages and fewer flights in the air.


Don’t Forget Points

The other savings to consider are points from credit cards which can pay for hotels, flights, and rental cars.  Check out the The for specifics on getting started as a travel hacker on the cheap. I don’t use this method, but I’ve learned it can save you thousands of dollars. If you love to travel, have the flexibility, and pay off your credit cards immediately, travel hacking might be for you!


Have a flexible itinerary on your next trip and keep in mind these travel tips for the future. It might save you a bit of cash for your next trip!


Follow me at for more travel inspiration.


Best Fall Hikes in 2022   November 2022

As the leaves change and temperatures get cooler, what better way to celebrate than with a weekend fall hike. Here are the best areas for fall hikes to suit any experience level. Give yourself a boost of autumn spirit and enjoy the great outdoors this fall.

New England

New England has such diverse landscape, starting in Maine (one of my “bucket list” vacations) and running the length of Connecticut. The four states in between are Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island. Every state offers up moderate to strenuous hikes near water or wilderness depending on your endurance.

An easy to moderate hike in Massachusetts, loved by artists and nature lovers, is Bish Bash Falls. Two miles to enjoy scenery and the biggest waterfall in the state! For a more challenging hike, Mount Mansfield in Vermont will give you breathtaking views near Lake Chaplain. The 6-mile roundtrip hike has been known to have the very best views in the state. With the elevation change be prepared with warmer clothes as you reach the summit and colder temperatures.

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

The Great Smoky Mountains have an abundance of wilderness trails mixed with amenities to make your fall excursion perfect for any age. Trails range from level walking paths to bike and board trails for all ages. There are also nature walks, to help you and your family identify plants and the surrounding wildlife easily. Finally, due to the elevation of the park, your hike will have some of the best fall foliage near the East Cost of the United States.

Southwest Arizona

If you live in the southwestern region of the United States, you have many choices to experience the changing leaves. Enjoying the crisp fall weather is only a short drive away to northern Arizona. Sedona, Flagstaff, and along the Mogollon Rim all have the advantage of being close to the urban center of Phoenix. These towns offer some of the best nature walks with only a two-hour drive north.

Humphrey’s Peak Trail is considered an easy 4.5-mile hike reaching an elevation gain of about 3500 feet. The highest point of the peak is 12,000 feet, so be aware of the elevation change and plan accordingly. Temperatures will also be much cooler when you reach the summit so for all hikes, pack warm clothing and the appropriate amount of water and food. Enjoy this fall weather and get outdoors for some happy time!

Best Getaways to See Fall Leaves  October 2022

If you’re like me, I love the cooler weather that autumn brings. A quick weekend trip to refocus and rejuvenate is a healthy stress reliever too.  Finding the changing leaves and other fall foliage is always a beautiful travel getaway, and you should plan now. Here are the best locations to see fall colors and the changing leaves near you. Be sure to enjoy those crisp, cool nights too!


Northeast United States


The most colorful spots to view the changing fall colors are listed on this map.  New England with its higher altitudes and much lower temperatures, compared to the rest of the United States, will bring out the reds, yellows, and oranges in the hillside landscapes. Why do the leaves change? The chlorophyll breaks down in trees  due to the cooler weather. The green color in a leaf fades to make way for the bright autumn colors like orange, red, and yellow.


Be sure to plan your getaway between September 20th and October 11th for the very best viewing of changing colors near you.   Remember, the leaves are at peak during early October and will vary by elevation and tree type. As you progress South, colors will be vibrant through mid-October.


State by State


A more comprehensive map by the Farmers’ Almanac encompasses all the states, for you to narrow down your travel plans. Even in my home state of Arizona, the trees change in the Northern part of the state near Sedona and Flagstaff. These higher elevations are prime locations to view fall colors not seen on the desert floor near Phoenix.


National Parks

Our National Parks are also a terrific way to sneak in a fall break vacation with the kids and enjoy the changing seasons. 15 of the top locations for fall foliage are in National Parks.  Roads and amenities are still easily accessible for the most part, during the September and October timeframe. Take advantage of less crowded accommodations and campsites this autumn and make your trip to see Mother Nature in action.  Happy Travels! 

Planning A Family Reunion this Fall   September 2022

Fall will be here before we know it, and planning for a family get together needs to happen soon. Consider a small family reunion to bring everyone together after these last few years of isolation. Read on for some planning tips for your next family reunion or get together this fall.


Location, location, location


The first item to cross off your reunion planning list should be the confirmed date and location of the event. Some questions to ask your relatives beforehand: When is the best time for their family? Are the kids out of school on break? Any large work projects or travel during the suggested time? Are there venues or large outdoor spaces available during your reunion? Knowing what the family would like is a starting point. Realizing upfront you will not meet everyone’s timetable or needs is another.


Overnight or One Day Only


Determining the length of the reunion and the activities will take into consideration many factors.  The number or relatives traveling from out of state or the country. The average age of most of the family. Young families will have very different needs and wants vs. seniors and grandparents. Think about a long weekend when families can extend their stay in the area. Also consider one main gathering, and then age-appropriate activities which to choose from the remaining days. The plan for gathering should consider the length of the family reunion, location, and age-appropriate activities to all.


Cost of the Party


Finally, determining the cost and reunion budget is very important. Who picks up the tab should be a group decision. There are many methods to fundraise and defray costs too. The cost is usually split among the entire family and the timing and venues will vary the cost. Planning for a few more participants is easy, but overestimating being stuck with the bill is worse. Consider a RSVP with a token deposit if the cost for the venue is large. In addition, you could open the reunion to very close family friends. These folks can help defray the costs of food and drink. Be open to all options before invitations go out. Being flexible and tempering your expectations on the activities will also help with budgeting and a fun time. Remember, planning will help you make this fall a memorable time for your entire family and easier next time! 

Best National Parks for This Summer   August  2022

With Covid still present, being outdoors and enjoying our National Parks is the best vacation idea currently. The National Parks system also have many great economical programs to aid a family on a travel budget.


Yellowstone National Park


The most popular National Park is Yellowstone, bordering Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. Named for the yellow rocks, containing Sulphur, found throughout the region, the natural beauty of Yellowstone is breathtaking. The variety of activities and natural sites, makes for an easy family vacation for any age. Yellowstone has active Sulphur Pots and hot springs along with many active volcanoes. It is a tranquil location, 3,500 square feet in total and full of nature and wildlife. Yellowstone is home to Old Faithful Geyer and is the very first park in the system established by Teddy Roosevelt.


Despite the recent flooding, only the north side of the park has been impacted. The other areas are open to enjoy nature and its beauty. Be mindful of the fragility when you visit, and leave the park better than when you visited.


The Grand Canyon


Located in Northern, Arizona outside of Williams is Grand Canyon National Park. The red-rocked beauty of the desert and stark contrast to the surrounding forests is dramatic. Hiking is the most popular activity in the park. Camping is allowed with reservations and a permit. However, trail times and guides book up quickly. Park Rangers advise making your reservations early in the year for the prime travel season to the park.


Summer is the most popular time of year to visit, so be mindful of the longer lines and crowds even if just taking photos. Visiting the Canyon is an easy day trip from Flagstaff, Arizona on Route 40. Consider a family road trip, with the Canyon one stop on a long driving trip full of adventure and new experiences.


This link provides the six FREE entry days to all National Parks. Enjoy your summer vacation and hopefully you will enjoy my two favorite parks very soon.  Happy Summer!

Best Campsites This Summer  July 2022

Looking for a fun vacation in the outdoors? Take a look at a few campsites voted the best in the United States for amenities and location. Plan your camping trip now for the best summer vacation.


East Coast


According to the east coast boasts Assateague Island, Maryland as the number three campsite. Located in a National Park, Assateague boasts many of the amenities. You will need to make reservations from March 15 through November 15. Campsites cost $30.00 per day.  Beachside and bayside camping is the best in this location. “Horse camping” is also available at Assateague. Finally, be sure to buy your firewood locally, since no out of state wood is allowed in the campsite.  


West Coast


If you are near California, Wild Willy Hot Springs, near Mammoth Lakes is the best spot to visit. While, boasting natural hot springs which are free, no camping is allowed next to the springs. Drive 15-20 minutes down the road to Brown’s Campground or Convict Lake Campground. For $29-$35 per night, you will enjoy your camping experience. Convict Lake is in a National Forest, so be prepared for rules on storing food and other campsite regulations. Take a wild adventure to a natural wonder and enjoy the great outdoors too!




Lake MacDonald, Montana is in Glacier National Park. The Lake MacDonald Valley, on the west side of the park, has four campgrounds. Be sure to check for road closures in the winter with the weather making some sites inaccessible. Reservations in the spring and summer months have horseback riding and tours also available for visitors. Finally, be sure to check the Apgar Visitors Center before you make plans. Availability, covid rules, and weather will determine activities and make your trip more enjoyable.


Consider a camping vacation this year and make your reservations early. However, remember this is only a sampling of what is available in our beautiful country. Happy Camping!

Best Beaches for Your Summer Vacation    June 2022

Are you in the mood to visit a beach this summer vacation?  Learn about the best beaches to visit and how to make the most of your trip this summer season.


North Padre Island, Texas


Are you able to afford a trip to Turks and Caicos this year to enjoy the number one beach? If not, read on for some budget friendly beaches to satisfy your family. North Padre Island in Texas is open 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.  If you’d like to camp, you will need a park entrance pass during station hours. The Visitor Center hours are usually 9AM-5PM daily and is run by the National Parks Service. The nearest amenities are 12 miles away, so be sure to pack enough necessities. Items such as snacks, fuel and firewood will need to meet your needs of your entire trip.


Coronado Beach, California


Located across the San Diego Bay in Coronado, California is one of the most beautiful and clean beaches in California. In addition, to the Coronado Hotel you will also have access to many restaurants and shops within walking distance. Known for its million-dollar beachfront cottages, beach access is easy and free for the public. The lower floors of the Hotel Del Coronado are open to window shop or grab an ice cream. The views and sunsets are stunning, and the beach never seems crowded even on holidays. Go early for free on street parking and be sure to pack your sunscreen and hat.  Enjoy one of my favorite beaches on the west coast.


Folly Beach, South Carolina


Located 12 miles from historic Charleston, Folly Beach has something for everyone. From kayaking, paddle boarding or just enjoying the white sand, Folly Beach is for you. Family friendly activities include boat rentals, biking and of course shopping. Book a guided excursion or explore the beach and surrounding fun on your own. Folly Beach offers economical way to enjoy the outdoors with reasonable priced motels or Bed and Breakfast locations to rent.  Just staying for the day, then make the beach your focus with clean sand and restaurants within walking distance.


Check out one of these pristine beaches to have an affordable summer getaway that won’t break your budget.  

Planning a Family Reunion   May 2022


Summer will be here before we know it, and planning for a vacation or a family get together needs to happen soon. Consider a family reunion to bring everyone together after these last few years of isolation. Read on for some planning tips for your next family reunion or get together this summer.


Location, location, location


The first item to cross off your reunion planning list should be the confirmed date and location of the event. Some questions to ask your relatives beforehand: When is the best time for their family? Are the kids out of school? Any large work projects or travel during the suggested time? Are there venues or large outdoor spaces available during your reunion? Knowing what the family would like is a starting point. Realizing upfront you will not meet everyone’s timetable or needs is another.


Overnight or One Day Only?


Determining the length of the reunion and the activities will take into consideration many factors.  The number or relatives traveling from out of state or the country. The average age of most of the family. Young families will have very different needs and wants vs. seniors and grandparents. Think about a long weekend when families can extend their stay in the area. Also consider one main gathering, and then age-appropriate activities which to choose from the remaining days. The plan for gathering should consider the length of the family reunion, location, and age-appropriate activities for all. 


Cost of the Party

Finally, determining the cost and reunion budget is very important. Who picks up the tab, should be a group decision. There are many methods to fundraise and defray costs as well. The expenses are usually split among the entire family, and the timing and venues will vary the cost. Planning for a few more participants is easy, but overestimating and being stuck with the bill is worse! Consider a RSVP with a token deposit, if the cost for the venue is large. In addition, you could open the reunion to very close family friends too. These folks can help defray the costs of food and drink. Be open to all options before invitations go out. Being flexible on the activities will also help with the budgeting. Remember, planning will help you make this summer a memorable time for your entire family and easier next time! 

RV Rental Is Easy   April 2022

I’ve been getting questions about RV’s mentioned in a previous travel article  on the popularity of camping. RV ownership has increased 62% in the last 20 years, and I would rent or borrow before you buy. Horsepower, interior amenities, and appliances vary widely for RV models. These luxuries, not to mention if you’re able to tow a trailer, depend upon your family’s specific needs.


Below is a list of national RV rental companies:

Cruise America


Select the options, size, and destination for your trip. The company will share the rigs available to rent. I checked and spring dates are still available with summer dates filling up fast. 


Local Options


You should also search for RV Rentals in your area from regional and smaller dealerships and businesses. I found Arizona Adventure Rentals, while searching, which is also close to my home. You should ask neighbors and family members about borrowing or renting their rig for a weekend too.  It never hurts to ask especially if you’re seriously considering buying a vehicle of your own.


RV Sharing


Furthermore, I would recommend looking into the company, for RV “timeshares.” This service allows you to share or borrow someone’s RV in your neighborhood at a reasonable rate in a variety of sizes and amenities. Deposits are common and refundable when your trip is over, and the vehicle is returned in good condition.


Another site to check is which specifically matches your needs and size requirements to an RV in your area to “share.”  RVshare allows you to choose drivable or towable vehicles. Your family can also select different pickup and drop off locations depending upon your travel needs. When I searched, many of the owners also offered delivery service and extras such as bikes, kayaks, welcome baskets.  Previous customers rate the vehicle and owners’ interactions which is also helpful. 


Finally, just give RV-ing a try! Nothing is more relaxing or rejuvenating than being in nature. What better way to explore the great outdoors than with your own camper or RV.  Thank you for your feedback and keep the suggestions coming. Happy Camping!

Spring Travel   March 2022


With the pandemic still surging in many areas, spring travel in 2022 must be flexible. Your best bet for a spring break trip is to travel in your local country. Read on for tips on the best of travel this spring.


National Parks


In the United States, National Parks will be the safest outdoor travel option this year. The natural, outside amenities are operational. Lodging can be booked online and traveling by car is safest. Check out the weather in the northern most parks, such as Yellowstone or Niagara Falls. Even spring temperatures can be brisk and very cold. Pack enough travel gear in case of a weather emergency including nonperishable snacks, extra gas, and vehicle chains. Warm clothes are always a must, as weather can change very quickly. 




Some of the best beaches are on the western coast in California.  Being an outdoor activity, beaches provide a safe and relaxing environment. However, it might be considered off season, so check before you travel. In Carlsbad, LEGOLAND and Disneyland in Anaheim offer another activity for families. Check for capacity limits, vaccine, and mask requirements before you purchase tickets. Again, flexibility is key when planning a trip in 2022, so avoid prepaid vacations or nonrefundable deposits. 


Texas Gulf Coast


The Gulf of Mexico in Galveston, Texas and South Padre Island also provide that beach vibe if you are looking for a safer getaway. There are many other outdoor activities in Texas to enjoy while visiting Galveston. Take a fishing boat and learn about crab pots and shrimping. Book a Bed and Breakfast in historic Galveston and tour the old downtown or seaside shops. Again, be mindful of vaccine and masking mandates to keep you and your family safe. 


South Carolina 


Charleston is the oldest historic port in South Carolina full of great food and interesting sites. Visit the outdoor market and Old Exchange to learn about history and pick up a souvenir. Fort Sumter National Monument, the start of the Civil War is across the bay and full of great historical facts.  Finally, be sure to enjoy the southern cooking that Charleston restaurants offer. From tried-and-true favorites to unique variations, every palate will enjoy South Carolina cuisine.


Relax and enjoy this spring break and here’s to safe travels in 2022!

RV Travel in the US   February 2022


Have you ever wondered what the appeal was to buy an RV (recreation vehicle) and wonder the country?  Are interested in finding out more about RV’ing?  Here are some tips I learned after my first RV trip to make your first adventure even more fun!


Do Your Research


Before buying an RV, I would highly recommend renting a model you like. Basic weekly rentals will cost you about $99 per day, plus mileage (as of this writing.) While the average RV costs between, $35,000 and $300,000 brand new. You will want to discover more about the actual experience by renting one first, to make the best decision. Furthermore, researching the models and renting more than one will provide you with even more information. Not all vehicles are created equal. Check out YouTube and blogs for more information as you narrow down your RV choices. 


Check out Different Parks


Take the time and be sure to check the driving conditions of your proposed routes after deciding on the model. Winter and summer travel is much different in an RV than a regular vehicle. If you are in the research phase, consider renting a couple times throughout the year. Experiencing different parks during different seasons, throughout the U.S. will give you a good idea of various driving experiences.  Snow, ice, and rain will give you a very different ride in an RV, than dry pavement in a car. The weather is a big factor to consider especially on the handling and size of your RV.


Cost and Use


Finally, if you are buying consider the cost vs. how much you will use the RV. Is renting once a year, still a better option? Do the math and be very realistic about how often you will use the RV. The cost of RV rental spaces, hookups, and fuel also needs to be factored into your decision. Only you know how much use your family will get out of a new RV, so error on the side of caution. If you do want to purchase, always check the secondhand market via Craigs List before buying brand new. There are great deals out there on used RVs at a fraction of the cost.


Whatever you decide, give RV’ing a try. The combination of camping and the luxury of having the freedom to drive anywhere with your “warm bed” is relaxing.  Have fun this summer! 

Travel Changes After Covid   January 2022

Travel in general has changed since the last few years of the covid pandemic locked us all in our homes. Here are the major changes I discovered while traveling for the first time after covid. I traveled from Phoenix to Seattle for a long weekend.



Travel has changed post covid, and until you experience it you don’t understand that statement. For me, it’s gone from a fun, lighthearted experience to one of a game of chance with lots of waiting. From the number of staff available at ticket counters, to the sheer number of passengers in airports, traveling has changed. The airlines have less crew, and it shows up in the wait for baggage and lines at check in counters. These shortages also affect the flights’ reliability.


If I had to do anything differently this recent trip, I would not check my bag. The wait at my destination seemed more than 25 minutes, and this was at 11:30PM. However, I did not want to drag my roller bag around the Sacramento airport during my layover. You need to decide how much time you are willing to wait and just be patient if you decide to check baggage.


Car Rental

The wait continued at the rental agency, who cancelled my reservation due to the flight being very late. Despite being a preferred member, I had to wait in a long line of grumpy travelers and rebook my car. Again, patience is the key to travel these days and having the flexibility to be late if your plane is delayed. My flight was 7 hours late; yes, practically a whole day! I’ll address losing that vacation time in my next article. Stay tuned.



Saying that prices have increased would be an understatement. From the food costs in airports to parking, it’s much more expensive to travel these days. I paid $50.00 to park all day in downtown Seattle (on a Sunday during a baseball playoff game.) All day was actually 5 hours, but you get the idea.  Costs for labor, food, and most services including hospitality have increased. Travelers now pay a premium for products and services including new “resort” fees which we’ve not seen in years past.


My long weekend was a lot fun! I had a day on each end of the trip to make up for any delays, which I needed. Check out my next article on the saving tips I would recommend if you were traveling these days. 

Best Travel Guides                December 2021


If you’re curious what the best books and resources a traveling librarian recommends, read on. From choosing your destination to memoirs, pick the resources that will meet your travel needs and help you navigate your trip.


Travel Guides – Think Maps


As a visual learner, who loves photos, I enjoy DK Eyewitness Travel books. These travel titles always have helpful maps and tons of current pictures.  The location is researched and updated almost yearly and many of the books can be checked out at your library!  Library cards are free of charge, and many books can also be renewed. So, take your travel guide with you and have a free resource at your fingertips. Check out other locations before you travel by visiting your local library, and the travel guides available.


Memoirs on Travel


If you’re the type of traveler, who wants to experience a place you’ve read about, then check out these books. Loosely based on the writers’ personal experiences, you’ll also get a true feel of the destination before you travel.  “Under the Tuscan Sun” is transformative book about Italy and finding yourself. Another book is Eat, Pray, Love also about Italy, but also about the regional cuisine. You get the idea though. Visit your library, and search “travel fiction” and you will be surprised how many novels based on real life travel exist. Authors to start with include. 


Elephant Journal Website

This website is a writer’s haven, and I love posting my travel articles here. There is also a treasure trove of travel experiences and ideas available for trips. What makes Elephant Journal unique is it’s also a free resource with a very personal spin on the experiences. Just search for Travel or Family travel and articles will appear that meet your criteria. I’ve personally learned some great ideas for winter travel, taking pets along, and unique destinations. Hearing about mishaps to avoid or hidden gems during a trip is what you’ll find in Elephant Journal. 


Word of Mouth

Finally, ask your friends, family, and coworkers where they’ve gone and enjoyed the most. Word of Mouth has been the best resource to learn about kid friendly spots and the times of year to travel. Be aware that someone’s best vacation, might not be yours. So, go into your travel discussions with an open mind and expectations that suit your family and travel budget. Your best vacation might be just around the corner after that business lunch. Enjoy and safe travels! 

Fall Family Fun   November 2021

The weather is cooler, the leaves are changing, and travel is getting easier. Here are some great ideas to spark your fall travel break. It doesn’t have to cost a lot to enjoy autumn and all it has to offer. So, pack the family, take off work, and enjoy nature this year.

Fall Foliage

Check out the closest areas near you that have the changing seasons and beautiful fall leaves. This map will give you not only geographic areas close by, but the amount of color change to expect. A simple car trip will set you off on the most beautiful nature adventure. Northern climates are more likely to experience fall foliage earlier than other locations. Some spots, such as deserts, will never have fall leaves. Plan a route that captures picture perfect landscapes and multiple colors. Don’t forget to take a ton of photos to remember your trip throughout the year.

Pumpkin Patches

Halloween is two months away, but why not make a weekend trip to your local pumpkin patch now. Besides picking out the perfect Jack-o-lantern, there are a ton of activities for the kids. Corn mazes, cornhole, and farm animals are plentiful at your local farm. Check out local farm stands and orchards for seasonal festivals and kid-friendly events held once a year. Socializing is getting easier, so get out there and have some fun!

Petting Zoos

Finally, think about how much fun you had as a kid at the zoo. Research petting zoos or animal sanctuaries in your area that welcome visitors. Enjoying animals is known stress reliever and a bunch of fun for kids too. Feeding schedules and the degree of interaction varies with each location. Keep expectations in check by reviewing hours of operation, mask requirements and feeding schedules. It’s a lot of fun to see animals up close and even better to feed and pet them yourself.

Let me know what your fall travel plans are as we enter the best time of year. Happy Fall Travel Everyone! 

Ghostly Getaways   October 2021

If you want a unique travel destination for a long weekend or unique getaway, have you ever visited a haunted hotel? Here are three top picks that won’t cost anything to browse and give you a feel for the old-time charm.

Hotel Del Coronado

In San Diego, California across the large expansive bridge to Coronado Island is the stately beachfront location of the Hotel Del Coronado. Built in the 1880’s the stately hotel is one of the last “wooden Victorian style resort” hotels of this time according to The “Del’s” website. The hotel also boasts an elaborate lobby, onsite shopping below and a ghostly guest that hasn’t left in over 100 years! Check out The Del’s winding hallways, and massive wooden staircase to get a feel for the old-time charm this hotel has even in today’s modern world.

Arizona Haunt

If you’re ever in Northern Arizona, enjoying the changing leaves and cooler temperatures consider a stay at the Hassayampa Inn in downtown Prescott on Gurley Street just 90 miles north of Phoenix. Surrounded by antique shops, restaurants, and cowboy saloons, the Hassayampa is a perfect place to possibly encounter a spirit from days gone by. According to the Historical Hotel’s website, a languishing ghost dressed in a pink gown has caused unexplained cries, noises and objects to move, while waiting for her newlywed husband’s return. Lots to see and do in downtown Prescott, for your next weekend getaway.

New Mexico Saloon and Hotel

The National Register of Historic Places also lists the Express St. James, in Cimarron, New Mexico as not only a beautiful destination for history buffs but also a perfect spot to encounter a ghost from the past. Built in 1872 on the old Santa Fe trail, the hotel was the lap of luxury for travelers in the 1880’s. Originally the hotel hosted a restaurant and saloon with its 43 rooms. Celebrities of the day such as Kit Carson and Buffalo Bill Cody stayed at the hotel. Now, the Express St. James is a historic hotel that boasts a resident “ghost,” you may encounter. Good luck and happy halloween!

Plan for Holiday Travel Now!   September  2021 

We have been cooped up for a couple of years. Now is the time to plan your travel for the holidays. Check out ways to make traveling this holiday season easy and a happy experience for the entire family.


To Grandmother’s House We Go?


Do you have to visit Grandma and Grandpa again this year?  Do your kids or pets make it difficult to travel over the holidays, the busiest time of year? Think about posing a new family tradition this year. Why not move the Christmas or Hannukah celebration to your home this year. You would have more time to spend at your house, hosting dinner and family members.


You could also think about coordinating with another relative in town to host the get together. Think about the ease of traveling, weather at your location, and the expense for the family. It never hurts to ask siblings and cousins if they’re up for something a little different this year.


Travel During Off Times


You should also consider your travel days if you do plan on visiting family this holiday season.  Make sure to travel during mid-week, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday rather than the weekends. Airfares are less expensive, and airports are usually less busy during these days.


Keep an eye now if you’ve not booked your tickets already. Airline prices have increased 40% in some instances. Planning now for holiday traveling early is essential to get the best price for your destination.


Put Off Traveling Until the New Year


Finally, put off your travel plans and family celebrations until January. Prices drop due to demand. You can take advantage of the winter rates, vacant airports, and less hassles if you travel in January. You might need to convince your family to put off the parties, but your sanity and wallet will thank you! 


You might want to consider combining your new “family tradition” and bring the entire family to a new destination. Tropical locations and inclusive cruises are gaining popularity for families. It’s never too late to try something totally new.  So, ask your family, “What would you like to do for the holidays this year?” 

Flying on a Float Plane   August 2021 


If you’re scared of something new, read on, because flying on a float plane cured my anxiety. Read to the end to understand how important overcoming fear can be for you.




I was never afraid of flying. I was afraid of crashing and the lack of control that comes with air travel. It’s just more pronounced when you fly on a plane, especially the smaller models. The freedom you feel when you can be transported 100 miles away in less than hour is liberating. You have no worries up in the air, flying over the water like a bird. The freedom a plane provides a traveler is like nothing else. The freedom to overcome your internal fears is also the best feeling in the world.




The pilot of our float plane ran through the safety check and evacuation plan list just like any larger aircraft. The passengers were even given ear plugs for the noise, but none of us used them. You could hear the engines and smell the exhaust a bit, but nothing unsafe. I felt so happy to see the landscape from above, making out shoreline homes and boats in the water. In a float plane, you fly low enough not to have oxygen and to see the sites below. Plus, you fly over water most of the time, so I felt very safe if we landed unexpectedly even over the water!




Having conquered my fear of smaller aircraft was the best part of my first float plane trip. I love to travel, and sometimes smaller planes are all the options available. I was able to sit next to the pilot in cockpit on the way back to Seattle! Talk about a confidence builder! Being in the cockpit next to the controls was the best experience to see up close all that happens while flying.


The pilot navigated with shoreline in view, following shipping channels keeping level and steady. We increased our altitude due to some cloud cover, to minimize the bumps. But the birds eye view I had from my co-pilot’s seat was worth every worry I ever had. It was very liberating to see first hand how everything worked up front. I felt so empowered and just plain happy to be conquering my fear of small aircraft.  


My trip seemed to fly by, literally! When we descending into Lake Union from our trip from Canada, it seemed to have gone by so fast. But that 45-minute float plane flight was the absolute best reason to try my next big adventure. Whether its solo traveling or trying a new country, get out of your comfort zone and conquer those fears. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain!  Do something that scares you and feel the difference in conquering your next personal challenge. 

Camping Gear Basics July 2021

Camping is a great way for families to bond and enjoy the great outdoors.  However, choosing the right gear for a family summer trip can be overwhelming, especially your first time. Here are key pieces of gear to have when planning your next camping trip.

Quality Tent

A quality tent is a must for any camping trip. When choosing a tent for your family, consider the number of people who will be sleeping in it. In addition, ask yourself where are you and your family camping? Does the tent need to provide extra protection from other extreme elements? A tent that allows you to stand up inside is a good option. For backpacking, a smaller and lighter tent is ideal. Make sure to also pay attention to the tent's ventilation, to ensure that you stay cool and comfortable during hot summer nights.

Sleeping Bags

A good night's sleep is essential for any camping trip, and that means having the right sleeping gear. Sleeping bags come in different sizes and temperature ratings. Be sure to choose one that's appropriate for the weather conditions you'll be camping in and hiking

Sleeping pads (under the bag) provide insulation and comfort too.  Sleeping pads come in different types, such as self-inflating, closed-cell foam, and air pads.

Ice Chest

A good cooler or ice chest, as I like to call them, is an essential piece of camping gear for families. It will keep your food and drinks cold and fresh, even in the hottest summer weather. Look for an ice chest with good insulation and a sturdy construction. You should consider the size of the cooler, based on the number of people in your group.

 In addition, do you have any other method to cool your food such as a near by stream or camp store. These other conveniences will also determine the size of your ice chest for the trip.

Camp Stove

A camping stove is a must-have piece of equipment when camping with families. Stoves allow you to cook hot meals and have coffee or tea in the morning. There are many different types of camp stoves available. Your budget will determine from basic propane model to a more advanced stove that runs on different types of fuel.


Camping in the wilderness can be an adventure and a fun experience, but it comes with the need for light. Headlamps and flashlights are essential for finding your way around the campsite at night. Bring extra batteries and make sure they are working before you leave for your trip. One flashlight per person, even for the kids, is a good number to have on hand.  You never know when batteries will fail or an emergency comes up.

Camping with your family is fun with the right gear. These items will ensure that you have a comfortable and safe camping experience. Keep in mind that your camping gear should be comfortable, durable, and appropriate for your type of camping. Keep in mind the weather conditions you'll be facing too.  

With the right gear, your family can enjoy the great outdoors and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Solo Travel Is Popular - Here's Why!   June 2021


Have you ever wanted to take a trip but had no one to travel with on your dream vacation? Solo travel or taking trips on your own is increasing in popularity. Keep reading for tips on traveling by yourself, staying safe, and saving money as a single tourist.


Saving as a Single Traveler


Booking accommodations for any trip cab still be very economical if you know the travel sources to check out. Hostels and many YMCA’s provide very economical methods to book lodging while traveling. You only must please yourself, so keep looking if your first room or location isn’t quite what you were expecting. While not luxurious, the basics and vital necessities are met when you book through Hostels Worldwide. You will often share cooking or restroom facilities with other like travelers while saving a great deal of money.




If sharing a room isn’t quite your comfort level, then consider cruising as a single to try out solo traveling.  The basic upcharge for a single room on a cruise ranges from $1600 on up. The advantage of cruising solo is the built-in like-minded travelers, preplanned activities, and safer accommodations than a lone hotel. Consider traveling during off season, such as in September for an Alaskan destination. Last minute bookings are also usually a great time to save money if your travel dates are flexible. With covid, the cruise industry is just regaining traction on trips so check websites often for deals.



Serenity of Solo Travel


If your goal for the new year is peace and relaxation, then solo travel is for you. Nothing builds your confidence more than navigating a trip on your own.  Plus, you get to choose the sights to see, food to eat, and the vibe for the day.  Start off with a destination 8 hours or less for your first solo trip. Use transportation you’re comfortable navigating.  Whether it’s by train, plane or driving yourself, your stress will be less with a method you’re confident using. This way you won’t be exhausted and still be up for locating your lodging and plan for the next day.  Enjoy a meal of your choice and eat at your leisure planning the agenda for the next few days. Don’t set your alarm, but wake up when your body is ready to compensate for any time changes. Giving your body the rest, it needs is the best advice for any solo traveler on a successful journey.   


Solo and Safe


Traveling alone is just as safe as traveling with others if you take the necessary precautions. Be sure to know your destination and research the sites ahead of time. Have a flexible plan and itinerary you can share with someone back home. In addition,  keep in touch with that person daily so you can be reached if needed. Besides keeping your valuables back home, stash credit cards, cash and your passport in a separate location while traveling. I also keep a copy of those important documents with the person at home, just in case of theft.  You want to be able to travel back home and without ID, a copy is your best bet.


Finally, maintain a healthy, happy attitude while visiting your new destination. Join other tours for day trips and social interaction if you’re craving people. Staying in a good frame of mind and being rested will keep you alert, aware and ready for the next activity.  Have fun and best of luck on your next solo adventure! 

Seven Books That Inspire Travel     May  2021

Whenever and however you first meet Jack Kerouac’s classic, it’s bound to be a life-altering experience, especially if you’re already someone itching to take the All-American Road Trip for yourself. A journey in search of satisfaction, a delicate balance between self-discovery and self-indulgence, a look at America from top to bottom and inside out — Kerouac’s novel is all that and more. If you like road trips, the Beat Generation, 1940s to 1950s Americana, and a whole lot of jazz, Kerouac’s novel is a must.

A Moveable Feast

Translated into French as Paris est une Fête, Ernest Hemingway’s classic is part-memoir, part travelogue, and part ode to one of the most dazzling literary and artistic scenes in modern history — Paris during the Lost Generation. Within its pages, you’ll find F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald, a trip to Spain (it is Hemingway, after all), Gertrude Stein, artists, models, a whole lot of drinking (again, Hemingway), and a glittering picture of a now-legendary literary era.

Down and Out in Paris and London

For a very different image of Paris, consider George Orwell’s classic treatise on poverty and rough-living in the French and British capitals. In Orwell’s book, you won’t find the big landmarks that permeate many modern showoff-y travelogues, but instead an account of how people on the fringes of society get by in these modern metropolises and how they’re treated. If you’re a conscientious consumer who cares deeply about socioeconomic issues, want a more authentic and less polished travelogue, or are simply short on cash yourself, Orwell as your travel companion is sure to be “more equal than others.”

The Jane Austen Society

For those of an Austenian Persuasion looking for a markedly different image of England, try Natalie Jenner’s lush look at the English countryside that inspired one of Britain’s best authors. From her home in Chawton (now a museum) to the rolling fields of English greenery, it’s an image of England overflowing with Sense and Sensibility.

In a Sunburned Country

Bill Bryson is one of the most celebrated travel writers today, and this book is no different. With his trademark humor, Bryson tackles Australia’s many sun-drenched hotspots.

A Year in Provence

If you feel the French countryside calling your name, you might want to consider Peter Mayle’s account of his year-long stay in Provence. Full of earnestness and French cuisine, it’s sure to leave you hungry to explore the area itself, wine, cheese, and all.

A Room with a View

E.M. Forster’s Edwardian literary classic is a short but essential read for any lover of Italy. An examination of art, gender, and Italian versus English culture, Forster’s life-affirming love story doubles as a great travel guide to Florence. The Duomo, the Loggia dei Lanzi, the Arno, the Tuscan countryside, the art — it’s all here. (Although the novel itself knocks traveling via Baedeker travel guides, if you want an older, more Romantic Italian travelogue, try Goethe’s Italienische Reise.)